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Another loss by coach Woodsen


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We let another game slip away from us and I blame Coach Woodsen for the plays he ran down the stretch. On 2 consecutive plays we had Harrington setting up on the High Post going one on one and the 2nd time it cost us a basket and possibly the game. Woodsen should have had Harrington in the post where he is bette at playing. We settled for one on one plays where we should of either been dumping it in the post for AL or we should have been moving the ball around to find a open man or someone cutting to the basket. I am not saying Woodsen is a bad coach(he doesn't have much to work with) but he himself has alot to learn.

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I question his substitution sequence at the end of the game also. The 5 that were on the floor were the same 5 that were on since about 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. This was also the same group Woody played the entire 4th quarter last night. I watched the Celtics and Doc was constantly rotating to keep his guys fresh. I don't know if Woody doesn't have confidence in anyone else or if he just feels those guys are head and shoulders better, but as the 4th quarter came to a close, it looked like our guys were dragging. This was the 2nd night of a back to back and the same group of 5 guys squandered another lead and ultimately the game. Maybe Woody will try a different combination next game.

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I have to agree. Woodson lost he Milwaukee game by making the wrong substitutions at the wrong time. He took out the lineup that was very effective defensively and offensively against Milwaukee and they proceeded to lose with his substitution.

He did the same with Boston.

Woodson is losing us a lot of these games people!!!His substitution patterns are very questionable at the wrong times.

We have the talent to win some of these close games, now it is going to take excellent coaching to get a game or two in the win column. We have been in every game except one since Walker was traded and we should have won at least 3 of them.

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Yup, these losses are perfect for our longterm interests. Eventually the team will start to get down on itself but all the new faces we'll be bringing in will help turn that attitude around. Actually I'd like to see us close the season winning 3 of 5 or something like that but still keeping the worst record. One key will be losing to NO and Charlotte when we play them.

I do worry that we dont have a go to guy down the stretch and it will be hard to sign/draft one. I'd bet we'll be more of a shutdown defense down the stretch team instead, hopefully.

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Shut down defense is our best hope. That's why the #1 guy on my wish list for free agency is Tyson Chandler. I do have some concerns because of his injury history that he could become the next Theo Ratliff. But he is a better rebounder than Theo ever was, and is much more active on the floor. He could be our version of Ben Wallace. We must offer this guy a contract at least, but I think the Bulls will resign both Chandler and Curry. Still, we can force the Bulls to pay more than they wanted to, and we have to at least try to sign them.

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The mear fact that we are not being blown out by no team lets you know that we are some kind of contender. Most of the games we start out on top so we have some talent out there. I would love to see some wins but I really understand our losses. By some sort of fortune be it bad or good. I am not able to see the Hawks play this season. I am stuck in Grizzle/Tiger land until May and I have been here since July. They only Hawks game I have been to is the Grizzly preseason game. They only games I see on TV are the ones I catch on the weekends I am home. So the losses are not as fustrating to me as those that would watch all the games. But I will be there next year to watch them all. Hopefuly we will not be focusing on rebuilding next year.

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probably right in a truly technical sense of the word. We've secured our cap room, drafted a decent group of young players and one-semi vet. With the discarding of Antoine, we moved from 'arguably' a similar composition of Reef/JT (minus Dog) (a team that had 'proven players' and some up and comers that could possibly compete) to a team that is now young both in age and experience.

the next 'big acquisition' that BK makes, whenever that may be, will determine the true 'direction' of this franchise. Be that in developing JSmoove and surrounding him with talent or bringing in an 'outsider' to shore up the young pups.

It will be an interesting off season, that much is for certain...

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What are you talking about??? Yes I know this team is not talented enough to win most of their games, but they are talented enough to win some of their games, especially the 3 of the last 5 games they played.

All of those games they were winning 95% of the game and would have won 2 to 3 of those game if not for Woodson's questionable substitutions at key stretches of the game.

Listen I want the 1st pick of the draft too, but I don't want to set any franchise records for losing streaks either. We need to win a game here or there for confidence reason only, not to move down in the draft. We have a nice cushion to get the most lottery balls that we can pull a game or two out for a win. It will do wonders for confidence and growth of our young guys. They need to know that they can win without Walker....and they can!!! Win but stay in last place is the goal.

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We'll agree to disagree. If we had a legitimate NBA starter at a couple key positions (point guard for instance), we would never be in a position to have to go to Al Harrington at the end of the game to make a play with the ball in his hands. The fact that we're in these games at all is a tribute to the coaching.

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