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Point Guard Situation


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After watching last nights Game 1 Suns Vs. Mavericks, the tempo of the game is dramatically different. For example, Jason Terry running the PG position seems slow and lost. The Mavericks have an aresenal of shooters and JT did NOT deliver or make any plays happen. I watched Dirk, Finley, and Stackhouse wait for JT to make something happen. I was really disappointed in his PG playmaking abilities.

Whereas, Steve Nash running the PG position is a whole different ball game. Steve Nash's ability to find players on the fast break, his intangibels of his playmaking ability, knowing when to pass the ball, and most importantly, making those around him better. Furthermore, he was not afraid to shoot the ball. Last night proved that he deserved the MVP award.

The question on my mind? Do the Hawks draft a Point Guard or a Center?


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The real question is do the Hawks draft a PG who looked good in a Big Conference..

or do they draft a C who looked good in a Small conference.

Kaman and Olowakhandi are guys who have prospered from dominating a small conference.

When you consider the ACC, I don't think you will find a time in the history of Basketball when there has been this many top notch PGs in one conference.

When you consider Ill, Williams didn't have to play as many top notch PGs in the season but he had a tourney that was simply amazing for a PG.

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The real question is do the Hawks draft a PG who looked good in a Big Conference..

or do they draft a C who looked good in a Small conference.

Kaman and Olowakhandi are guys who have prospered from dominating a small conference.

When you consider the ACC, I don't think you will find a time in the history of Basketball when there has been this many top notch PGs in one conference.

When you consider Ill, Williams didn't have to play as many top notch PGs in the season but he had a tourney that was simply amazing for a PG.

It is tough to make too broad predictions based on the conference people play in. There are people like Olowokandi who were busts after being high picks from small conferences but there are also people like John Stockton, Scottie Pippen, Larry Bird, etc. who played for small teams and went on to be pretty good. Likewise, there have been top picks that have come from the ACC and elsewhere who busted like Joe Smith, Sam Bowie and Pevis Ellison.

I would scout the player and not the school, IMO.

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I don't undervalue Al, I would actually prefer to keep him as I think he is needed for his offense and leadership. If the hawks get a big man then his rebounding deficiency is an absolute non-issue, especially when Smoove and Chill are good rebounders.

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Al is just not as good as Jamison, that's why he won't get a lottery pick. Jamison has averaged 25 points and 8.7 rebounds in a season. Al has not shown he is capable of that.

The deal for Jamison was also about getting rid of Stackhouse and his contract. We probably could trade Al for a lottery pick, if we took a horrible contract back.

Just my take on the situation. I've seen several people mention the Jamison deal to make a comparison to what we can get with Al. Also people trying to compare our potential #1 overall pick to the Webber-Golden State trade. Neither of these scenarios match ours.

Al was expected to show he could average 25 points and 9 rebounds this year. Instead he showed that he could not be an effective #1 option for a team, but perhaps a third option or good sixth man. That is why Al will not get us a lotto pick.

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When scouting the player, you MUST.. MUST consider the school/conference they played in.

I have a cousin that played from Atlanta Metropolitan College, he put up 30/6/6 in his Senior year as a SG. Shouldn't he be a lottery player? I have never seen him not dominate the competiton. Shouldn't he be a lottery player?

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Speaking of Scouting, who are the scouts for the Atlanta Hawks? Anybody have background of each scout?

I've always been curious how the Atlanta Hawks scout for players? I read about the Atlanta Falcons scouting team, and they give a thorough analysis of their job description.

I want to know the process of how our scouting team works. Do they work in regions, how much time do they spend on each player, how many scouts travel overseas, do they check for background (family, school, parents, friends, coaches), do they have a criteria on what they are looking for, and how far in advance do they scout for a particular player?

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When scouting the player, you MUST.. MUST consider the school/conference they played in.

I have a cousin that played from Atlanta Metropolitan College, he put up 30/6/6 in his Senior year as a SG. Shouldn't he be a lottery player? I have never seen him not dominate the competiton. Shouldn't he be a lottery player?

is AMC NCAA division I?

did your cousin win NCAA player of the year?

did your cousin take AMC to the sweet 16?

did your cousin match up against duncan in the olympics?

did your cousin win international mvp at 19?

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Every team needs a star. The best teams have 2 or 3...most have a superstar. You can't win in this league without its most productive players. It just doesn't happen. We can get into intangibles and chemistry and everything else. However, pro sports boil down to who can do it best. You take the best players and you try to make a good team. When you have two really good teams then it usually comes down to things like chemistry, execution, intangibles, etc.

How do you get to that point though? Everybody thinks they have the answer and everybody thinks they know who and what will turn things around. More often than not, they over complicate things. The simplest answer is: above all else, you need talent. Not potential, not size, not athleticism, not speed - TALENT. If you do not have a talented team you will not win.

This is where some of us are getting distracted. LA has talent. Utah has talent. Minnesota has talent. Cleveland has talent. We are not a talented team. We could be in a few years, but right now all we have is potential. Teams with true talent can go into the lottery, look at the talent that they already have and fill in the pieces that they need. They can shop for a PG, C, or whatever. Teams like us need EVERYTHING. Shooting, defense, scoring, PG, C, PF...a star...

And we DON'T know that either of the Joshes will be stars. We do know that stars are to be found in the lottery and we do have a lottery pick. We don't know which of these draftees will be a star or superstar, but DO we eliminate half of the potential and talent in the draft simply because of what position they play?

The Hawks need to bring guys in, work the sh#t out of them, and they need to take the best f#cking player available. If they feel that Bogut is the best guy available at #1 snatch his @ss up and don't look back. If they feel that they can make a deal and get two BPAs at #3 and #13, run it and don't look back.

If we use any other strategy going into the draft, we increase our chances of missing out on what we really need - TALENT THAT WILL LEAD US BACK TO WINS.

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I agree Wretch having been saying that all along.Until BK brings in the players to scrimmage all this talk means nothing.I just hope there is a standout player something that BK and teams will be surprised about an athlete and there talent.If we have to trade down then 2 good players would be good also if there is no superstar potential with 1st pick if we get it.

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In what Bogut did... Can you seperate the real from the HYPE...

Hype = NCAA player of the year.

Hype = International MVP.

Bogut did play in the Olympics... What did his opponents do? IN every game, the opposing C had his Olympic High...

Bogut did play in the first 2 rounds of the NCAA...

Hell So did Loren Woods, Marquis Estill, Robert Jackson, Chris Mihm, and Kaman.

Doesn't mean much.

However, when you look at the competition Paul, Williams faced versus the Competition that Bogut faced, what is left to be said..

Bogut is just like my cousin.. He hasn't played anybody. Trumphed up Stats...

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I am afraid of Bogut turning into a KONCAK. But that just shows my age. I only saw Paul play a few times and he was not very impressive in those games. He seems to be most famous for slugging someone in the nuts. And he is undersized. I'd rather take a chance on Bogut. (I'd pick Williams but we already have some talent there.)

Oh well, we'll see.


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Please tell me how Bogut is anything like Jon Koncak! Well, he would be a 7 foot tall white guy drafted by the Hawks in the top 5, but the similarities end there.

Bogut is SO much more athletic than Koncak. 'Kak was just a big stiff who could take up space....and he could hit that little top of the key jumper as he got older.

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Anytime the associated press chooses a player of the year, it will always be HYPE more than substance.

Look over some of their picks?

Jameer Nelson.

TJ Ford

Jay Williams

Shane Battier

Kenyon Martin

Antwain Jamison

Many of these were just feel good stories and not neccessarily the best to play. Like I said before.. Lots of HYPE!

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In my mind I know you are right - but ... But I also remember how sure we were that Koncak would be The Center for us. And then we got out manuveured (sp?) and gave him a contract that killed the team later on.

I was much more impressed with Bogut. Paul is short and has maturity problems. M.Williams is "potential". So I want Bogut ... ... but my fingers are crossed.


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