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Where's my crow? Chris Paul is tall enough.


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Billy Knight has never said a person needs to be a certain height to play for him. As a matter of fact if you listened to any of his talks online he said if a person can play ball they can play regardless of size. BTW Paul is 5'11.75 not 5'11 1/2 which makes him almost 6'0ft without shoes.

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  • 9 months later...
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I was looking at Tony Parker. Parker is fast and has skills but he's not as fast as Paul and doesn't possess the same skill set. That's to say, I expect Paul will be twice the PG of Parker and Bibby...

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paul is not faster nor better than parker. Definitely not faster. And Parker is a MVP candidate this year. 19/6/3 on 55% shooting leading the spurs to the best record in the west as Duncan has slumped.

Paul is certainly a lot better than expected though.

Let's not forget that you wanted Deron though

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You've seen Duncan and Ginobilli win a championship with Parker in tow.

Take Duncan out of the equation... Spurs do nothing.

Take Parker out of the equation.... Spurs still go to the finals. And probably win.

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Tony was the staring PG on an NBA championship team, I honestly would take him over Paul until Paul shows me he can do more than rack up numbers and individual accolades.

He never won a state championship, never won an ACC championship, never won an NCAA championship, and his team has a losing record in the NBA.

I think he's a damn good player and a top 10 NBA point guard, but he hasn't ever won a damn thing. PG is the position that I'll take a proven winner over an exciting talent any day of the week.

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They don't win if you cut Parker last year. They are barely a playoff team if you cut Parker this year.

Yes TD has carried them in the past, but Parker contributed a lot, and was big last year. This year, Parker is carrying TD.

So again, I don't know, I might take Paul based on accomplishing so much so young, but it's close either way

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