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What if we start Email at the 2 guard?


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Jason Terry


Big Dog


Theo Ratliff

If Dermarr doesn't step up or doesn't seem to want the

position I would consider starting this lineup....I'm not

a huge Email fan,but now with 4 potential allstars we

can possibly make up for the all so average Email.

Email is a SG and not a PG.The only problem is Dion or

DJ doesn't get enough minutes.DJ is more of your

ideal swingman,but Dion needs his minutes also.

What do you think of starting Email?Is it a good idea or too

Tyrone Corbin like?

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I've felt this IS a possibitly, though a remote one. It's really up to DJ. IF, say again IF, DJ isn't able to provide the defense/scoring that is needed. I think the scoring will be fine (he's not going to get more than 10-12ppg on this team). His defense is the big question mark. On this team the SG position is mostly going to be an opportunity scorer and a defensive stopper.

I would personally rather see Ira in that spot if that's how things go. He's bigger, more offensively talented and a better defender than E.Davis. Davis has a bit more range than Ira. But that's not a huge issue. They would both be opportunity scorers whose primary role would be defense. Either of them could do it, I just feel Ira would be the better man.

I think DJ would be better there than either of these guys personally. But we'll have to wait and see how he does against real NBA comp before we can decide. Ira proved last season that he can get it done against the best in the NBA. DJ has proven he can get it done against the best in the summer leagues. BIg difference but one that will hopefully be meaningless in the up coming season.

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"What if we start Email at the 2 guard?"

- ANSWER: then we will have the worse starting 2 guard in the league. Email is a backup player (at best) IMO. I mean, he doesnt suck- he does belong in this league. A 2 guard's mentality should be as a SHARPSHOOTER or a SLASHER.

I prefer both GLOVER and JOHNSON over him..

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I dont know. Although I wouldnt be thrilled with it, at least it would give us a second ball handler on the court........which is why I think we really need to make a trade to get a starting caliber 2 guard with ball handling skills in here.

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Lon Kruger specifically stated that the competition will be DerMarr Johnson, Dion Glover, and Ira Newble. Now, Newble isn't signed, but the fact that Lon mentions him may mean things are closer to getting done with Ira that Pete will let on.

It wouldn't shock me to see Newble win it outright if he signs.

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I think it's a bad idea to put Newble there.We need someone

that can hit the 3.JT is still the only guy in the lineup that is

going to do that for us.Big Dog is a good mid range shooter,

but he's not really a 3ot shooter.I think it has either got to

be DJ or Email.I really don't like Email,but unlike before,we have

enough talent at the other 4 positions to start him at SG.But

even if DJ hasn't improved that much he is still the best choice

because of his 3pt shooting ability.

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SAR can make the 3. In the first half last year, Lon kept running that two man game with SAR and JT, that brung our offense to a halt. Later on he let SAR roam away from the basket and got his share of perimeter shots. SAR has got a great perimeter game too. He shot from the perimeter all the time in Vancouver. I think we are in a win, win, win situation with DJ, Glover, or Newble. Soon we will learn who will be the most valuable out of the 3.

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When you got a posting PF you need Peja/Anthony Peeler/Danny Ferry/

guys that can hit the 3.The only guys that can really do this on the team

is Dermarr and EMail.

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Nique you said Sar can hit the 3pointer but he only shot around 30%last year which was an upgrade from the year before but still not great. Secondly if Shareef is out on the perimeter who is doing the posting up in the paint? Theo Ratliff isn't that good at posting up despite the remarks Big Dog said in that both Reef & Theo will require a double team.It will be either DJ or Dion. Newble can come in an spell Robinson if he can't guard his man.

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I prefer both Dj and Glover over him as well......BUT........

Email may find a lot of playing time simply because we would need another ball handler in the back court. So the onus isn't exactly on DJ, but on JT. IF JT can't make smart decisions with the ball, then we might see Email in the game simply to run the offense.

I personally feel that if JT doesn't respond well and make smart decisions with the ball, then we need to trade him and get a Scorer.

MY fancy for the week is JT/Nazr to Detroit for Stackhouse/Varda

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Stackhouse/Robinson on the same team?That's a good one..

Then we for sure turn into the Bucks.But JT does have to

handle the ball better or we might just have to trade him if

we can get anything of value for him.If he can't play PG for

us why would any other team value him?It doesn't make any


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I wasn't meaning that SAR is our main go to guy from 3 land. If Dermarr has trouble defensively, and Newble needs to be inserted for defense. Then SAR could keep the defense honest or stretch the defense more by having him play outside on a play or two. If left alone from 3 land, SAR could make teams pay. I think he will have a big present in the post, but saying the other team gives Terry and Robinson the perimeter respect they deserve. SAR could shoot the jumpers from 15, 18, or 22 feet away (most likely scenario, on the weak side of the floor).

Theo isn't a bad post player. If he catches the ball on the baseline, he has a good touch from there, when he turns toward the baseline, and shoots that jumphook shot from the side of the basket. It's just about imposible to block.

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Reef's jumper is inconsisant because he has the Jim Jackson

diease...Sometimes his jumper looks good,but sometimes it

tends to look alot more flat.Either way,Newble is a SF and

not a SG.

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