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Antonino Daniels and Sarunas Jasikevicius


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These are two point guards that are listed as 1 and 2 as available free agents. It seems we should go after these guys. Daniels probably wouldn't sign with us, unless we throw alot cash his way. I don't know much about Jasikevicius.






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when they mentioned that some consider him to be the best shooter in the world. After watching him torch the US I have certainly been wanting him to come over. At 29 he isnt likely to sign with a bad team unless he wants to be known as the guy who helped bring the franchise back. Thats my hope. I think that he is worth giving a very good paycheck to. With his experience, size, tenacity, basketball IQ, and scoring ability I definitely think that he is worth as much as any FA PG this year.

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we have money and we aren't gonna get many, if any, of the big name fas...i'm all for spending 3-5 mil each on andersen/jasikevicius, etc...young players that have good potential...they have proven themselves abroad, now let them prove themselves here a la dirk/gasol/manu/parker/etc

at the worst, they can't do us much more harm than collier...

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I think that Jasikevicious is the best point guard in the world. I saw him at the olympics, and he was the main reason that Lithuania thrashed the US. He really knows how to distribute the ball, and he can shoot the lights out too.

Also, it wasn't Darius Songalia who was the difference.

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not true. 1st off its hard to compare NBA to other leagues because of the rule differences, court differences, etc. but Jason Kidd is the best PG in the world, not Jasikevicius. i'm sorry these foreign guys get a lot of hype in general. i mean he's good, but not the best in the world and his team didnt medal.

look at the draft if my man Kevin Pittsnoggle were foreign, he would be a lotto pick, same for Darius Rice last year, all this extra foreign hype makes me sick. they have had just as many busts as the high school kids but it gets swept under the rug.

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not true. 1st off its hard to compare NBA to other leagues because of the rule differences, court differences, etc. but Jason Kidd is the best PG in the world, not Jasikevicius. i'm sorry these foreign guys get a lot of hype in general. i mean he's good, but not the best in the world and his team didnt medal.

look at the draft if my man Kevin Pittsnoggle were foreign, he would be a lotto pick, same for Darius Rice last year, all this extra foreign hype makes me sick. they have had just as many busts as the high school kids but it gets swept under the rug.

I think you are off-base in terms of the "hype" factor for foreign players. Sure some are hyped based on potential, but so are high-schoolers and early entry candidates. For every Darko and Skita there is a Kwame, Bender and Diop. Some top foreign players, without any hype, slip to the late first or second round and end up as huge successes - such as Ginobilli, Parker and Kirilenko. Some top US college and high schoolers without "hype" slip and become great successes - Redd, Smoove, Boozer, etc.

The point is there are plenty of foreign born players that justify the draft hype they receive - Dirk, Gasol, Ming, etc. Similarly there are plenty that bust. I don't thik it gets swept under the rug. I think everyone realizes that there is a HUGE risk in drafting a teenager, whether he comes from Texas or Prague.

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KWAME was a #1 pick and was given several years + significant minutes (including starting minutes) to show his "stuff"

Darko has not been given the GREEN LIGHT YET.

skeeta, darko, jiri welsh, carbarkapa WERE NOT #1 picks.

- Darko hasnt been given the opportunity to play. Even the Detroit fans dont know if hes a BUST or a future ALLSTAR. until he gets some significant playing time, and we see that he SUCKS- hes not a BUST. not yet, atleast.

- as for the other guys like Skeeta. He was #5 pick. the guy after him was Dajuan Wagner at #6, but how come ur not complaining about him?

- Jiri Welsch was a 16th pick in 2002. In 2003, the 16th pick was Troy Bell. but how come ur not complaining about him? is he even in the NBA? This year, the 16th pick was Kirk Snyder.

what im trying to say is that the 16th picks are ROLE PLAYERS. not future allstars (unless u get lucky as heck).

- i dont even know who carbarkapa is... so not gonna even comment.


overall, i think this whole HS vs FOREIGNERS is overrated. u talk as if ESPN has a daily column about the HS BUSTS and the foreigners dont. every year (or every month), someone complains that Darko is a bust.

i think its pretty even honestly (the bashing). y on earth would america bash their own players more than international players?

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i'm sorry, i just see the HS kids getting talked about b/c of their lack of development, when the foreign players go to 'basketball schools' and can play in pro leagues at like 16 and they come to the NBA and still fail. you are right it is both ways, but in my opinion the HS kids get far more criticism....

..you are right about Darko, they really havent given him a chance so its not fair to evaluate him. when LB leaves and he gets time next year I will then officially call him a bum.

...and Wagner has been sick/hurt almost his entire career. when he did get a chance to play his rookie year he averaged like 15 a game. he can play, i consider him in the same boat as Darko...

what difference does it make what position players were picked. im arguing HS kids vs. foregin kids in general, i dont care if they were picked 1st or 16th. the point is a lot of the foreigners suck just as much as the HS kids suck and it should be know. (Bell and Snyder played 4 and 3 years in college, i dont see how they have come into the argument) Drafts are crap shoots, and most of the GMs are dumb (like how do you explain Josh Howard dropping to the last pick of the 1st rd??) it is hard to tell how a player will turn out US born or non-US born

im sorry i got on this tangent but the guy that said Jasikevicius was the best PG in the world just got to me. Its like people see these foreigners play and totally forget that it is a different style over there and forget about the players over here. i look at the guy and see a good player yes, but for someone to say he is the best in the world and his team didnt medal (they lost to US in 3rd place game!!!) i find crazy. how is he better than Billups, Nash, AI, Kidd. sorry i dont see it

Im done venting grin.gif

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