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WE Got the second pick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I think that it sucks. I think that if Bogut turns out to be a star for someone else I am going to be hating that for a long time. At least there is plenty of debate about which player is the best player. I am afraid now that Bogut goes #1 and we end up taking Marvin Williams who we have absolutely no room for.

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Paul or M Williams. I think we should take Paul and hunt down a couple of the big men FAs in the off season.

Smith is not a PF and it makes no sense to have Marvin, Al, CHilldress and Smith all on the same roster. Sure we can trade Al but we still have 2 swing men. We need a pg more.

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I agree Milwaukee will select Bogut because their center rotation is almost as bas as the Hawks. I hope Chris Paul is hitting the weight room because I just don't think we need Marvin.

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I personally think that Marvin Williams is going to become a great PF. Draft him second if the Bucks don't and trade Al Harrington for a mid round or late lottery pick. Allows for one of the PG prospects. I just think that Marvin fits better as a PF and looks to be growing still. Al to me fits as a combo forward and is versatile but more suited for a sixth man who gets a lot of playing time. If you can't trade Al you have great depth at the 2, 3, and 4. Draft a PG in the second rd, resign Lue and go hard after Dalembert.

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well it's still no certainty. I didn't feel sure at all that the hawks would take bogut with the #1 if we got it.

They do have gadzuric even though he's FA. And I don't know how they feel about Gaines at PG.

We shouldn't assume that they'll draft by need either . Some GMs take the best player regarldess of position

Apparently Chad Ford is saying they will select williams for whatever that's worth

espn link

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well, had my heart set on Bogut, but oh well, that's the way it crumbles..have to change my created player on my xbox game..

if i knew we could trade Al for something nice, i'd go for MWilliams due to his unbeleivable talent. But I'd want to get a point guard out of that trade. We can throw some money at some bigs in free agency.

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I am good to go man! It sucks not being able to have the absolute upper hand and KNOWING that the player we want will be available. BUT, at least we get one of at least 2 of the best players in the draft.

Man, we could have been like Charlotte or NO...or even Utah...but bumped WAY the hell out of the way. We could have EASILY been looking at the #4.

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I would much rather have the Lakers get the first pick. Milwaukee sits around and lets good coahces go away, along with good players, don't go after free agents, and don't make a real effort to make improvements. But yet they are blessed with the #1 pick. I really hope Bogut becomes a bust, because seeing Milwaukee in the playoffs would be a killer.

All I know is that we better trade down, since this could very well be 1998 where it goes Olowakandi, Bibby, LaFrentz, Jamison, Carter.

I think charlotte would give us 5 and 13 for #2. I'm not sure they would have won half as many games if they would have drafted Livingston or Harris. BK better not trade up!!!!!!!!!

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The Hawks are going to draft Williams. Jay Bilas (jerk) thinks Williams should be the 1st pick. Williams is the next best talent in the draft.

Although Center and PG is our most glaring need, the reality is that we need EVERTHING, so getting Williams will not hurt.

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I know some of you like Paul but if we take him, later you will be repeating why in the heck did we take another tiny PG, who keep getting posted. Looking at the games I saw him play I can't forget how bad he looked against the bigger PG's coming out. If no Bogut I would be happy with either Williams and pick up a Point later on, even if we wait until the 31st.

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Jay Bilas just stated during the halftime show that he thinks the Bucks should take Bogut. He said Marvin has the most upside but Bogut will have more of a immediate impact and they need that impact now than later,

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Milwaukee Bucks

Odds of winning the lottery: 6.3 percent

Milwaukee is one of the teams that don't gossip much, so this is more of an educated guess than something based on any actual inside knowledge. The team is set at point guard with Mo Williams and the possible return of T.J. Ford. The Bucks could use help at both the three and the five. The Bucks like both Dan Gadzuric and Zaza Pachulia at center, but they are both restricted free agents this summer and will likely command healthy pay raises. Adding Bogut to the mix would give them options in the summer. The Bucks currently use Desmond Mason at the three. With Michael Redd heading to unrestricted free agency this summer, Mason could move to the two if Redd departs, opening up a slot at the three. Williams could be a major fit because of his ability to play the four. There isn't a clear-cut pick for the Bucks, but given their style of play – they'd like to push it up court, especially if Ford is healthy enough to play – Williams looks like the right choice.

Edge: Williams

I am not so sure how much weight should be given to Ford's opinions (if any) but I do think he makes some decent points. Alot of the Buck's decision will come down to Redd. If they believe Redd will walk as a FA then they have to take Williams to fill the scorer role. If they believe they will resign Redd then Bogut makes more sense. A poster on the Buck's RealGM site is claiming that someone from draftcity overheard Harris (the Bucks GM) hint strongly that the Bucks were taking Bogut. It did seem Harris suggested the same thing on the ESPN broadcast though he was as nervous as any GM I have ever seen on television.

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