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We need Bogut or Paul


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I , like many others here, am hoping against hope that the Bucks gets so high on Marvin Williams that pass Bogut on to us..I seriously doubt that happens..We need a center and a point desperately..If we can't get Bogut I think we need Paul..Deron is a fine player, Marvin may be a great player..In Paul, I think we would have a point guard that has a chance to be a great player..Pauls upside as a scorer and a penetrator are just better than Derons..Deron may be the better defensive point guard but guys like Chillz and Smoove will flourish playing next to Paul..In Marvin, I don't see Kevin Garnett, I see Lamar Odom..Garnett is nearly 4 inches taller than Marvin..Odom is about the same size with the same skillset.Lamar is a fine player, but is not a franchise player..I don't think Marvin will be one either..Compound all that with the very simple fact that we are already loaded with talented but tweener forwards and I think it is a nobrainer..We need Paul if we can't get Bogut. We probably can work out something with Portland to exchange picks so they can get Marvin..Even if they traded us the 3 and the 35 for the 2 it will allow us to add another quality player..Thoughts?

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I think you are exactly right Tmac we would be foolish if we draft Marvin Williams when we are loaded at the 3 spot. I think in a situation like this we can hurt the future of our team if we just take Marvin Williams because other teams desperately need his services.

I think a similiar situation occurred a few years back when the bulls screwed themselves trying to be greedy and drafted Marcus Fizer when they had Elton Brand. I think Fizer would have been a good player if he had went to Orlando as expected.

I'm totally against the notion of taking the best player available regardless of position because this henders the production of all the players involved in the situation.

IF we draft Marvin and he flourishes and JSmooth or Chill rot on the bench then we want be able to get a good player in return for them.

We have a stellar opportunity to get the best center or point guard available and anything else would be foolish.

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I don't have a problem with dropping down if Bogut is gone. I would want more than a 35th pick added to do it though.

Marvin is not Garnett but he could turn out better than Odum, especially with his scoring ability. Odum with 20 plus points a game is dangerously close to being a franchise player.

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yeah I agree. I could see how some would prefer Paul to Marvin because he's a better player as of today. But if you think Marvin will become the better player, we should not be taking Paul because of his position. If BK thinks (like most out there) that this draft is 2 deep at the top, and Bogut's gone, then Chill-Marvin-Smoove can be our 2-3-4 core for the future. For now Marvin can come off the bench, and Al will go sooner or later.

We should be focusing on who the better player is. Either one can fit in at this point, because there are only 2 real pieces to the core for our future. yes paul would have more of a positive impact this season, but that doesn't matter. It's about taking steps towards contending.

We need a C and a PG in the worst way, but that doesn't mean that we should only draft a PG or C with our top pick. We'll have to adress all positions sooner or later

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I totally agree. If Bogut goes #1, then we need to draft Paul. Not only is Paul an outstanding point guard and shooter but he is also a leader which this team needs. Plus remember, Paul has only played two years of college ball, so he will continue to improve. The player that M. Williams reminds me of is believe it or not, Al Harrington. At #31 I like D. Lee from FL, or B. Bass from LSU to add depth at PF.

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Next year we might be in position to get Rudy Gay...

He has potential to be a superstar in this league. Are you saying, we draft him too?

At what point do you say... Enough.. We need to fill positions??

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If it comes down to it, and he's clearly the best player on the board, then I take him and let the positions sort themselves out. With Rudy Gay, you have a guy who has the consistency and range on his jump shot to be a shooting guard at the NBA level. We will see how his other aspects develop till that point.

If we pass on Marvin Williams to take a position that is considered a great need position wise, then it could possibly be Sam Bowie all over again.

IMO, our biggest need is to improve our overall talent level regardless of position.

I'm glad Billy Knight has the foresight to look at what will happen down the road and not what the immediate impact will be.

Why should Billy Knight take a player who isn't an ideal player for what he wants when he's staring a guy who is ideal for what he wants in the face? Chris Paul will be a nice point guard in the league, but he doesn't have the length or the defensive ability that Billy Knight wants. Marvin Williams does.

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Seriously, we won 13 games last year..I would hope with the number 2 pick we could select someone that could start for us..If we draft Marvin , barring a trade, he is likely to be playing behind Chillz, Smoove,, and Al..Then we still have our glaring holes at the 1 and 5 spot..The free agent point guard group is less than compelling, and the decent free agent centers are all restricted..And.......Beside all that, look at the playoffs this year..Its all about point guards and big men..Even if Marvin comes in and turns into a great sf, when is the last time a great sf carried his team to a championship?Larry Bird?..High scoring small forwards don't win you anything in the NBA..A good point guard is much more likely to lead his team to a championship than a great 3..And one more thing, the Sam Bowie over Jordan example is wore out, every GM that has ever drafted a player has passed over players that were better than the ones he drafted..

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Exactly, I was just about to say that. We need talent at EVERY position. We are not in the position to just fill a position here or there. We need talent at all positions, so if you can get a potential superstar at any position on this team you take him!!

This team only has 3 players and only one of them is semi-proven and that is Al.

We are not in any position to get picky with positions right now. GET THE SUPERSTAR PERIOD AT THIS POINT!!

Now in two years you can start doing that once you have your proven player in place but right now we are a 13 win team with really no proven talent and a bunch of potential.

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Deron, or somebody else? You guys all seem to think that Marvin is the only potential superstar and yet the only knock on the guy most scouts say is the most complete PG to come out since Jason Kidd is that he is only 6'1". Sorry but I dont believe that Marvin has anymore chance to become a superstar than does Chris Paul. Not only that but Paul will actually start from day 1 and he will make our other 2 youngsters (hell probably even Al) better from day 1 as well. I am sure that most everyone remembers what Kidd did for the Nets, basically elevating the games of Jefferson and Kenyon to elite status. He made the Nets a great team. Or how about what Steve Nash did for Dallas and now Phoenix. He took both of those teams and made them MUCH better. Am I saying that Paul will do that for us next year? Of course not. We wont get that good overnight, but he will make our other young investments better, unlike what Marvin can do for them. I just dont see how you can pass that up unless its for Bogut who I dont think will be there when we pick.

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Well, I don't see how you can draft a guy who may be similar to Kenny Anderson as a pro when you can get a guy who a lot feel is similar to James Worthy with a jump shot.

IMO, Chris Paul's size limitations put a ceiling on his potential, and that ceiling is in the Kenny Anderson/Terrell Brandon area. Good point guards in their prime, but they couldn't elevate their teams.

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I want to draft the player that has a chance to be a star and lead this team to a championship down the road. I don't want to draft a player just because someone thinks he can make an immediate and meaningless impact for this season.

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I have not seen one legit source compare him to Anderson. Everywhere that I have read about him compares him to a shorter version of Jason Kidd with the way he can control a game and make his teammates better. I havent gotten to see him play live too many times, but when I did he didnt look anything like Kenny Anderson.

Just for grins though, you do realize that your basis for thinking he wont be a star because of his size is nuts right? He is the almost the exact same height/weight as John Stockton was and thats more than good enough for me to realize that you can be a championship team with a guy that size running your team. Tell you what though, if you can show me through recent history how many teams have won an NBA championship with a big PG I would love to see it.

Just look at this years finals. Billups is only slightly taller (2") and a little thicker (10 lbs or so) than Paul and he is more than adequate. Tony Parker is the same weight as Paul and only an inch taller.

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Ron Harper!

but i know where ur coming from


i think the whole height issue is overrated (concerning Paul).

some people act like the guy is 5'3" or something. Hes 5'11"-6'0" tall just like every other PG in his league not name JASON KIDD.

c'mon, in the game of 1-2 inches- i rather take TALENT over physical height.

i personally havent seen enough of DWilliams, Paul, Felton, etc to have a preference. but if i was BK, i would ignore the height and just evaluate talent.

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There's always going to be that fear of being PTL passing over Jordan.

However, look at a team like LAC. IN one draft I recall.. They already had Brand. They selected Ely, WIlcox. They missed out on guys like Prince.

I think with the opportunity to take either PG, we need to consider it strongly because M. Williams will ride the pine for us AND will be a problem for J-Smooves development

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It's a completely different situation entirely. The Clippers already had Brand, who can play only the power forward slot. They then drafted Wilcox, who can only play power forward. It was simply a bad pick on their part.

If the Hawks draft Marvin, they are not duplicating a position because Marvin and Josh both have the ability to play both forward spots as well as a little shooting guard.

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