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Harrington + JSmith or JChill for #1 (or #3?)?


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I think we had a good draft last year. Smith was a huge steal. But, right now, we have overlapping talent - 3 guys that should probably be playing SF - and we might draft another.

IF you had to choose - which would you keep; Smith or Chill???

Milw might deal to impress Redd or because he is leaving.

Portland is looking to deal because the 3rd and 4th best draft prospects are PGs.

How about Al and either Smith or Childress for the #3 or #1 pick (Portland is most likely to deal) and cap baggage.

We get either MWilliams or Bogut (or both if Milwaukee would go for the deal) - then we add our choice of DWilliams or Paul.

If we deal with Port:

AlH+ JChill(or Smith) for DAnderson or Outlaw/Kryapa+ either Miles or Patterson.

Paul(Or Deron)/delk

Smith (or Childress)/Diaw




This would leave our 1-3 set for the next 10 years and our fastbreak would be unstoppable.

If we could deal with milw:

#1, Booth, JSmith for Al, JChill (or SMith)

Milw would clear cap by losing Booth and Smith (even though Smith contributes but would be replaced by Al). This deal would work better if Milw loses Redd but works either way.


JSmith (or Childress)/Diaw




This team would still be a couple of years away but adding another high pick next year could turn this into an eventual dynasty. But, the #1 pick might be so overvalued that we can't swing this deal.

- -


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this was NOT to move up one spot (NOT giving up #2) - - - it was to add another high pick - giving us 2 of the top 3 picks.

Also, Al is not worth a top 10 pick by himself. That is putting way too much value on Al or too little on a top 10 pick. We might get a pick between 13-20, if, and only if, that team was not wanting to add more rookies.

Also, I like Felton, but saying Jack, etc. will be better than Paul or Deron???????????

I like the idea of Smith being the future. Chill could be, but if we can deal him for Bogut or Paul and thereby get stud players that fit our needs, why not.

Al+Chill for #3, Patterson, Outlaw, Khryapa (or Theo by himself)

I LOVE this deal because our 1-3 would rock -

Paul - Smith - MWill would dominate.

Outlaw would be subpar at the 4 and the 5 would still suck, but we would only have to get average players for those spots. With Paul and MWill being rookies, we would get another high pick next year, which hopefully would fill the last hole (along with one decent FA signing) and be our last one for a while.

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  • Premium Member

That's definitely an interesting trade proposal.

I suspect Milwaukee would take anything less than Al/Smoove and they'd give us back #1/Booth (herendous contract).

The real question is:

do you think Bogut is worth it. In essence, you have to weigh your love for Bogut versus your love for Smoove. Who has the brightest future?

I know this...

BK would get ran out of town. Because Bogut would never live up to the hype.

It would be a tragedy watching:

TJ Ford/Redd/Smoove/Al/Zsa-Zsa tearing up the league.

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As Much as I'd love to have Bogut, I'd rather take a chance on him dropping to two and take him there, otherwise take one of the top PGs or MW, then to get rid of Smith OR Childress. I think both of those guys are untouchable. Anybody else is tradable but not them.

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