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Bogut or Paul?????


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This is a good question, because this is something which we will talk about for next 2 months.

Do we choose Bogut, a 7 footer, 245 lbs, 20 years old with so much to learn, a center we desperately need, that just absolutely dominated the collegiate game this year and the MWC.


Do we choose Paul, an undersize PG with great playmaking skills, shoots the ball extremely well, that on his defense played against the best PG's in the country in the ACC (Felton, Jack, Gilchrist)

My choice will be Bogut, you can't teach size and these days is so hard to find a talented big man like him. Is so much easier to find a PG, and this draft is full of then and I am sure we can work something out to get one of them. Thats my take on this situation.

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If we can somehow get another 1st round pick we can accomplish getting both a pg and c. There are so many quality point guards in this years draft there is no reason we couldn't get one with the second 1st round pick. I would be happy with Bogut and Jack.

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And if we can't get Jack, then we can get Gilchrist in the second round just like NBAdraft.net has him going. Even Nate Robinson, he is also a playmaker and he is the same size as Paul or maybe just an inch smaller, but his scouting report says that he can really leap.

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I don't think it is very easy finding a true franchise point guard. To me the two best points guards in the league are Kidd and Nash based on the impact they have on their teamates level of play. If the Hawks think Paul or Deron Williams have that type of ability, then by all means I am behind drafting them ahead of Bogut.

I think Bogut will be good but he does not strike me as a franchise maker in the O'Neil or Duncan sense, or even a dominant presence along the lines of Patrick Ewing, Alonzo Mourning, David Robinson or Hakeem. I only saw a few of Bogut's games but he did not, to my untrained eye, exhibit the defensive presence that the aforementioned centers did at the college level, at that defensive presence is what made them all so good. Ewing, Robinson, Mourning, etc. scared people in a way that Bogut does not do.

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Paul looks like he could be a solid player. But I don't see him being a star. lets be honest here. In the college game, speed and quickness will do a lot to offset a lack of height. Even at his realistic 5'10" he's not particularly undersized in the college game. In the pro game, he's going to be at a big disadvantage. Being undersized really only works when you're an exceptional scorer (think AI). Paul is not an exceptional scorer and doesn't have anything on his resume to suggest that he will become one. He's really more like Brevin Knight with more quickness. Not that Brevin is a bad player. But he's not a top 5 pick either.

On the other hand you have a 7'+ guy that can shoot, pass, rebound and score, both inside and out. He also may not become a star. But his skillset and size are a rare item in the NBA. Far more rare than an undersized PG that can run an offense and play the passing lanes.

You just don't pass all that up for an undersized guard who isn't extraordinary in any of his skills.

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I don't know. This is a strange draft for me because it seems as though EVERYBODY has issues.

Bogut has questions about his quickness, defense, and his ability to play against NBA comp.

Paul and his size...

Deron Williams and his lack of quickness...

Felton and his turnovers...or whatever it is that's scaring people.

Taft and his work ethic/desire

Martynas Andkslfjdiuklsjdjfoius and his who the hell/f#ck/[censored]/what is he?

The only guy that I see without questions is Marvin Williams...but then the question for us is do we take another swingman? And is he even coming out?

Personally, I think Deron Williams is our guy...just because BK likes size. I like Willaims, but I don't know that I like his game better than Paul. I think Paul has the best chance out of everybody to be an impact player, but his size might scare teams from making him the top choice.

This is a very tough draft for me to call. I think my choice is either Paul or Williams.

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Bogut has questions about his quickness, defense, and his ability to play against NBA comp.

he doesn't have any more questions about ability to play against NBA comp than ANY OTHER ROOKIE...u never know how college/hs stars will do against NBA comp...and Bogut has at least proven himself against DUNCAN, the best player in the league...matching him pt for pt, reb for reb

and his defense is fine, just not duncanesque or prime-mutumbo...

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To me it says a lot when ALL the mock drafts have Bogut going to us at the #1. That says that 1. they recognize his talent to be worthy of the pick, #2 they recognize that he fills a huge need for us or #3 they recognize that he is the clear cut #1 pick.

It also says a lot that everyone who gets mentioned here as a possible pick is being compared to him. Nobody is saying "do we take Paul or Williams" or "Do we take Williams or Green" it's "do we take Bogut or insertnamehere". That comes from not only his fans. But also people, like Diesel, who admit to not thinking that highly of him.

But really, everyone in the draft has question marks. There is no player in the draft that has done enough to deserve a "future superstar" tag. That includes Marvin Williams AND Bogut. So all things considered, you take the rarest, most hard to find commodity.

I'm still 100% open minded about the draft. I'm not putting myself in the position I did last year, where I set myself on taking one player and we take another and I'm disappionted with it. I really think we'll get teh #1 or at worst #2 pick and I want us to get the most out of it.

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Here is kind of how I am viewing it. Would you rather have Delembert or Curry and Paul or Bogut and Watson. I would have rather have Dalembert or Curry and Paul. I think long term they would be a much better combination. I think Watson is decent but that is all he ever will be and I think he is better suited as a back up player.

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oh how nice it would be to trade something to get a shot at Bogut AND Deron Williams.

"With the first pick in the 2005 NBA Draft, the Atlanta Hawks select... Andrew Bogut from the University of Utah"

"Before we get to the third pick of the 2005 NBA Draft, we have a trade. The Los Angeles Clippers trade their third pick and Corey Maggette to the Atlanta Hawks for Al Harrington, this years 31st and the rights to a future 1st by way of the Los Angeles Lakers."

"With the third pick in the 2005 NBA Draft, the Atlanta Hawks select... Deron Williams from the University of Illinois"

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I doubt the Clippers would do it. This trade is heavily in favor of the Hawks. Trading a future 1st and a second round pick would not net us the 3rd overall pick. Also, the Clippers would not trade Magette straight up for Harrington.

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Guest Walter


Bogut has fewer concerns about his defense than Paul does. Paul allowed ACC Pgs to average 3.4 more PPG and shoot 8% higher against him than for the season. Moreover, at 5'10" he will be 4"-5" shorter than the average NBA Pg. He plays the passing lanes and gets steals only. He simply cannot stop his man even at the college level. Deron Williams? Now there is a defender. 1 SPG. Yes, only that, but he SHUTS HIS MAN DOWN while defending the opposition's best offensive player!

Bogut on the otherhand the top 8 centers on Utah's schedule scored 3.8 PPG less, got 3.8 fewer rebounds (50% LESS!), and shot a 9.1% lower FG% against Bogut than they did for the season.


This was without Bogut fouling out. The guy can defend and does so while keeping himself in the game (due to his offensive importance).

It's too simple to say Paul's problem is height and wrong to say Bogut's is defense.


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The people who are NOT sold on him have questions about...(etc.)

He's an intriguing prospect to me...offensively. I think his passing, size, and tenacity would work well with what we have. I like that about him. On the defensive end (and on the offensive boards), I question his ability to hold off top PFs/Cs in the league or even the more productive ones who are his size, can jump higher, and are stronger. On a side not, these questions usually don't surround big guys slated to go top 3...unless they are prospects like Kandi or Darko.

I'm just not comletely sold on him. I like him. I don't think he'll be a bust like some, but I don't see a franchise savior in him either.

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But that is Paul's problem. 2 or 3 more inches and he'd be the favorite for #1 hands down.

I question Utah's schedule like everyone else, but mostly, I question Bogut against NBA competition. I know he can get his way looking over these guys in the NCAA, but night in and night out against Duncans, Garnetts, Okafors, Yao's, Shaqs, Gasols...

Big guys, like Bogut...who are faster, can jump higher, and are stronger. Offensively, I'm not concerned about him. On the glass and on the defensive end...? He'll have to show me on the NBA level.

Again, I'm just not sold on him. He's an intriguing offensive prospect for me...but I am not sold on the total package like some.

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