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Hmm a 6'5 guy that is quicker than a 7 footer, man i wouldnt have guessed that would be possible...of course the 6'5 guy is going to go around bogut...i mean...he is obviously going to be quicker...but he couldnt post up Bogut i guarantee you that...how many 6'5 guys is Bogut going to be matching up against in the NBA? id imagine zero...wouldn't you? not unless theres a bad defensive switch and he gets stuck on a guy like that, who will obviously draw him out and then go by him.

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when you can show me where I said "chillz will be a bust" i'll eat the crow. Until then, you can keep it on the stove and enjoy the smell. Savor it for all those times that you've been proven wrong and didn't have the guts to admit it or acknowledge it.

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Oh yeah...one last thing about Omar Thomas...he is 6'5" 205...not 230..how on earth could you expect a 7 foot 245 pound center to guard a guy like that? in the low post Bogut would dominate him which is why the guy was driving around him...thats what anyone would do who had that kind of mismatch in quickness...man i cant believe the stuff you try to bring up...its ridiculous

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h yeah...one last thing about Omar Thomas...he is 6'5" 205...not 230..how on earth could you expect a 7 foot 245 pound center to guard a guy like that?

Let's see. In his prime, Deke was 7'2 263... Do you think he couldn't stop Omar Thomas from scoring 24 points (by continually driving through the lane).

Ok.. Deke in his prime might be too much...

Let's see... Eric Montross. I don't have his stats in front of me... But do you think Eric Montross would have let Thomas score 24 points on him?

How about Chris Mihm?


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Um...are you serious? i hope not...i like how you left off the part in my quote where i said that bogut would dominate him in the post so he obviously drove around him, which is what the guy said he did...yes a 6-5 205 guy will drive around a 7 foot 245 pound guy all day long...but...like i said before, in the NBA how many guys that are 6-5 205 play in the low post? zero? yeah i know it is zero...which is why that doesnt even matter

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You still got to watch the games... Not the stats...

7.6 rebs...

Low. Yes..

But watch the game. This guy controls the middle.

Watch the games. This guy intimidates.

Watch the games. This guy has good post moves.

Watch the games. This guy gets good position for rebounding.

Watch the games. There is nothing soft about him.

Watch the damn games...

First off, let me say that I agree with you in that I think Frye will be drafted in the middle of the first round, as he is an athletic big man with a proven track record. I also would be ecstatic coming away from the draft with Williams and Frye.

That said, comparing him to Mourning is a mistake. Calling him a dominator is a mistake. He absolutely does not intimidate like Mourning, not even close. Frye is a good player, and may be a good pro, but his upside is along the lines of a P.J. Brown or Antonio Davis, not Alonzo.

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I, for one, would like to think that, in general, a 6'5 'pf' is 'quicker' than a 7'0 center...

that's the thing to...you're comparing him to pf/sf type players, so yeah, he SHOULD be slower than they are...but he wouldn't be guarding such players in the pros, as he'd be playing center...

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