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Chicago's success was anchored by Hinrich, Gordon, Deng and improved play from Curry. Skiles did a tremendous job with their team and the Bulls turned it around. Chandler was a factor too, but he was coming off the bench behind Antonio Davis - who helped stabilize the club with his veteran presence.

Chicago will probably match any decent offer for Chandler. However, if he gets huge offer...I don't expect them to do so. They can afford to let him go or SNT him. They are good enough now that they can attract decent FA bigmen; but, they need to let some of that salary go 1st.

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I think J-Smoove and J-Chillz has done a lot for making guys want to come here. Before the last draft, the thought on the Hawks were that we were going nowhere because we couldn't draft good players.

Well, BK has shown that he can draft and that the organization is going in a good direction. One other problem last season was that we tried to go after Kmart in a time when we didn't have a coach! IF you were a FA, would you sign with a coachless team?

I think we will have success in the FA market...

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Those are good points Diesel, however my main reason I don't think we even come close to getting (Dally and Chandler)those guys is that their former teams are in no way going to let them go, regardless of the price (because they have no REPLACEMENT). Being a restricted free agent and big men changes the landscape. Who is going to replace Dally in Philly? Who is going to replace Curry in Chicago?

Answer: No one

Their teams are not going to let them walk, even if they have to restructure some other player contracts.

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Those are good points Diesel, however my main reason I don't think we even come close to getting (Dally and Chandler)those guys is that their former teams are in no way going to let them go, regardless of the price (because they have no REPLACEMENT). Being a restricted free agent and big men changes the landscape. Who is going to replace Dally in Philly? Who is going to replace Curry in Chicago?

Answer: No one

Their teams are not going to let them walk, even if they have to restructure some other player contracts.

Not true. If we make a big offer to one of those guys I GARUNTEE THOSE TEAMS WILL NOT MATCH IT!!! they will just say, were good enough to attract a good center here at a cheaper price.

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I think we shouldn't go after Chandler because Chicago will match..

However, Haslem is a guy that Miami cannot keep.

Dally is a guy who if we offered a large contract to.. Philly would fold.

Gadzuric may be a guy that Milwaukee lets go.

Big Z, Swift are both on the market and can't be matched.

Kwame is a guy that Washington problem won't match..

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