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Worst Case Scenario: Who Do We Pick at #4?


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Now that Marvin Williams and Sean May have finally entered the draft I am wondering who should we pick if 'Nique shows up at the lottery and brings home the dreaded #4 pick, which of course if the worst position the Hawks can possibly have. Don't get me wrong, I want the #1 pick as bad as everyone else, but I think we have over-discussed (yep I just made up a word) the pros/cons of Bogut at the #1 slot for the time being.

Anyway, assuming that Bogut, Paul, and Williams will go in whatever order with picks #1-#3, that leaves us with a dilema at #4. No one is going to trade up to get that pick, so we will be forced to choose amongst the rest of the players left in the draft.

In my opinion the Hawks choice should come down to two players: Deron Williams and Sean May. Now I know that May is projected to go in the middle of the first round on NBADraft.net, but I have a feeling that he will start rising on teams draft boards the closer we get to June 28th. I think this is especially true for the Hawks because Sean May's dad is probably Mike Woodson's best friend, and Woodson stated in an article around the Final Four that he remembers Sean growing up and that he is the type of player that every coach would want. Also, May completely dominated the paint in the tournament by consistently cleaning the boards and demanding a double-team on offense. I think he will be drafted in the top 10, and if the right team (Hawks at #4 maybe) falls in love with him despite his flaws he could go top 5.

Who would I pick? Well, I've been a big fan of Deron Williams all year, so my initial thoughts would be to draft him to solidify our PG spot. However, we don't have ANYONE on the roster with an inside post up game that can command a double team and who is a monster on the boards like May. Harrington is the closest we have, but he is not a great rebounder and is too inconsistent right now IMO to pay big bucks to after this year. I am not sure Harrington will be any better than he is now because next year will be his 8th year in the league and on top of that I'm also concerned about Harrington's ongoing kee problems. If we do draft May instead of Deron I think we would eventually trade Harrington either during this year's draft to acquire another pick or at the trade deadline next year like we did with Wallace/Walker because of his expiring contract.

For all of you who think we would go with a foreign player instead of Deron or May I just don't see it. BK is starting to feel some heat now so I don't think he will have the patience to see if a foreign player will become the next Dirk or Darko a few years from now. I think he would definitely choose a safer choice like Deron or May instead. Considering our total lack of an inside presence whatsoever, I would probably pick May, but I wouldn't be disappointed if we took Deron instead.

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If the hawks end up with the 4th pick that would be just plain awful...but it can't be ruled out of course, i do think Bogut, M.Williams, and Paul will be gone if we get the 4th pick, and in my opinion the player left with the most potential is Green...so i think i would select Green with the 4th pick...either him or Splitter...

I also think that if this happens and they end up with the 4th pick, they seriously need to make a trade and get another first rounder, so they could either get Green or Splitter with the top pick and then either Ukic, Jack, or Blatche with the later first round pick

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Right now, those guy slook like the locks for the top 4, bogut, Paul, Williams and Williams. That could and will likely change during teh workouts. But either way I think we are in the clear for a solid pick 1-4. Maybe not the pick we all want, but a solid pick none the less.

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Let's say we drafted May and traded Harrington for another pick in this draft and selected Jack. Then we overpay Daly to play the 5.

Here is our core team for the long term:

PG - Jack

SG - Childress

SF - Smith

PF - May

C - Dalembert

If we keep Harrington and take Deron Williams it would be:

PG - Williams

SG - Childress

SF - Smith

PF - Harrington

C - Dalembert

I would be OK with either scenario as long as we don't pay too much to sign Harrington to an extension. Also, either scenario leaves us without a shooter in the starting lineup other than at PG so we would definitely have to fill out the roster with some more shooters. I wouldn't mind if Salim Stoudemire or Louis Williams slipped to us at our #31st pick in order to get some more scoring punch off the bench.

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Workouts will be very important, but I think I'd take Gerald Green. I'm sure Deron Williams will be solid but I'm not sure any of the points will be better than the others. I think we can find a solid point some other way, whereas Gerald Green seems to have as much potential as JSmoove, maybe more or a shooter, less of a blocker/rebounder. I wouldnt be able to pass that up.

I'd probably go the same way with the second rounder too, Blatche, Williams, Ukic, Gilchrist probably in that preference order. Then I'd either have to sign some players or the team would really be bad again. But with potential!!

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