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Let's talk about realistic moves.... and What would you do..

I want to know what would you do in the draft...


You knew the plan was to get:


Dally via Overlarge contract.

and Earl Watson

out of free agency...

That would mean that we would have:

Dally, Swift, Smoove, Chillz, Harrington, Diaw, Donta, Watson, Delk, Ivey Drobs, Collier..... Under contract with the possibility of no guarantee to Donta and Ivey.

What would you do on Draft night if you were BK (1st and 2 2nds)?

Who would be your starting 5?

Who if anybody would you trade?

Whoose contract would you eat?

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i'd trade harrington for another first

i'd draft bogut first, a pg with one of the 2 other firsts and best available with the remainder of the picks...

i'd dump/trade collier, but keep drobs

i'd keep ivey/donta

u can't draft for the summer plan, cause u may not sign anyone...

if we did make those signings:






that's 12 spots, with one more for our other first rounder...

on IL is collier/ekezie

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Depends on whether we have the first pick or not. For our purposes I will assume we do. If I am the GM and I decide after the NCAA tournament that Bogut is number 1, then I still try and sign Dalembert but pass on Swift. If I can't get Dalembert, my next choice is Kwame, then Swift. Reason is I start Dalembert and Al at the 5 and 4 respectively with Bogut backing up both positions.

If I draft Bogut number one, then Watson is definitely a priority signing because there is no guarantee that a late first rounder would be ready to start.

If I decide Paul is my guy in the draft, then no Watson because Watson is no signing here - he wants to start. Then, I really want Dalembert at center. Swift, I am not sure about. Is he any better then Harrington? I am not so sure, particularly for this team because Harrington's scoring will be more important then Swift's defense if you already have a solid defender at center.

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here's why you spend on swift. He's still a young guy, can play the pf or c position. He's proven that he can play his game without a 'big center' (opposite of Theo), blocks shots, and takes shots (generally) within the flow of the game, getting putbacks and finishing on the break.

No, he won't ever be your 'cornerstone', but he's a great piece, especially if the offense is going to flow (primarily) through other players...

he's an urFA as well. huge bonus there. If they match, they get him, we set our price. if not...well, here's to our new 4/5 swingman.

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I don't know if you waste a number #1pick on a pointguard that isn't going to be Steve Francis or Allen Iverson. Like I said in my post on Draft Talk if I wasn't sold on Bogut I would trade down and pick up two picks for the #1spot. If we get the pick from the Lakers this year I would look to move that pick for a young veteran player to help the team if not I would probably pick up a player like Jack that already has a high IQ in how to run a team and play the game.

My picks If we traded down.


Gerald Green

Shelden Williams

Jarret Jack


Nate Robinson


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he's an urFA as well. huge bonus there. If they match, they get him, we set our price. if not...well, here's to our new 4/5 swingman.

I am confused. It seems like that is something you would say about an RFA. In that case, the team has a chance to match our offer...that's the restriction on his free agency. Since he's unrestricted, he can choose to sign with whomever he wants regardless. His team has no restrictions on him.

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Memphis cannot match Swift. If he signs with us, he signs with us, there is no offer sheet. That's the reason why we didn't sign him to an offer sheet last summer. I think BK has wanted Swift for all the reasons you mentioned.

I have heard several times and am starting to believe that Swift and Watson are on BK's list and he probably will get them. I think Dally is a possibility, especially now with Big Money Webber in the mix. If we overpay, we can get him.

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I'm thinking the team that BK wants to put out there next year will have:

Dally, Swift, Chillz, and Watson on it.

The last piece could be Harrington or Smoove but i am of the belief that Chillz is a better 3 than he is a 2 and we just might go after a strong 2.

Unfortunately, I don't think that BK would try to build a team via FAcy.. I think he's a draft dog for sure..... So I doubt that he would trade picks for players. The Psychology there is that drafted players are always cheaper than FAs and you have lots of flexibility with drafted players.

However, I would love to make some moves with say Harrington and see about getting a shooter in here.

Recently I heard that we had interest in RadMan. I have to doubt the validity of that one but who knows...

I'm hoping for:

Dally, Swift, Chillz, Hughes, Watson if we go that route...

But there's always the possibility of us getting Kwame instead of Swift because N.O. will come with their big money to get Swift too.

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I think it's very likely we sign three good players, probably two bigs and a guard, and draft three good players, who knows what position, just best available. This team has not came together so I bet many of the non building block players will be gone next year. Hopefully we'll retain Willis as an assistant. Collier, Ekezie, Delk, Donta? havent done much this year. Ivey?

There's so many good point guards to draft that I bet we at least get one (maybe not until the second round) but it would not shock me if we took a European or some other surprise a pick or two. What if we blow the lottery and get the second pick and Williams and Paul dont come out? MartyA?

Here's what I'd like to see:

Hughes, Diaw, Nate Robinson(1st 2nd rounder)

Chillz, JSmoove, Green (High Schooler with second 1st)

Harrington, JSmoove, Donta

Bogut, Harrington, Swift, Drobnjak

Dalembert, Bogut, Swift, Drobnjak

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every other GM in the league are, according to the last article from Chad Ford. They all seem to claim he is Jason Kidd without the size. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that he will be a star. If we can sign Dalembert and Kwame, plus Joe Johnson or Kyle Korver as our FAs, then Paul would make perfect sense. I see no reason to think that wouldnt be the best course of action. I like Bogut, but I am nowhere near as sold on him as I am on Paul. Of course, if I thought I could get the PG Williams from Illinois with our 2nd pick (which I doubt) then I might go ahead and pick Bogut with the top pick.

Interesting note about Korver. If I read the Insider article correctly today, the Sixers can only match up to a certain amount for Korver so if we wanted to get this guy who is on the verge of breaking out we can do it pretty easily. He would be a great 6th man IMO. Having him and Kwame as our 6th and 7th guys off the bench would be awesome.

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That's true on Korver. Bird rights don't apply because he isn't a 3+ year player, so they can't pay him anything they want. Also, teams can only match anything on RFA's when they are first round picks (4 years). If they are 2nd rounders, like Korver, their contracts are often up after the 2nd year, and they can only pay somewhere around the exception. That's how the Warriors lost Gilbert Arenas; they could only pay him something like 40 over 6 years.

However, we shouldn't even think about paying Korver that sort of money. Anything over 4 million per year for 4 years is excessive.

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I think that with Johnson, Redd, and Allen all being out there in the FA market and all being regarded more highly than Korver, there could be a chance that we could sneak in and get him on Day 1 at midnight while Billy is there visiting with Dalembert. That would be a great trip to bring the both of them to the ATL wouldnt it? Then all we need is to get Kwame and we would be set. I know some are against him, but since he has gotten healthy he is playing much better, is still very young, and considering he is only removed by 2 years from the iron fist of Jordan he still has a lot of room to get better.

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So IN Short.....

Draft Day...

1st pick Paul.

2nd round Picks: Granger/Head.

First day FAcy:

Overpay Dally.

Swap Al for Kwame.

Sign Korver to a deal...

Our team would be:




off the bench?

I say this first because I doubt that the Lakers make the playoffs this yr so we have 1 pick.

I can agree with these moves. I think Paul will be a superstar in this league. The other day against NCSt, he again showed clutch play. He knows how to play the game and he has skills.

I think Kwame is a guy who we should go after because of his ability and size. He may be the new J. Oneal. With the right coaching, he could be a manchild reborn.

Dally is starting to grow on me. With the failure of Webber to conform to O'Brien, I think that Philly might not go far into the playoffs.. If that's the case, I doubt that they would spend big money to match a big contract on Dally, especially if they have to pay Luxury taxes.

Getting Korver should be easier being that they can only spend what they have in the cap. It's like how Cleveland lost Boozer.

I say you trade Al for Kwame...The reason, I doubt that Washington lets Kwame go that easily. Secondly, I think Al would help them at the PF/SF spots therefore they would do it. I don't think Washington have any real wants of Kwame but they do want some value for him.

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I would think that your goto guy will be either Paul or Chillz. I think we are just scratching the surface on Chillz ability. I see leadership in him and he may be a clutch player too.

What I don't like about the proposal is Korver as a SG. I don't know if that's a great fit for him but I would take it.

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I know a lot of you guys as well as a lot of the media have decided that Dalembert is the best RFA big man prospect out there but I think Curry has the most upside of the bunch. He is just so big and agile for a guy his size. In fact, I'd take Curry, Brown and Chandler and MAYBE Swift over Dalembert for the same money (though I think Brown and Swift will be cheaper than the other 3). If I am going to overpay for a big man, I'd rather that big man be able to give me AT LEAST 15 ppg or dominate defensively like Mutombo and I don't see Dalembert being able to do either of those things.

My ideal scenario would have us drafting either Bogut, Paul or Williams (depending on who BK decides is the best player regardless of position - I haven't decided yet) and signing Curry and Brown (or Swift) as FAs. We would have a LOT of options from there. If the Lakers somehow sneak into the playoffs, it would be even better. I could see a lineup of:


Brown(or Swift)/Smoove


Childress/Kennedy Winston/Delk

Chris Paul/Ivey



Harrington/Brown(or Swift)

Marvin Williams/Smoove


Jarrett Jack/Ivey



Brown(or Swift)/Drobnjak




The only thing I don't like about the above scenarios is the lack of outside shooting. That being said, you can't get everything you need in one offseason. The following year, Harrington, Delk, Collier and possibly Diaw and Ivey all come off the books. We could address our shooting needs at that time, particularly if Smoove continues to develop as we all think he will.

One last thing. Chad Ford indicates on Insider that we have a Team Option on Drobnjak this year. If that is the case and we were able to land both Curry and Brown, I would not bring Drobs back. I would use that money on a vet PG.

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The reason why I say overpay for Dally is because I believe that Philly would give less of a fight for Dally than Chicago for Curry.

Aside from Dally, Philly has unrestricted FAs Korver and Green to try to keep. They can only use MLE's to sign them being that they are so far over the cap. I think that they would do that. However, if we pay Dally something that starts at 7.5 Million or 8, I think that Philly would give him up. NO doubt.

Curry and Chandler on the other hand are less of a sure thing. I think if we gave Curry or Chandler an offer sheet starting at 9 or 10, Chicago matches and then trade him by the deadline.

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