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NY Bumps Charlotte to 3rd.

We trade #1 to Charlotte for #3/#15.

Charlotte takes Paul

We take Williams/Frye.

In FAcy...

We take Hughes...

Either Keep Al until he becomes 3rd man or trade him so that we can get something.

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I dont think Charlotte would do this trade, but even if they would Frye isnt good enough to be the 15th pick, there are much better players than him that would still be available, this scenario is basically like taking a step toward mediocrity

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Redstripes makes an excellent point here that I have echoed in recent months.

There's a lot of talk about spending all of our chips (picks and caproom) to stockpile midlevel players. That will help us get back to the playoffs, but it won't make us a contender.

Channing Frye may end up being a fine player (I personally think he's going to be about like Gadzuric), but he's not a cornerstone. Adding him would probably make us better, but not enough to be a championship contender. Besides, I think Frye has a moderate chance of slipping to #31 (though I think the Suns would take him at the #30 if they had the chance). I project him at 25.

Let's say we draft Deron and Frye. We'll win 25 games next year and be back into the 8th pick mode we were in a couple of seasons ago. We need to maximize the value of this pick if we get the #1. We don't need to use it to get a bunch of mediocre players.

Our goal should be building a championship roster in the next three years. I believe we can do it.

We have 2 starters in Smoove and Chill. We have a backup PG who can score nearly as well as JT who might stay here for 3 years affordably in Lue. We likely have a top 3 pick this year. We have a #31 in a draft deep in mid-level players. We have 2 first rounders next year. We have a 17/7 25 year old forward who can be traded or re-signed. We have a boatload of caproom that we don't have to spend immediately. What can we do with those pieces to be a championship contender in 3 years time? I don't care if we make the playoffs next year or not. I don't want to be an 8th seed next year if it costs us a chance to be a 55 win team in 3 years time.

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I've seen enough of him to know that he will be a really good pickup. He's like Theo/Alonzo Morning. He's not quite Morning, but he has the potential. He's 6'11 about 250... and he does everything you want in a post player. He blocks shots, he intimidates, he rebounds fairly well and he has some good low post moves on offense. I don't know why he isn't higher on most draft boards, but I can guess that it's because UA is not known for their big men... I mean... Blair. and who was the guy who played with JT?

Just wait until the personal workouts start...

All of these people who are not in the know (because they rely solely on mocks) will change their mind about Frye.

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You're joking right?

Let me ask you... Who showed to be the best PG in the draft?

Either Williams or Paul Right? Both guys will have excellent careers in the pros and will probably become perineal allstars.

Then Frye... You may feel that he's not a good pick... I don't know your basis because it's certainly not from watching him play... However... He's probably the best interior defender in the draft and he is a good Low post scorer too.

You're saying that it's better to get 1 player who (whichever one you choose will have question marks about his game) than to get 2 players who are not only comparable but also fill our need?

Dude... We have not capped out on talent yet. 2 talented players are better than 1. There is no clear cut #1 who can become a superstar.... I think you're missing the boat on this one.

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well...i don't rely on mocks for anything personally, i watch a ton of games every year and i have seen Frye play quite a few times, the guy didnt even blow up in college, he was a solid college player but he didnt dominate, 15.8 ppg 7.6rpg playing against collge competition, you can expect those numbers to drop in the NBA...screams mediocre

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I didn't say Frye wasn't a good pick. I just don't think he's the type of player that makes us a whole lot better. I'd love to get him on the team, but I don't want to trade the #1 to get him. Also, you have to wonder if he can grab over 8 rebounds per 40 minutes in the NBa.

If BK likes Deron more than Bogut, I'd be fine with trading down to get the #3 and #15 (or whatever it is). However, I don't want to trade Bogut just because we're eager to get back to that #8 seed. I don't think we should make the trade with the intention of getting 2 players instead of 1.

I like Deron, but I don't see Kidd in him. We'll see what BK thinks of him after workouts.

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If you had watched Zona... You would know for years, Arizona has never run plays for their Big men. That's why UA never have Big men with eye popping stats... UA is a Gaurd's heaven.

Of the big men that has come out of UA, Frye is one of the better offensively prepared guys.

unlike Woods, he doesn't have the back problems to cause him problems in being drafted...

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If it were just #1 for Frye, I would agree with you..

But from where I sit, Deron Williams is just as good as anybody to be picked first overall. IF we can come away with Williams/Frye, it has been a damn good draft.

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first off, I think Williams will be like Mark Jackson.

Smart, Delibrate, able to hit a clutch shot.

Secondly. I don't think Bogut will prevent us from being the #8 seed. He doesn't address our main weakness.. Interior defense. OF the BEST of those Scouting reports that KB brought up, the best thing said about his defense (in the MWC) is that he is "OK". "OK" in the MWC is something I would expect from Drobs and I think Bogut and Drobs will have a lot in common...

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Perhaps the reason Arizona doesn't run plays for their big men is simply because their big men aren't as talented as their guards...thats probably it...but lets forget offence, Frye only averaged 7.6 rebounds...thats kind of crappy for a guy his size, i mean that seems to indicate him being a bit soft to me, if he wasn't a main option on the offensive end he should have spent more time on the boards which he obviously didn't do, say what you want about Bogut being soft but he averaged 5 more rebounds per game than Frye did

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You still got to watch the games... Not the stats...

7.6 rebs...

Low. Yes..

But watch the game. This guy controls the middle.

Watch the games. This guy intimidates.

Watch the games. This guy has good post moves.

Watch the games. This guy gets good position for rebounding.

Watch the games. There is nothing soft about him.

Watch the damn games...

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the only things i see Bogut and Drobs having in common is skin color, bad haircuts and nice touch on their jumpers...thats pretty much it, Bogut plays much harder than Drobs, he rebounds better than Drobs, he is a better passer than Drobs, he is quicker then Drobs, he is in much better physical shape than Drobs, i mean theres really no comparison when you take away the color of their skin, the bad hair cuts and the jumpshots

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I guy who will likely be picked sub 15 in the first round, maybe closer to 29, is compared to Alonzo at best and at worst, Theo.

But then you take Bogut, who is destined for a top 3 pick at worst, likely #1. Who is compared to Divac at best and Mihm or worse, at worst.

That's some insightful analysis.

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I watched the games

I watched the games

I watched the games

I watched the games

I watched the games

Frye is solid, but not as good as you are making him out to be, of course he was a solid college player, but that doesnt always translate to a solid NBA player

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The comparison is those bad feet and the propensity to pass better than to defend.

Last time I look, you were the one trying to make it about skin color..

Deal with the facts...

BOGUT has bad latteral movement.


Omar Thomas, one of the great stories of the tournament after overcoming a childhood in which his father and two brothers were imprisoned for murder, scored 24 in his final collegiate game, many of the points coming in drives around the slower Bogut.

``I take everybody like that pretty much,'' Thomas said. ``I knew he wasn't that fast going side to side so I tried to go around him.''

Deal with it.

Thomas didn't say I ( a 6'5" black man) took Bogut to the hole on several occassions and would have won the game had it not been for my PG because Bogut was white.

He said...

I knew that he was slow going from side to side...

Now if Thomas (6'5" 230 PF who probably won't make a pro team) was able to figure this out... what do you think NBA players will do?

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