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Would Hawks draft Marvin Williams as Power Forward


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I know the Hawks like Marvin Williams from what are reliable source Chad ford says,hahaha! But what if the hawk's are not sold on Bogut and want Marvin Williams instead? Could J Smith and Williams be the forward combination we go with? Also Harrington would have to be traded making it a high probablity to draft one of the guards solving 2 problems power forward and point guard.I know I know some of us think Williams can't play power forward or J Smith but if the Hawks draft on potential we might end up with him.Next year's starting lineup!


pf M Williams

sf J Smith

sg childress

pg Felton/Jack/D Brown

How many taller power forwards than Marvin Williams? Garnett 7'0,Duncan 6'10 .There is a small amount of power forwards that Williams would have trouble with.We don't know if Williams gains weight if he will slow down or if he gains muscle he will make it that much more diffcult for teams to guard him since he can hit the outside shot and is supposed to have a post game.

I don't think we should be blind to the fact that BK may fool us all or most of us if the hawks get the no1 and pick williams.

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I don't see Billy Knight not being sold on Bogut. Billy Knight has stated many times that need need bigs, and the players this past season have also let it be known(not that we didn't know).

I could see Billy Knight keeping Marvin Williams as option, but I just don't see him selecting him.

*I'm talking if we end up with the first overall pick*

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Anything is possible with BK.I knopw ford is not reliable but if it is true half of hawk management wants williams the other half not we could see marvin as the no1 pick if we get it.I am sick and tired of seeing other teams drive the lane and get uncontested points.Can we get some intimidators in here.With S Smith and Williams teams would have to worry about blocked shots.Of course the ideal is a shot blocking center that can score.

Whoever is the no1 pick is certianly going to have to impress the team that selects him.It is to early to say the fav is for no1 pick.The team trials will deteremine alot when BK brings in players that could be the no1 pick,if we get it.

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I don't know..6'9" 230 lbs with skills..Seems like there are many guys in the league that sorta fit that description..From what I watched and what I read I don't think Marvin has yet developed much of a post up game and is definately not yet a post defender. Marvin could develope into a great player, but the simple fact he didn't start on his own college team scares me just a little..He reminds me a little of Tim Thomas..

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I have been reading with some degree of humor the debate over who we should take with the first pick. There is no doubt about it, there are very few big men out there "skilled." When you have a chance to grab one, you better not fall asleep at the wheel- you take him. Why in the world would we 'waste' our pick on a position we do not need when a potentially great big is available and waiting on the board- which happens to be our greatest need. BK better remember that he is being paid to formulate a "team" and not some Hodge poge of "talent." Teams win, collections of talent self-destruct.

Having said this, I think that a center is our biggest most glaring need and we will not move forward in a significant way until it is addressed.

I say if we are fortunate enough to land the first pick, we should draft the top center in the draft and address other needs such as point by whatever means necessary.

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For all the talk on this board about who we should draft it really doesn't matter.BK has the decision all I ask is to draft the best player for this team.I hope BK has the brains to strategize going big with no1 pick and small second pick or vice versa and also use free agency the best way depending who we draft.

Lets face it all the players we mentioned Bogut,M Williams,D Williams,Paul have some kind of negative factor about them.I mentioned before but which player impresses BK in the tryouts whne the hawks bring them in will be the deciding factor.Lets hope we get the no1 pick since teams for once will be coming to the hawks instead of the way around.I hope BK remembers last year when no matter what he offered orlando was going to take howard.Anyone wanting the no1 pick BK better demand alot if he trades.

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Is Marvin Williams any different then Al Harrington? Marvin has talent and potential but he is not an uber athlete in the JSmoove mold nor does he have a fully developed outside or inside game. He may develop but Al may continue to improve as well (think about the improvements Jermaine O'Neil made between his first and second year with the Pacers, or the improvements made by Chauncey Billups, Lary Hughes, Brad Miller and other players after 4-5 seasons in the league - and none of them came straight from High School).

To me, I rather keep Harrington. People write him off as if he is a bad player, will not improve, or does not fit with the Joshes. I think all those assumptions are untrue. He may not be a superstar but he is a quality starter, especially when paired with a solid big man.

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We all know that the only position where Chillz can produce is sf. And looking at the end of the season Smoove had his biggest averages as he was playing pf. We then have three possible positions to draft pg, sg, center. That means Bogut who is a pf, and marvin who is a sf are out of the question. I don't see us draftting paul(too small) or gerald green(we already have 2 projects in Diaw and Smove), so that leaved Deron and Marty.

Deron would be the better impact and make the team better next year, but Marty has the potential to be one of the greatest players ever.


Everyone is comparing Marvin to KG.

Well take away KG's long arms, leanness, and shorten him two inches, he isn't the MVP that stands before us, he's Kenyon Martin with a jumper. That wouldn't do much with us since we already have a player like that by the name of Smoove. It would be a slap in the face to Chillz and Smoove by bringing in Marvin, so why should we mess up chemistry for a player who plays a postion we have already filled to the max.

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"We all know that the only position where Chillz can produce is sf."

JChill played at the 2 spot all year and he did produce. He will only get better at the 2 spot. Some posters here are in love with Hughes' game but I believe JChill's game is very similar and will only get better. BK has said on multiple occasions that JChill's position is the 2 position. Why is everyone hellbound to make him a 3? BK has also repeatedly said that JSmoove position is the 3 spot unless he GROWS into the 4 spot. Right now Jsmoove has no back to the basket game (a must for the 4 spot) yet clearly has the skills to play the 3 spot very effectively. Why would we force JSmoove out of his natural position? I am very glad BK is in charge of the roster.

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Small forward is the most undefined position on the court. In truth there is more that a player DOESN'T have that makes him a small forward - IOW they are a SF by default. First though, let's talk about the SG position...

Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT a SG's primary role to be a team's designated midrange or jump shooter. A SGs role is simply to score. Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. That's it. There are a couple different types of SGs. Mainly though, they break down into two groups penetrators and shooters. Guys like Wade and Finley CAN hit the shot with regularity, but are much more effective going to the basket. Players like Ray Allen play almost exactly the opposite. There are also guys like Rip and Reggie who can shoot from long range, but are most effective moving without the ball.

If a player does not have a consistent shot, then their effectiveness as a scorer at SG is limited. Teams will simply give them space, play them to drive, and dare them to shoot. It isn't as important to have penetration skills, because a guy can always move without the ball and spot up or work a play until they get a little space. And the best SGs need VERY little space. So point #1 here is Chill needs a jumper. If he can't shoot it, he'll have to move to SF...

Which brings up the most undefined position on the court. SFs are tweeners. Too big and not fast enough to play the 2, and too small to play the 4. It is not a SFs role to be a primary defender, nor is it their role to score. They don't really have a role...nor is there a true set of qualifications. Actually, a SF need only an average midrange shot. But if they have that, then they can just as easily swing between the 2 and 3.

...and that might be Chill's true position - swingman.

All that being said, Chill needs a consistent jumper. If he can do that, then he can play the 2 or the 3. Smoove is probably going to get too big to play 2 for any length of time and will be better suited as a 3/4. IF we drafted Williams (and deal Al), he could also be an interchangeable 3/4. That would make for a very versatile team and is exactly how BK intends to build us.

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