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Unspeakable thoght being spoken...


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Then you try to anoint yourself by saying that you have been 100% right about "Building"...

If drafting players isn't building... What is it?

You said Dickau wouldn't stick around in the NBA...

Come on Kerry... Can you not flip flop on the issue?

I certainly can go farther to show that you have been 100% wrong on a lot of things.. BUT Why bother. Just accept it and move on!

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Dude I am talking about the prediction of organizational moves....i.e.legitimate trades, legitimate free agent signing, prediction of who we will draft (realistically), prediction of who we will keep, etc.....NOT PLAYER EVALUATIONS AND OPINIONS OF CERTAIN MOVES. My opinion AFTER these moves are already done doesn't matter. It is just that an opinion which could be right or wrong.

My opinion of whether BK made a bad move or right move is not what we are debating about. Again you are on the wrong boat. There are a lot of move BK makes or made that I may disagree/agree with and there are a lot of opinions I may have about a player.....THAT IS NOT WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT...get that in your head. Why in the hell are we even talking about Dan Dickau? He isn't even in this organization. What are you talking about??? I am talking about predictions of what will happen (i.e. moves) with this team.

I am talking about your ridiculus fantasy trades versus some realistic possibilities and realistic possible moves (i.e. who we will draft at No. 2, who we will sign as a free agent, who we will trade). That is what I am talking about. Predictions based on factual information..a concept you will never grasp!!

Player opinions is altogether different from prediction of organization building. Of course, some of my opinions about players will be right and some will be wrong just like everyone else, I have never denied that. I am specifically talking about your fantasy BS versus real possible moves in BUILDING this team. I am usually right when it comes to predicting these moves and you are ALWAYS wrong!!!

Again Put up or Shut up!! Let me put you on the right boat because you are not comprehending too well.

What do think the Hawks will do in this draft?

Then I will tell you what I think they will do?

THEN WE WILL SEE WHO IS MORE ACCURATE. The person who is accurate wins the bet........That is the debate!!

Again What do you think the Hawks will do in this draft? This will be on record!!

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I don't think that we will take him. I especially hope we don't. I still think Marvin will go to the Bucks. Then we'll take Bogut and pick up a PG later on. The trade down is also a possibility if Milwaukee ends up taking Bogut. Potential be damned, we have good, dynamic players at that position. We need to get what we need and get on with seeing how good these guys can be.

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Oh I get it..

When the organization didn't go for your boy Deng... Then Damnit, whoever the organization picked is a bust because EMEANS has to be 100% Correct?

And they call me egotistical.


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Josh Smith was an exceptional rookie, especially out of high school. Why trade a known for an unknown..too many trade ideas, too many strange crazy trade opinions..

come on, do you think BK is going to trade the slam dunk contest winner, the only guy giving the Hawks a face?

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No...wrong again. If look at the history of who I wanted the Hawks to draft, you will clearly see I wanted Josh Smith even at 6. I wanted him at all cost last year..you know that. We didn't get him at 6 but we ended up getting him at 17. I hadn't pulled for us to draft Deng nor Chillz BEFORE the draft. I was clearly wanting Josh Smith out of last years draft even if it meant drafting him at 6. I didn't pick the right number, but I damn well picked the player.

No one can go on record and say I wanted either one of those two players. Deng nor Chillz were even in any of my wants before the draft. After the draft and mid-way through the season when Chillz was sucking, I did think we should have drafted Deng, but again that was during the season and again AFTER the organization made their decisions.

Don't dodge the question.

What do you think the Hawks will do before and/or during the draft?

I will give you my answer after yours and we will see who is right when the dust settles. And if you want to put a wager on it step up to the plate, if you are confident in your fantasies...oops I meant predictions.

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If look at the history of who I wanted the Hawks to draft, you will clearly see I wanted Josh Smith even at 6. I wanted him at all cost last year..you know that. We didn't get him at 6 but we ended up getting him at 17. I hadn't pulled for us to draft Deng nor Chillz BEFORE the draft. I was clearly wanting Josh Smith out of last years draft even if it meant drafting him at 6. I didn't pick the right number, but I damn well picked the player.

It's right here...



Bench Sniper

Re: Post your top 3 choices for the 6th pick [Re: DocHawk]

#53876 - 06/24/04 04:10 PM




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What do you think the Hawks will do before and/or during the draft?

Before the draft, I think BK will listen to all the deals being offered. I think if the Bos/PTL trade goes down, our situation will change a tad bit.

During thr draft.

I think we will probably pick Marvin Williams.

During the draft, I think BK will look to trade Marvin for the 5th pick/13th pick which could be Deron, Felton, or even Paul.. and another big man at 13.. possibly Petro or Frye.

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oh god no

smoove is NOT just a slam dunk champ...that is a casual fan's perspective, and i didn't expect people on this board to have such a casual view...

smoove is a natural shot blocker, a great rebounder, turning into a good scorer and good defender

if smoove NEVER improves ONE BIT from now, he'll be a solid role player, a starter putting up 15/10 from sf or pf

also, smoove played well against kg, so i don't buy him not being able to play pf...he's also the same size/weight as toine/al/brand/amare/etc etc

dwill/paul/felton may be no better than ukic/jack, so why trade smoove for one of those 3 when we can get ukic/jack for boston's pick or diaw or al...why give up someone who has the CHANCE to be our future franchise player?

seriously, after all of these years of mediocrity due to no franchise player, why would we trade away someone with that potential that has actually shown something?

i'd rather trade al for booth than trade smoove for #4...one is trading a tweener who won't be a franchise player while the other is trading away someone with a shot to be special

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well, we need to stockpile talent

and, it doesn't make much sense to extend al in october(he'll want 10mil/year or he'll wait until summer)

our choices regarding al:

a) sign him to an extension by october

b) trade him on draft day for a pick

c) trade him this summer for a player(s)

d) don't extend and sign him next summer

e) don't extend and snt him next summer

f) don't extend and lose him for nothing next summer

g) don't extend and trade at deadline for a mid first (sheed/toine deals)

unless we want to pay 10mil/year for al for many years, we need to trade him...he has the most value right now, not after he can't be extended...

and even if we keep him, then i'd rather have 3 guys to play forward that all are talented and could be great than 2 guys

u stockpile talent and work it out

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well, we need to stockpile talent

and, it doesn't make much sense to extend al in october(he'll want 10mil/year or he'll wait until summer)

First off...

You don't "Stockpile" talent with the #2 pick of the draft... Unless you're Joe Dumars and the pick becomes the laughingstock of the league... Get the picture.


I have not heard anytime of BK or any of his people talking about the future where he hasn't said Al. I went back over the past quotes of BK.. It's very instructive.

He never said JT .. being part of the future.

He never said Walker... Being part of the future (in fact, when he signed Walker he made it a point to mention that giving Walker an extension was not going to happen).

HE never said Jax... Would be part of the future.

The only players he has ever mentioned as being part of the future are:

Al, Smoove, and Chillz.

I don't think Al is a player we should build around..

I would rather sign Swift and Bogut... Believe it or not.. than to try to build with Al because Al doesn't rebound or defend well...


Curry/Al is an accident waiting to happen!

Let's get Dally or Kwame or somebody..

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Thank you for posting your plan.

That link was right before the draft and I knew Josh wasn't going to be picked at 6 based on all the reports. Those were REALISTIC consensus possible picks for No. 6 at that time and I just put them in the order of who I would go with if these were the participants. Were any of these my favorite for the 6 spot?....NO, not even Deng. Go back a little further in history and you will see I clearly wanted the Hawks to draft Josh Smith at 6. I have several post that clearly indicate that.

Now for my plan of what the Hawks will do during/before the draft:

1. The Hawks will draft Marvin Williams or Bogut with No. 2

2. The Hawks will NOT trade Al Harrington during/before the draft.(This is a point of disagreeance)

3. The Hawks will NOT trade Marvin or Bogut when they draft them for 5/13. (another point of disagreeance)

3. The Hawks may try to trade Diaw and package the 31st pick/future 2nd round pick to move up in the 1st round, if they don't succeed they will be happy to stay at 31 and fill a need.

4. I have no idea who BK is going to try and sign in the FA period. Maybe Kwame Brown, but BK holds his cards pretty tight when it comes to FA. None of use knows until he says something.

Archive this thread and Lets see who is right when the dust settles.

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Thank you for posting your plan.

That link was right before the draft and I knew Josh wasn't going to be picked at 6 based on all the reports. Those were REALISTIC consensus possible picks for No. 6 at that time and I just put them in the order of who I would go with if these were the participants. Were any of these my favorite for the 6 spot?....NO, not even Deng. Go back a little further in history and you will see I clearly wanted the Hawks to draft Josh Smith at 6. I have several post that clearly indicate that.

Now for my plan of what the Hawks will do during/before the draft:

1. The Hawks will draft Marvin Williams or Bogut with No. 2

2. The Hawks will NOT trade Al Harrington during/before the draft.(This is a point of disagreeance)

3. The Hawks will NOT trade Marvin or Bogut when they draft them for 5/13. (another point of disagreeance)

3. The Hawks may try to trade Diaw and package the 31st pick/future 2nd round pick to move up in the 1st round, if they don't succeed they will be happy to stay at 31 and fill a need.

4. I have no idea who BK is going to try and sign in the FA period. Maybe Kwame Brown, but BK holds his cards pretty tight when it comes to FA. None of use knows until he says something.

Archive this thread and Lets see who is right when the dust settles.

I agree with all of this with exception to AL. I can see us moving him if the Diaw deal cannot be done. If AL goes it will be for a mid round pick 15 to 22 range.

I only say AL is a possibility due to the fact we are, I beleive, committed to getting bigger. And in free agency this is what we will try to due at the pf/center position.

Moving AL also hinges a lot on Bogut. If we get Bogut moving AL is not as important but if we get Marvin, we need a big man instead of AL in the worst way.

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