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Make your best 5.


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D. Williams



If these are 3 of the 5 parts that we have in the offseason, what would you want...

What 2 realistic persons would you want:

Dalembert/Hughes/ Joe Johnson/ Korver/K. Brown/Jaric/Brevin Knight/Demarr Johnson/Dan Gadzuric/Big Z/J-Will/Eddy Curry/Othella Harrington/Toni Kukoc/Steve Smith/Dikembe Mutombo/Antoine Walker/Shareef/Damon Stoudamire/Flip Murry/Richie Fram/B. Simmons/Swift..

Give me your best 5.

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I picked Dalembert and Korver. that gives us an at worst, servicable center and a solid SF type who plays good D and can shoot lights out from the perimiter.

If D.Williams turned out to be the PG that he should be, we make or just miss the play0ffs in our first year with that lineup.

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Kwame Brown and Dally would be the two players I would like to see in a Hawks uniform this offseason. Draft Bogut and a point guard and then get a SG with 3 point range and call it an offseason.

My realistic team next year would look something like this:

PG: Lue/Louis Williams

SG: Childress/3 point specialist(????)

SF: J Smith/Harrington

PF: Kwame Brown/Harrington/????(FA)

C: Bogut/Dalembert/Drobs

If we can do this and add quality players at the question mark position, I think we will be competitive.

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I agreed with your picks Chill. We need a lights out shooter, and someone to make our defense in the paint respectable.

While I still think we could use an additional big body in the paint, I think I would put Korver at a higher priority.

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Yeah I digressed from Diesel's rules a little bit. If we get the 1st pick I would pick Bogut and draft a guard with the 31st pick because this draft is full of 1st round talent guards that by the numbers will be drafted in the 2nd round. This draft is deep in Guards.

So if the team stayed in the same postion draft wise and don't trade Harrington. That would be my lineup and I would add Kwame and Dalembert as FAs. And then I would add two more FA at my question mark positions.

I think this is more realistic as the team stands right now than saying starting with a core of Deron Williams.

The lineup I put out probably can and will be a strong possibility in the off-season.

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Yeah... but that's making the assumption we get the first pick.

what happens when NY gets the top pick and take Bogut...

I think we have talked the Bogut well dry... Let's look at other options.

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I can't wait until the lottery, then we can intelligently discuss more realistic player scenarios based on our position in the draft.

After the lotto things will start shaping up quickly. Right everything is a big assumption and speculation is the only threads we can come up with.

When is the lotto??

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Big Al


That being said, TODAY, I think Bogut is the best option if we get the #1 overall pick but I'd still take Hughes and Curry as my two free agent choices.

Watson? (or Lue if we can't get him)


Big Al



with Chillz as my 2/3 and Smoove as my 3/4. When Curry went to the bench, Bogut slides to the 5. When Bogut goes to the bench, Smoove (or Big Al) slides to the 4. Hughes can also play some PG with Chillz at the 2.

If Curry is NOT healthy, insert Chandler, Dalembert or Brown in his slot (not necessarily in that order).

Of course if we could get Pierce without giving up our #1, Smoove, Chillz or Big Al, I'd be all over that but I don't think that is realistic.

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Dally seems to be the guy that alot of people favor.

Then there's a toss up between Korver, Hughes, and maybe Johnson.

Korver's unrestricted. He should also be the cheapest of the three. Getting him might allow us to pickup Kwame too...

so imagine:

D Will/Korver/J-Chill/J-Smoove/Dally... = First team. Future team.

Diaw/Al/Kwame/Peja/Collier/ = BUs...

with room for 2 more out of: D. Smith/ Ivey/ either of the 2 2nd rounders?

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We will get a much better read after the lottery order.I would not want Curry.Sometimes I listen to the bulls station radio 1000 AM and they are afraid curry if given a big contract might not have the work ethic to produce big numbers.Kwame Brown forget it.The guy can't even get to practice during the playoffs despite making big money.If Dalembert were available and Philly lets him go without matching it is a no brainer though not sure if I would give him a max contract.There better be incentives for him and I don't see letting Dalembert go.

If the hawks sign korver where does j smooth play? Power forward? The Hawk's certainly need a perimeter game so if Korver and Smooth worked out at small and power forward I would not mind.I still think Bogut is the no1 target unless he proves otherwise in the tryouts when the hawks bring them in.

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That makes all the difference..Philly and Chicago have both publically stated they will match all offers for their young big men..Now we could hope that was just posturing to scare teams away from tying up their money for 2 weeks waiting, but at this point both teams would look silly if they didn't live up to what they said...Then there is the fact we will have to grossly overpay to even tempt them to sign with us..So I think we have to take Dally and the Chicago 2 off the board for practical reasons..Then you have Kwame,(who lacks a brain and a heart) who I believe we can get if we want him bad enough, and Swift who also has alot of questions about his desire..I am not crazy about offering either guy much money..A guy that has not had any mentions is Steven Hunter..I know he is pretty highly valued by the Suns..He has a player option for next season at 750,000 or so..That is peanuts for the NBA..Maybe we could leak word that we might pay a little better and see what happens.I believe he is a servicable young big man that is a decent defensive pressence and rebounds ok..

When you look at the free agents that are restricted versus the unrestricted the list changes dramatically..I goes from being heavy on big guys to being heavy on guards..Guys like Chris Duhon and Kyle Korver can be had by offering them more that the midlevel exception(about 5 million a year)..Korver is money from 3 point range and Duhon was the best rookie point guard drafted last year..He was easily better than Devon Harris and Nelson..They both can be had.. Earl Watson is another quality point guard that will be available..We might even be able to lure a Larry Hughs or a Michael Redd, who knows..

Looking at it like this, it seems to me that maybe we should go big in the draft regardless of where we land..I like Bogut alot, even though he may not be a "superstar" type player, I like Paul alot but his size scares me to death..I think Deron Williams will be a good NBA point, not great..Marvin Williams seems to have all the talent, but the simple fact he never could earn a starting spot on his college team, and was pretty much a nonfactor in their championship run, scares me..Go back and look at old Tim Thomas projections, they are identical to Marvin's. I think if we don't get the number 1 for Bogut, maybe we should trade down for multiple picks and get someone like Taft and a point..Thoughts???

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We would have to offer Steven Hunter a long term deal to get him to leave the Suns. We made the same offer to Hunter last summer and he turned us down because he was tired of playing on a losing team in a empty arena(Orlando). He might come for a 3years 8million dollar deal.

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Go back and look at old Tim Thomas projections, they are identical to Marvin's.

I think your fear is legitimate but that Tim Thomas was NOT projected identically to Marvin. Thomas was never even considered a top overall pick level talent. He was drafted 7th behind people like Antonio Daniels, Ron Mercer, Tony Battie, etc. Marvin is projected to be a significantly better player even if some of the descriptions read the same. With Marvins' projections there is no way he would have gone behind some of those guys. That draft was considered to have one franchise player (Duncan), one All-Star (KVH) and a bunch of gambles without superstar upside.

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