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Take Marvin regardless.


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i agree, deron williams is not comparable to chauncey. not even close. andre miller with a J is a better comparison. chauncey is the truth, not saying williams will be a bum, but he is no chauncey.

also, people say felton will be a bust and underachieved at UNC. How so? He only led his team to the title and he helped keep a team with 4 1st rd picks and possibly 2nd rd picks balanced. (felton, may, marv williams, mccants, jawad williams, manuel) that is what a PG should do if i'm correct. Almost all young PGs have turnover problems when they enter the league. I think Felton will do well in the NBA.

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What is it about Marvin Williams that everyone, including the experts, considers him to be such a top prospect? Obviously he is young and has talent, but he does not have one aspect of his game that really stands out, he is a good but not great athlete and he has good but not great size.

I think he has all the tools to become a very good player, but not necessarily a game changer. I think he will be like Carmelo Anthony, a very good player but not necessarily someone who can get you over the top without some help. Maybe I just did not see him play enough.

I think what people need to consider with respect to the point guard prospects available is not only the talent they bring to the table but how they will make other players on the team better. A point guard like Tyrone Lue does not make his teammates better. Kidd, Nash, TJ Ford, etc. are examples of guys who make their teammates better. If either Paul or D. Williams can do that, then they need to be considered at the 2 pick regardless of whether they are too short or too slow.

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The only reason it was a draft Goof was because PTL did not consider Bowie's injury history. Had Bowie not been injury prone, you'd be talking about how great that draft was. I notice that NOBODY ever mentions that Olajuwon went ahead of Jordan and Bowie?? Wonder why? Maybe because Olajuwon never got injured and UNLIKE Jordan, he sigle handedly won a championship and by that I mean no other allstar or star on his team.

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The only reason it was a draft Goof was because PTL did not consider Bowie's injury history. Had Bowie not been injury prone, you'd be talking about how great that draft was. I notice that NOBODY ever mentions that Olajuwon went ahead of Jordan and Bowie?? Wonder why? Maybe because Olajuwon never got injured and UNLIKE Jordan, he sigle handedly won a championship and by that I mean no other allstar or star on his team.

I guess guys like Clyde Drexler, Sam Cassell, Robert Horry, Kenny Smith, Otis Thorpe and the like were chop liver.

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The only reason it was a draft Goof was because PTL did not consider Bowie's injury history. Had Bowie not been injury prone, you'd be talking about how great that draft was. I notice that NOBODY ever mentions that Olajuwon went ahead of Jordan and Bowie?? Wonder why? Maybe because Olajuwon never got injured and UNLIKE Jordan, he sigle handedly won a championship and by that I mean no other allstar or star on his team.

I guess guys like Clyde Drexler, Sam Cassell, Robert Horry, Kenny Smith, Otis Thorpe and the like were chop liver.

Clyde wasn't there for the first championship and at the time Cassell was a nobody who showed unexpectedly clutch play in the playoffs. Horry, Smith and Thorpe were all good players but none were really stars. Of course, Horry can be worth more in the playoffs than a lot of stars!

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When I said that Billups and Williams were comparable, I wasn't talking about foot speed. Williams is quick enough to get by. He and Chauncey are very physical for PG, and they have good size.

Andre Miller just might be quicker than Billups, why don't we just say that he's a quicker Mark Jackson with a better shot?


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We wouldn't be talking about how much better he was than MJ; and for that matter, we wouldn't be talking about how much better he was than the Dream. Olajuwan was a sure thing, and I don't fault Houston for taking him at all.

And I don't think Hakeem was supported much less than MJ. Jordan had Pippen who was a star in that he was the ultimate complimentary player, but neither of these guys could have taken either team without help. You take away Jordan from those Bulls...and well, you saw what happened. You take away Hakeem, same thing.

Some key points to think about though:

MJ was a perimeter player. It's one thing to be tall as hell and gifted; those players are able to dominate over the top of everyone else with high percentage shots and putbacks right at the basket. It's a whole other thing to change a team from the perimeter.

Another thing to consider...Houston doesn't beat MJ's Bulls, especially MJ in his prime. Had Jordan not retired, Hakeem would have single-handedly led the Rockets to a good 'ol MJ ass-whuppin! lol

Regardless, the point is MJ was the better pick than Bowie as was Chuck. Hell, Big Smoove and even Grandaddy Willis are arguably better choices IMO.

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First off.

The Jordan that came out of UNC would have been cut to shreds by this board.

He was more like Vince coming out of UNC than he was a "perimeter player"... In fact, Jordan couldn't really hit the three ball with any consistency in college or his first few years in the pros.

He was an athletic 2 coming out of college.

Bowie coming out of college was a big man guy who could pass, shoot, rebound, and score. He was especially quick for a big man.

Like I said...

It's easy to go back and look with Hindsight... But during that time... Nobody complained about Bowie...

In fact, Chicago tried to trade Jordan for Tree Rollins? AND WE SAID NO!

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I agree.

He managed to stay healthy for a Senior year that was impressive but not as impressive as before he was injured. I think PTL didn't consider his injuries strongly enough.

However, like I said. Had he never been injury prone... Nobody here would be talking about how big a goof that pick was...

Instead, we'd be talking about how strong that Draft class was.. And Maybe about how PTL won 3 championships in the 90s...

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Going into the draft, you don't look at need (which is what Chicago would have done if they had traded MJ). The point isn't about how any of these guys look coming out of college. The point is, after it's all said and done, the biggest drafting mistakes are made by people going in with the mindset that that they need a position or they need a bigman.

Ignoring the potential, skills, and accomplishments of anyone who doesn't fall into what a team "needs."

And the same people on this board who would have ripped Jordan are the same people who would blindly march into this draft saying we don't need Marvin Williams because we need a PG or C. Now, Marvin isn't my guy, but I'm not going to overlook him because we need something else at the 1 or 4.

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I understand what you're saying... But let's play PTL for a second.

What happens when you find a player who you believe will be Special and they also fit a positional need? You take them right? Even if there is another special player on the board.

Let's come back to Atlanta for a minute.

I'm not a big fan of M. Williams. If we picked him, I wouldn't be upset. However, I think D. Williams will be special. Plus he fits a positional need.. And he does not have an injury history like Bowie's.

See what I'm saying...

I think all of the top 4 will be good.

Both Williams' might be special.

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