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Videos of all the College Guys except Deron.


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Warrick and Granger each showed some skills people didn't expect - Granger a better than expected shooting stoke from NBA 3-point range and Warrick a cross-over dribble and shooting touch that he rarely employed while dominating the paint for the Orangemen. Warrick's athleticism and explosiveness was the talk of the workout, though, as he dominated Granger in several of the one-on-one drills.

Full article here


Players improve over 4 yrs in college, and make drastic improvements with their trainer during the months before the draft. Warrick can fix his shot and handles. I'm saying he is a good prospect, because with his athleticism alone he should be able to produce in the NBA as soon as he enters. I can't think of any player who has as much athleticism as Warrick and just became a bust. At the least he will become a solid player like Swift. Warrick should be better than Swift since Warrick averaged over 20ppg in college while Swift barely averaged 16ppg.

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How did you see more skill in the Villanueva video? At least they had some clips of Marvin handling the basketball on the break. EVERYTHING on the Villanueva video showed him catching and dunking. I didn't see one shred of action that showcased the skills that Villanueva actually has.

It's the same with Marvin. Marvin has better range on his jumper than Villanueva, but whoever made these videos didn't take that into account.

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You missed Villanueva stealing the ball, running the break coast to coast and dunking on his man at the end, in traffic? It's the last piece of footage on his clip..

The point is that all these Clips show is the good side. I would figure that if M Williams were so talented, they would have shown more than just him dunking (wide open dunks) 6 times?

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You just don't know...

I have been to, in person.. watched in person and on tv.. too many ACC games. I watch as much of the big 12 as possible. I watch a lot of Pac-10 games because they lineup well with my sleep pattern...... And of course there's UK!

Point is, I'm not just a homer with a one dimensional view on players, I have seen a lot of college players play.. especially this year. I have seen just about all the draftees play at least 3 times (with the exception of Fran and Petro). I can't be at every game.. BUT i think I have watched everybody... For instance..

While I was watching Detroit/San Antonio... I was also watching UCLA/ASU... Have you taken the time to watch either of those teams play this year?

Thought not...

Stick to being a tech fan...

Leave it to the rest of us to school you on what's going on elsewhere!

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I can't think of any player who has as much athleticism as Warrick and just became a bust. At the least he will become a solid player like Swift. Warrick should be better than Swift since Warrick averaged over 20ppg in college while Swift barely averaged 16ppg.

There are lots of players with great athleticism who become giant flops in the NBA - Kenny "Sky" Walker, Harold Minor, Darius Miles, Jeff Trapagnier, Steven Hunter, Cedric Ceballos, Johnathan Bender, Jerrod Mustaf, Marcus Haislip, Kwame Brown, Roy Marble, etc.

Others take years to develop and are still only average - i.e., Gerald Wallace, Chris Wilcox, Nene, etc.

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Warrick is way more athletic than most of the people you just named, and the majority of the people you did name were playing decades ago.

And since when did Darius Miles become a bust he had a 45 pt game not too long ago.

It really doesn't matter how good you are what matters is if you have the pg to set you up. Kenyon Martin is what he is because of Jason Kidd. Amare is what he is because of Nash. As long as we get the good pg, no athleticism should go to waste.

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Lascar vision.

I watched the video above and it shows about 6 M Will dunks. Nothing else really. Not skill wise.

Does anybody else have an opinion?

Marvin Williams is a power dunker, and it's not secret. I think he'll become a star, but I hope for him to become a better all around shooter. If Billy Knight selects him I expect Marvin to be able to knock down a jumper, and not dunk just to get his points. We need some shooters on this team, and Billy Knight has expressed that.

I expect BK to go with Bogut first and Marvin second.

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You just don't know...

I have been to, in person.. watched in person and on tv.. too many ACC games. I watch as much of the big 12 as possible. I watch a lot of Pac-10 games because they lineup well with my sleep pattern...... And of course there's UK!

Point is, I'm not just a homer with a one dimensional view on players, I have seen a lot of college players play.. especially this year. I have seen just about all the draftees play at least 3 times (with the exception of Fran and Petro). I can't be at every game.. BUT i think I have watched everybody... For instance..

While I was watching Detroit/San Antonio... I was also watching UCLA/ASU... Have you taken the time to watch either of those teams play this year?

Thought not...

Stick to being a tech fan...

Leave it to the rest of us to school you on what's going on elsewhere!

As if we haven't all seen all these players play. My question that you dodged was how many live games did you go to this year? You can sense a player's game more accurately when you see him live as opposed to on tv. I went to about 10 hawks games and 15 tech games. I've seen a number of these guys live. Of course I've seen both UCLA and ASU play on TV, I watch a ton of college basketball, and I'm no more of a homer than you are.

I don't see a tech logo in my picture, but I see a UK one in yours. Who's the homer now?

As far as anyone schooling me here, there may be some people that have more knowledge in some areas, but you're certainly not one of them.

All you do is invent trades that make no sense, misinterpret anything that has anything to do with numbers, and try to belittle people who try to talk some sense to you by calling them names that even an 8 year would consider childish. You spam the board with nonsense in the third person and post so much that people give up on trying to convince you, and you think you win arguments when you're not even close.

If there was an ignore function here no one would read your posts. You think you're the king of this place when you're really the buffoon.

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To answer your question, I've been to 4 All ACC games this year.

however, let me point this out:


You can sense a player's game more accurately when you see him live as opposed to on tv.

This statement is so full of BS, i can't believe you said it...

Let me tell you the differnce. LIVE (especially at an ALL ACC game) you have the crowd making each home team play seem so sensational. You have a different view depending on where you are seated. You don't see the little things like if a player (like May hooked). You tend to go with the crowd and against the refs when they make a call against the home team..

I have been to games, watched them, come home, unloaded the DVR and seen that the game I went to personally was nothing like what was on TV. I get the advantage of slow motion replays... I can even do my own with my magical dvr buttons... My wife hates it, but my new past time is taping games from the sports package (on dvr) then watching the tape over and over again... in my spare time with no commercial interruptions and as many replays as my heart desire...

TELL ME... Can you do that at the game? Hell no.

Technology have made watching it on tv a whole lot more useful (as if replay was not more instructive anyway) than watching it live...

I can't believe you said that...


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So why do coaches, GM's and scouts go to all these players' games? Why do they travel half way around the globe to watch their games in person? Why not have them taped and just watch the tape?

I guess once again, you must know something that all the scouts and GM's getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars don't know.

I have a DVR too and instant replays are useful. But it doesn't change the fact that watching a game on tape is no substitute for seeing it live. Some players seem quicker / stronger / slower... on tv than they do live. While tapes are give you a better understanding of how a team operates and how to break a team tactically, live action allows you to get a better feel for a player's actual skills, speed, and strength.

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then Martynas should be the #1 pick. After all he is 7-3 and I would say he is just as good of a shooter as Marvin. This is why I don't understand what makes Marvin so special in so many peoples' eyes. He dunks on a few people and makes a couple of 3 pters and now he is the #2 pick. Many people have failed to realize how mediorcere of a defender he is, despite having all of that size and athleticism. He averages hardly no blocks, and isn't the best rebounder to boot.

I would seriously take Martynas over Marvin, since Marty can do everything Marvin does, along with better blocking, better ball handling, and with a year in the weight room, could be a great player. While Marvin at best will turn into a short Jermaine Oneal, and we know how long it took for him to turn into an all-star.

Please take some time to look at Marvin's weaknesses from draftexpress.com He doesn't have the most upside in the draft and doesn't have an offensive game to speak of besides a mid-range game that works when he is wide open. I don't care what anyone says Chillz is a better shooter than Marvin, along with Donta, and maybe even Smoove towards the end of the season.

So can someone please refresh my memory why Marvin is supposed to be the superstar to come out of this draft.

If I was Smoove I would be pissed off for not going to college, because if Marvin can come off the bench drain a couple of threes and make some wide open dunks and become a top 3 pick. Smoove could have become the number 1 pick since he does everything right there along with probably having a 20 block game in college.

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Why do they travel half way around the globe to watch their games in person? Why not have them taped and just watch the tape?

Yeah... But every coach/scout/what have you...

go to these games AFTER they have evaluated using tape.... And best believe if the game is televised, weather the coach goes or not, he will get the tape of the game. There is JUST TOO MUCH YOU CAN MISS without tape...

The advantages of going live... As BK says. You can see how he reacts during a timeout. What is he doing when he's on the bench. Does he listen to the coach or not..

Sure, you can see those things... But when the game is being played and the ball is on the floor, advantage goes to technology...

Moreover, how many times have you heard GMs/scouts/etc.. say.. well, we went to scout so and so player and he didn't play in this game.

In fact, it's not unusual that draft picks are made solely off of tape...

Diaw for instance. He never worked out for the Hawks. BK never saw him in person..

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I wouldn't say M Will has mediocre defense, I would say that we just can't truly quantify his defense because of the style of game UNC played.

Give up the Marty A wishing man.

Even if he was a good player, his buyout is too high.

But... My sig line is about Marty A. I don't think he's strong enough to play in this league...

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then Martynas should be the #1 pick. After all he is 7-3 and I would say he is just as good of a shooter as Marvin. This is why I don't understand what makes Marvin so special in so many peoples' eyes. He dunks on a few people and makes a couple of 3 pters and now he is the #2 pick. Many people have failed to realize how mediorcere of a defender he is, despite having all of that size and athleticism. He averages hardly no blocks, and isn't the best rebounder to boot.

I would seriously take Martynas over Marvin, since Marty can do everything Marvin does, along with better blocking, better ball handling, and with a year in the weight room, could be a great player. While Marvin at best will turn into a short Jermaine Oneal, and we know how long it took for him to turn into an all-star.

Please take some time to look at Marvin's weaknesses from draftexpress.com He doesn't have the most upside in the draft and doesn't have an offensive game to speak of besides a mid-range game that works when he is wide open. I don't care what anyone says Chillz is a better shooter than Marvin, along with Donta, and maybe even Smoove towards the end of the season.

So can someone please refresh my memory why Marvin is supposed to be the superstar to come out of this draft.

If I was Smoove I would be ed off for not going to college, because if Marvin can come off the bench drain a couple of threes and make some wide open dunks and become a top 3 pick. Smoove could have become the number 1 pick since he does everything right there along with probably having a 20 block game in college.


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WTF? Marvin is a worse shooter than Smoove? I love Smoove and Chills but neither are great shooters. Marvin at least shot 43% from 3pt range and 85% from the stripe. That compares favorably to people like Rashard McCants 42% and 73%.

Also, from Chills' 3 college seasons, his best 3pt % was 39.5% and his best Ft% was 82% (5th best in the Pac 10).

There are legit questions about Williams but he is clearly a fine shooter.

I won't compare NBA and college 3pt shooting but shooting from the FT is the same and Smoove hit 69% from there.

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they just can't seem to do well at the line, so the whole freethrow crap you can throw out of the window. As far as his 3 point percentage he only made 19 3pters in 36 games and they all were wide open so he made 43% . Chillz made 34 3pters in 23 games in college and shot 39.5%

Marvin got open shots from kickout from double teams on May, and drive and dish plays from Felton. Now can anyone even name a player Chillz played with his last year at Stanford?

And still no one has answered my question why Marvin is worthy of a #2 pick.

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