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Could a draftee refuse to come here?


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I was suggesting to a friend at work the players that the Hawks might consider like (Deron Williams, Sean May, Bogut etc.) He says none of those players would not want to come here to the Atlanta. I told him they have no choice on whether or not they want to come to a team. He brought up the Eli Manning deal in football. Saying that just how Eli Manning didnot want to got to the chargers a person like Williams or May coming from a winning school wouldn't want to come to the Hawks. He tried to say that the #1pick has alot of pull in his options of what team they want to sign with. Could that be the case? that a high profile rookie would not want to come to a team like the Hawks who might not win but 11 or 12games this season? I remember Jay Williams parents making a comment to ESPN some years ago that they hope their son doesn't get picked by the Hawks. Are we that sad of a franchise that not only veteran free agents do not want to sign but a rookie out of college as well?

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a player can do that. Though memory fails me right now (perhaps Steve Francis?), a drafted player can 'refuse to sign' with a team; during this time, the player cannot play for another team. The 'original' organization can trade his rights, and the player then sign with the subsequent team, allowing for the proper salary cap/CBA rules and regulations.

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I am not sure what the answer is; but if that is the case why would we waste our time loosing to get a high draft pick when there is a great chance they do not waht to play with us. If it were true then I wonder if we are trying to win all those games we are loosing are we that bad off?

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It won't happen. Only a primadonna (see: Kobe Bryant) behaves in that way, and I don't see any primadonnas in this draft. Besides, we're a franchise in a whole new situation with new goals and strategies. And we're in a great town. If there is any team that that could happen, it would be NO, because Shinn is the worst owner ever, and no team of his will ever go anywhere (except from town to town when the cities turn on him). And even then it won't happen

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Yup Steve was the last player that I know of to act like that, but ofcourse you can express the way you feel about any team.

A team can tell alot during the NBA workouts, if a player doesn't accept a invite.

Bogut most likely would love to play for the Jazz, but the Jazz will have to trade their first round choice, along with others to have the chance to select Bogut. They better have some luck on their side.......

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The Bogut-Jazz thing is way overblown like the Howard-Hawks thing was. The player likes where he lives and states that it would be nice to stay there. In both cases, they haven't lived anywhere in the US (I believe). They're both nice, respectful kids determined to help whoever drafts them. This is of no concern to me.

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Eric Lindros did the same thing in the NHL. He refused to go to the Quebec Nordiques after they drafted him #1. They traded his rights to Philly. The players they got in return helped turn the Colorado Avalanche (Quebec moved to Denver) into Stanely Cup Champions.

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Lindros at the time was considered a once in a lifetime prospect, Bogut is not. I highly doubt any player would refuse to come to Atlanta. Infact, Atlanta would likely be an attractive destination for many because of its new south cosmopolitan vibe. Heck, if someone is willing to go to Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, Charlotte, New Orleans, Toronto, or Memphis they are going to be willing to go to Atlanta.

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It sounds like your friend is buying into the 'Hawks hating' mentality.

You know,

' No FA's will ever sign with the Hawks'

'The Hawks will never be good.'

'No draft picks will want to come to Atlanta.'

There is very little precedent for that sort of thing in the NBA. Kobe and Francis are the only guys to refuse to play for their team, but you could've guessed it based on their character going in. Bogut is not that type of guy and neither is Sean May. Deron Williams is the same. The only guy in the draft that might refuse is McCants, but I don't want anything to do with him.

If you give a guy a 12 million dollar contract when he's never seen that kind of scratch, he's going to be excited, at least initially.

Also, why did Childress and Smoove seem so excited to play here? Why did Al Harrington seem eager to play here? Why did Walker say that he hoped to stay right until the end and EVEN AFTER HE LEFT?

All this anti-Hawks stuff is too much. The team is rebuilding. That does not mean it is the worst place to play basketball. Far from it.

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Any player drafted can refuse to play for that team after being drafted. They have to sit out for an entire year, after which point...my memory is a little fuzzy but I believe at that point they can re-enter the draft. I don't believe that they become a free agent.

Thing is though...guys that are supertalented usually end up with the worst teams in the league because they are the ones with the high picks. So if a guy doesn't want to play for one abysmal franchise, he'll have to play for another.

Normally, it has to do with locale and less to do with the franchise. A guy might REALLY want to play for an East Coast team and press real hard for a draft day deal...or, in the case of Franchise, a guy might simply want to play in the US.

For the most part though, coming to a bad franchise is a blessing for these guys. A) They get to come to the NBA and play big minutes right away, B) they get to make a name for themself and C) they usually get entrusted with the future of a franchise. Turning around a losing franchise appeals to these guys...as a matter of fact, just MAKING it to the NBA appeals to these guys.

So...like most have already stated, it is a RARITY that a player refuses to go to a given sitution. And with rookie salaries now set in stone, whomever the Hawks pick there is a 99.9% chance that he will be signed.

Tell your friend he is ass full of sh!t as he can possibly be.

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Like Wretch said, it's highly unlikely. Most folks come to the NBA (especially out of HS) for the money. Most kids wouldn't turn down millions because they don't like the team that drafted them. Eli Manning was a rare situation b/c his family was already millionaires. He didn't have to worry about money as much as someone who is coming from your normal middle class family.

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Thanks for the advice. I figured he was just trying to discourage me since he knows I am a big Hawks fan.

Such are the hardships of being a hawks fan. I find that it works best when you start with "look I know the hawks suck, but..." and then drop some science. I doubt any major sports team in the US has so little support. Are there even any contenders?

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