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Al/LAL pick for Fish/#9.

Golden State couldn't do better than this. I would take Fish's bad contract in order to get the 9th pick in the draft.

With B-Diddy, J-Rich, and Murphy/Foyle... Golden State needs that PF guy who could play SF too. Al splits time between Murphy/Dunleavy Jr. .. Or They finally trade Dunleavy Jr. But GS doesn't need yet another C.

Hawks select:

Deron Williams/Frye...

I told you guys that Frye will be a lottery pick... and he might be picked before 9... Hello NY.

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You are always willing to just take on insane contracts but thank God Billy would never do something like that. Fisher is signed through 2009/2010. Do you realize that? His average salary is about 6.5 million over that time as well. His production isnt anywhere near that either. Plus, Al by himself is at least worth the #9 pick, if not a #5 like Jamison got. Then you want to take on Fishers contract, plus give up the Lakers pick? No way dude.

I like the thought of getting Deron and Frye, but I would do it another way. If Deron isnt available at #5 then I keep Marvin Williams and let the roster sort itself out. If he is there I move him to Charlotte and take their #13. I might be willing to move down in the 2nd to move up a bit in the 1st to get Frye if I really think he is worth it. Otherwise I take Petro and drive on.

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You are always willing to just take on insane contracts but thank God Billy would never do something like that. Fisher is signed through 2009/2010. Do you realize that? His average salary is about 6.5 million over that time as well. His production isnt anywhere near that either. Plus, Al by himself is at least worth the #9 pick, if not a #5 like Jamison got. Then you want to take on Fishers contract, plus give up the Lakers pick? No way dude.

I like the thought of getting Deron and Frye, but I would do it another way. If Deron isnt available at #5 then I keep Marvin Williams and let the roster sort itself out. If he is there I move him to Charlotte and take their #13. I might be willing to move down in the 2nd to move up a bit in the 1st to get Frye if I really think he is worth it. Otherwise I take Petro and drive on.

The reason the Mavs got the 5th pick from the Wizards for Jamison is partly because they were willing to take on Stackhouse's large contract.

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and for a guy like Stackhouse, I would give much more consideration to making a deal compared to a Fisher. Stackhouse is a far better player and his deal only runs through 06/07 for only slightly more than what Fisher gets.

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No one would trade the #5 straight up for Al. If they would he'd be gone already.

I agree BK would not take on Fisher's contract but we could do a lot worse. He's a player that we could really use: great shooter, good ball handler. At some point we are going to have to get some guys with long term deals and given our lousy standing in the league its not going to be sure thing superstars. Plus, BK has shown that he can unload big contracts. If we can figure a way to get another top 10 pick I'm all for it.

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Fish is a good transitional PG who can hit the open three point shot.

The 9th pick of the draft is not a pick to be taken lightly. It's still a lottery pick!

2004 - Andre Iguodala

2003 - Mike Sweetney

2002 - Amare Stoudamire

2001 - Rodney White

2000 - Joel Pryzibillia

1999 - Shawn Marion

1998 - Dirk

I think I have built a solid case for the importance of a 9 pick... So it's not something to be taken lightly and could get us a player much much better than AL.

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I've been considering our NEED... This is the deal:

Al for Fish/#9.

Draft Deron Williams/Frye or Villanueva/Garcia

Free Agency...

Get Hughes/Dally/Diop...

or Hughes/Swift/Diop...

Hughes = 6 yr 54 million.

Dally = 6 yr 64 million.

Diop 2 yr 3 million.

I have been thinking about it.. We cannot afford to not go after the best talent available this year.




Chillz/D. Smith



I think Dally is what we should want at C. He's big, defensive, and athletic... Sorry DC/Phill.

I think Hughes is the best choice at SG. Big Athletic.

I think the fact that Smoove has trouble keeping up with Sfs means that he might make a better Pf.. Plus he does have really good size and he does not lack strength... Karl Malone was only 6'9" and he's the prototypical PF. Smoove guarding KG did it for me.

I think that Chillz has an advantage on Sfs but has a disadvantage on SGs...

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i wont shoot down dreams of dalembert anymore, but remember i said that we were going to re-sign when it happens.

i think you are short changing hughes in your estimate. league leader in steals, defensive 1st team, 20 ppg, 25 years old, sounds like 10 mil a season to me. someone will give it to him.

you dont want fisher man. seriously watch GState play. he's ok in D and hits his share of open shots, but for that price ya'll better off getting keyon dooling or somebody similar and using the extra dough elsewhere. a better deal is Al/#2 for Magloire/#4. Magloire would kill in the east (except against Shaq) and you guys need a center, would improve D.

You think Diop is worth that much, if Silas couldnt get to him, i dont think anyone can.

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I think you guys really want to resign.. and alot will depend on what the owners come away with in CBA.. But if you have a dollar for dollar matching Luxury tax...

You guys won't do it.

I think I could see you guys paying less for Gadzuric or Haslem before you guys match what we may offer..

I agree that Al/#2 for Magloire/#4 is a wonderful deal. I just have problems believing that N.O. will give up Magloire after all. I think they may take Paul and be happy....

Diop would be getting 2 yrs 3.0 million dollars. The second year would be on a team option (like BK likes to do). I think that Diop is a defensive presence and another big body. He probably won't find a better deal but I do think that he still has some potential..

About Fish...

I think he'd be a good BU. I'm really sold on D. Williams. I think Fish off the bench for 15 mpg would be good because he does have the ability to help stretch the defense and with Chillz/Hughes, we have ball handlers who can take the pressure off of him and allow him to find his shot.

His cost is big... But I think that the 9 pick will be big too.

Of course, Zeke may make it easier for us by trading us Penny/#8 for Al.. If that's the case, I would happily take Penny and Villaneuva or Frye..

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That is absolutely PREPOSTEROUS! The simple fact that you place Frye behind Smooth on your depth chart below should be enough said for you to realize how RIDICULOUS this proposal is. But if that isn't enough, we give up Al, who is in the last year of his contract and who is FAR better than Frye, AND we take on D Fish's contract. GS would GIVE us Fisher FOR FREE (a future 2nd) just to get him off their roster! Why do they need him, particularly with B Diddy around?

Wouldn't it make more sense just to keep Al and put him where you have Frye in the line up (Actually, he's still better than Smoove right now but that doesn't even matter)?

Right now, I think we should take whoever is available between M. Williams (probably) or Bogut. If we could trade down with Charlotte AFTER the draft and get D. Williams or Paul at #5 PLUS #13, I'd strongly consider it.

I don't have a problem going with Hughes/Dalembert in free agency but I think Hughes will get more than Dalembert and I wouldn't give Dalembert that much.

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That's the deal. Take it or leave it. If you want to get rid of that massive contract, you gotta give up something.

I trade with Denver to get their #22 and I package it with Delk and trade for Fisher and the 9th. Think it can't be done? They would give SERIOUS consideration to this deal to get rid of that albatross.

I think it's a FAIR deal. Here's what you HAVE to think about. Golden State still gets a pick, but they get rid of that contract and they get a TRADE EXCEPTION. I personally think they would be ALL OVER this deal.

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I agree with you Trace. Diesel would get fired as GM before he walked in the door. Nothing against Diesel, I think he knows a little about B-Ball, but most of his trade proposal will not only never happen, they are quite comical and a recipe for definite failure.

I use to complain about him putting this fantasy stuff on this forum, but he lives and breathes fantasy trades (he would go into depression if he didn't) so I digressed on moving that stuff over to the right forum.

He gets obsessed with getting rid of a player and then starts throwing out all kinds of fantasy stuff based on his personal preference.

Again I am glad we can laugh on this forum about his trades because we would be in big trouble if he had any power to actually do anything with the Hawks. Thankgod it is in BKs hands.

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Frye or Villanueva will be much better than Al.

Frye... Because he can play defense. He is a C sized player.

Villanueva because he's 6'11" and has more skills PERIOD.

I don't expect either to be a big hit right away, but I think that both will be very important pieces down the road. I think Smoove needs more development because Smoove has star potential... SO WHAT? Do you think anybody.. And I mean Anybody we bring in will cause Smoove to sit the bench?

Think about that!

That's proposterous...

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Al averaged 17 and 7 playing 39 minutes a game on a very bad team with few offensive options. Those numbers are not impressive by any standard..I would much rather have a young player getting those minutes and developing..Al needs to be a 6th man.

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I think that there's a team for Al, where Al can play and his negatives won't be so obvious.

1 is NY.

If NY would give us #8/Penny for Al, I'd do it all day.

The second is Indy.

They need Al now.

I would trade Al to Indy for D. Harrison/#18

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offensive option on the team. No one else on the entire roster EVER commanded a double team. In addition, Al was asked to take on a more perimeter-oriented role than he's ever had before while trying to play through injuries. I think Al has plenty of game and those who would trade him for the likes of Channing Frye would be making a big mistake. Besides, it's not like Al is making $14M a season. We are getting TERRIFIC production from him for his salary. If we could resign him for anywhere near what he will make next season, we should do it without blinking.

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