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Larry Hughes


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I no he isn't necessarily a PG but I really want him in a Hawks uniform. I thought that maybe since Childress (he is a SG) and Harrington can both handle the ball pretty well that having a pure PG wasn't a necessity but having a PG that can shoot is. I think Hughes can makeup for not having a deep threat at SG.

Larry Hughes

Josh Childress

Josh Smith

Al Harrington

Andrew Bogut

I don't know about Bogut, just thought I'd put him in there but I really like the thought of adding Larry. I know Washington is going to break the bank for him but I'd be willing to give him more money than any of these Centers we are thinking about overpaying. At least we know Hughes can be a legit 18-20 PPG scorer from the perimeter while not hurting our defensive efforts. If I'm Atlanta, Larry Hughes is #1 on offseason priorities. I'm just not ready to throw $50+ Million at a guy like Dalembert or Swift when a productive guy like Hughes could probably be had for not much more. Do you think 6 yr. 50 Million is too much? Maybe. Let's see what Washington wants to do. Is Hughes a RFA or UFA?

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I know Washington is going to break the bank for him but I'd be willing to give him more money than any of these Centers we are thinking about overpaying. At least we know Hughes can be a legit 18-20 PPG scorer from the perimeter while not hurting our defensive efforts. If I'm Atlanta, I'm just not ready to throw $50+ Million at a guy like Dalembert or Swift when a productive guy like Hughes could probably be had for not much more.

Well you do kinda need a few big people on you basketball team don't you think?

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Yeah I just checked on Hughes' shooting percentages and they were a lot lower than I would have guessed. Joe Johnson is definitely the better 3-PT shooter but I just said Hughes because he seems more capable of playing the point if you wanted a big lineup.

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Well you are certainly correct. We need a solid big man. I'm just still debating whether it will come from Daly, Swift, Kwame or one of the Chicago kids. It's one of those things that you either hit jackpot or end up with an Alan Henderson like contract. Fortunately, I trust BK to make the right decision. It's definitely a tough one. Regarding the Al Harrington situation, I don't really know what position he excels at but I do like the way he's been playing here lately. He has definitely stepped up as a leader. I wouldn't trade him away just to pick up another draftpick and get some highschooler. Out of the big men available this offseason, the one that seems to be less publicized seems to be Kwame. Could we somehow get him for a good price compared to the others? I'd imagine Washington would match. Maybe we'll come after both Larry and Kwame and Washington pay up for one and hope the other one is let go. Is Earl Watson really a guy you think we are after?

Earl Watson

Josh Childress

Al Harrington

Kwame Brown

Andrew Bogut

??????????? Is that something we might see next season?

I will say that I think Googs and Ekezie are both worthy of being brought back as BU's.

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they were saying that he could be the next Magic because he was tall and they thought he would be able to play some point because he is or was a very good passer. I dont think he is a good enough penetrator though to play the point.

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actually, johnson is a better 3pt shooter AND point than hughes...he played point successfully when marbury was traded...

hughes is better at defense tho...but he's more of a slasher, which is what chill is...but i'd still like to have hughes...just worried that him and chill would be a lil too much alike...

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That's the thing I like about Chillz. He seems like the type that will make himself effective no matter who he is playing with. Great job BK. No doubt he is the better player compared to Deng/Iggy. I guess I'm just a fan of smart basketball. I don't need the big #'s. Childress is the type that I see winning a championship before the other two, personally.

Maybe I'm wrong with Hughes. Just for some reason here lately I've been thinking he'd be a good addition.

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he would be a good addition

just ur comparisons are off, as johnson is the better pg and outside shooter...but hughes is the better defender and pure scorer...he also rebounds better i think

Just to be clear, Hughes was a point guard when he came into the league and was a point guard his one year in college. Hughes was drafted by Philly to be the tall point guard to go with Iverson but it never worked out, in part because both needed the ball a little too much. Hughes is so effective in Washington because he is able to take some of the ballhandling and distributing load from Arenas.

Johnson came into the league as a guy who had the skill to maybe play the point.

I would not want either to run the point exclusively as it would not be playing to their strengths.

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And Childress is not a 2.

If you notice, Hughes game did not evolve until people stop trying to play him as a PG and let him play the SG. Both GS and Philly failed to play him correctly.

Washington was smart enough toget Arenas and are benefitting from the way they play.

Just because you want Smoove on the floor, does not change what other people are. Chillz is not a 2. Hughes is not a 1. It's ridiculous.

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