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Has everyone forgot why we need a pg?


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That is what I was trying to get at.

I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to have a superstar, I just think we still need other pieces.

Yall act as soon as we get a superstar we are going to stop being a horrible team. As if Marvin is going to be the savior of the Hawks.

Did you not learn anything from the olympics? All the superstars in the world mean nothing if they're not a team. Puerto Rico didn't have a superstar unless yall consider Arroyo one, and they beat usa.

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yes, and what you seem to fail to understand is that getting a superstar is the hardest thing to do. WAAAAY harder than finding a good PG to run your team. I personnally don't plan on having alot of top 3 picks. Maybe this year and next and that's it. When are we going to get a superstar? If we get Deron and he improves our team a good bit, let's say we pick #5-8 next year. We're probably not finding a superstar with that pick. We'll grab someone else like a center to help us improve, and the next year we'll be better, maybe pick #8-14 the following year? We're not getting a superstar there.

Teams get very few shots at a superstar, that's the point.

There are a number of good PG's every year. Yes we desperately need a PG and a C, but we'll never contend for a championship if we don't pick up a true star. This will be one of our very few chances

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Josh Smith = no superstar

Marvin Williams = superstar

It is already established that JSmoove was seen as the better HS player and a player having MORE Potential than Williams coming out of HS... so how did sitting on the bench 1 yr help MWilliams become greater than Being a starter for 1 yr did for Smoove??

You guys are colorful if nothing else.

In fact you can quote me on this...

If Josh Smith can be put back into the draft this year... He would go ahead of Marvin Williams!

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It is already established that JSmoove was seen as the better HS player and a player having MORE Potential than Williams coming out of HS...

So are you saying that JSmoove was also seen as a beter HS player and had more potential than Dwight Howard? Because he was well ahead of him on that list too

Calling Marvin a superstar is way premature, but saying Smoove would get drafted before Marvin is wrong I think. Marvin's game is much more developped at this point, I can't think of anything Smoove does better other than athleticism (which translates to dunks and blocks)

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I love Smoove and his potential superstar qualities, however Smoove can't handle the rock like Marvin, nor can he shoot the rock from the outside like Marvin right now. Those are two important skills that Marvin has mastered and Smoove is still learning.

In the long run I think Smoove and Marvin are both going to be Superstars!!

In the near future we will have one of the best Forward tandems in the league bar none.

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yes, and what you seem to fail to understand is that getting a superstar is the hardest thing to do. WAAAAY harder than finding a good PG to run your team. I personnally don't plan on having alot of top 3 picks. Maybe this year and next and that's it. When are we going to get a superstar? If we get Deron and he improves our team a good bit, let's say we pick #5-8 next year. We're probably not finding a superstar with that pick. We'll grab someone else like a center to help us improve, and the next year we'll be better, maybe pick #8-14 the following year? We're not getting a superstar there.

Teams get very few shots at a superstar, that's the point.

There are a number of good PG's every year. Yes we desperately need a PG and a C, but we'll never contend for a championship if we don't pick up a true star. This will be one of our very few chances

Man this post hit the nail on the head.

We want to win a championship - not get back to being mediocre. You need a superstar to win a championship. We are reading through the media that NBA personnel men believe that there is one potential superstar in this draft - Marvin Williams. If that is accurrate then he is who I want to draft.

If there is noone with the potential to be a true superstar in this draft or any of the top 5 players could be a superstar then I am happy to draft a PG. But if Marvin is truly the only one with superstar potential as numerous media types are saying, then that is who I think we need to go for even if we already have players who fill similar needs on our roster. We can fill in the other needs later or through trades.

The goal is to win a championship down the line, not just improve the team. In fact, improving the team without landing a superstar might hurt our long-term ability to win a championship (for example, landing Mike Bibby or Mark Jackson along with Peja would make a team good enough that they would not land a superstar in the draft but not good enough to win a championship without getting that one in a thousand chemistry through landing other good player such as the DPOY and 4 other lotter picks now on the Pistons roster than were not drafted by the Pistons).

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Defensively Smoove is better.

Athletically Smoove is better.

I think MWill can not come close to Smoove in defense and rebounds and offensively, he just shoots from outside better.

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Diesel you know I love Smoove, so I am not knocking him at all. I think he will be a superstar in this league. I also think Marvin will be a superstar in this league too and they bring different strengths and weaknesses to the table.

There isn't probably anybody in the NBA more athletic than Smooth. However Marvin is pretty damn athletic too, so saying he is not as athletic as Smoove is really a null point. Who is more athletic than Smoove in the NBA?? Marvin will be in the top 90% echelon of atheltic players in the NBA too.

Defensively smooth is good for weakside help. He blocks shots from behind. He is not yet good defensively facing up to his defender. He has a lot to work on in this part of his defensive game. Woodson stays on him for this. Shorter guys just seem to shoot over him too easily. But don't drive to the basket he will swat it everytime.

Again I think both will be superstars!!

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I didn't watch Paul last year where he really struggled vs. Tech. I did see some of the game vs Jack this season and he didn't appear to struggle. He also finished above his average in that game.

Still, one on one isn't the concern as far as offense goes. Paul may have struggled, but that would be because of how teams guarded him. You can't guard him one on one and let him take the defender off the dribble. He'll go nuts on the offense with his shots AND with the pass... Yet, team's played Wake to contain him and he still got his points or he got to the line.

The biggest thing though, is not how well he managed to score...but how well he recognized the pressure and how EASILY he got everyone else involved. That's why Wake won. They really didn't have a great team. In the pros though, it should actually be much easier for him playing next to players of his calibur. He will have much more help and will either score or open up the defense for someone else to score. I can just imagine what Paul's penetration is going to do for someone like Chill who already needs LITTLE help getting to the hole. Yeah, draw that defense away from Chill...or give Smoove a little more room to take a few more steps. And then there's the pass that they'll be waiting on...

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I didn't watch Paul last year where he really struggled vs. Tech. I did see some of the game vs Jack this season and he didn't appear to struggle. He also finished above his average in that game.

Paul did struggle against Jack.

In the game Tech won against Wake, Paul had 8 points on 2 of 11 shooting, 7 assists, 1 rebound and 3 turnovers to Jack's 23 points on 7 of 11 shooting, 6 assists, 8 rebounds and 4 turnovers.


In the game Wake won against Tech, Paul had 17 points on 4 of 11 shooting, 7 assists, 4 rebounds and 2 turnovers to Jack's 23 points on 8 of 15 shooting, 7 assists, 2 rebounds and 2 turnovers.


Combined Paul scored 25 points, shot 6 for 22 with 15 assists, 5 turnovers and 5 rebounds to Jack's 46 points on 15 for 26 shooting, 15 assists, 6 turnovers, and 10 rebounds.

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yeah exactly. I saw the home game in person and Paul was struggling

I will admit that I do see that "it" factor in Paul, and he will be a special player. He just has that fire. We'll just have to see if he's able to get it done against big strong PG's in the league

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To me this draft is simple and has always been simple, you draft the best player, if none stand head and shoulders above the rest, you address needs. Marvin has vast potential, but he does not stand head and shoulders above his peers currently.

According to you.

If BK drafts Marvin over those two point guards its because he thinks Marvin is head and shoulders above those to guys..

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Diesel you know I love Smoove, so I am not knocking him at all. I think he will be a superstar in this league. I also think Marvin will be a superstar in this league too and they bring different strengths and weaknesses to the table.

Again I think both will be superstars!!

Interesting, two superstars on the same team. I know I have seen this before. Oh yea, that is how most championship teams are built!

Great point emeans!

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You're right, but I'm not arguing that he didn't struggle vs. Jack. I saw him play against Jack this season and he didn't appear to struggle. If you check the grammar on that sentence it doesn't sound right because I initially said that I saw some of the game vs. Jack late this season. For all my silly editing left that out.

Still, on one hand, he's clearly having a bad game, on the other he had a decent game, not "shut down" and right on his averages. Yes he was 4-11, but he was also 7-8 from the line; and that is typical when you look at many of Paul's poor SCORING outputs. Put the two together and it looks worse than it is.

Jack's a good defender and he played Paul VERY well. But honestly, I don't expect him to see that kind of defender night in and night out in the NBA.

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"According to you."

So are you saying I am alone in my assessment of the draft talent pool? [NOT] There is NOBODY in this draft that is head and shoulders above anyone else, that is why there is so much debate as to whom we or anyone else should pick.

Billy will pick but It may just boil down to his preferences (or how the owners direct him) but I doubt it will be because of superior talent.

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