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.....would have turned down the opportunity to have Dominique Wilkins and James Worthy play together in their prime?

If you go by some of the comparisons that the experts have made concerning Josh Smith and Marvin Williams, putting those two together would be like putting Dominique Wilkins and James Worthy together in their prime.

However, I feel Smith is closer to a young Shawn Kemp than a Dominique Wilkins, and I feel Marvin is a suped up Jamal Mashburn.

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Dominique & James Worthy...


Dominique & Isiah Thomas (Paul)


Dominique & Jason Kidd. (D. Will)

If you want to go with Hype.. Which would you rather have...

Notice. Nique and Worthy would probably never be on the floor together. Unless you plan on playing Worthy at SG or Something? We already have Dan Roundfield at PF and Tree Rollins at C.

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Oh, and of course, you would rather play Dan Roundfield than James Worthy.

The comparison is more like:

Dominique and James Worthy or

Dominique and Terrell Brandon (Chris Paul) or

Dominique and Mark Jackson (Deron Williams)

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If you want to lose the hype... then...

Dominique and Tim Thomas (Marvin Williams)

Dominique and Terrell Brandon (Chris Paul) or

Dominique and Mark Jackson (Deron Williams)

It's really an insult to see you propagating that Marvin Williams has a game even remotely close to James Worthy. The only similarity is that they both played for UNC. Worthy had the quickest first step ever. I haven't seen M.Williams blow past anybody with the ball in his hand. Williams is a finisher. He's like a fisherman... Catch and release. You keep trying to say that he is such a ball handler and such a passer. I watched. I saw him finished and the only time he handled the ball was on the break all alone or when he had to take one dribble to get his turnaround layup to go.

KB.. Reading your post have been entertaining, but come back to reality my friend.

Seriously... Tell me what's the difference between Williams and Tim Thomas?

Please... Please Please..

Go into your argument about how well he shoots.. PLEASE.. So I can ask you..

M Will shot 50.9%.

Why is it that J. Will (the guy that plays ahead of him probably against the better competition when guys are still fresh) why did he shoot 54%?

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that in their uptempo run and gun offense, they get MORE fast breaks where they can get more uncontested layups??? Come on KB... Did you watch the games?

You have built up this larger than life legend for a guy who if you really look at it doesn't possess stats better than the guy playing in front of him!

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If you have not seen Marvin blow by people ...you truly need to watch some game tape Diesel, honestly. You may have mean't to say you have never seen Deron blow by anybody because that would be probably true. Hell I was looking at just some clips yesterday on the local news and Marvin blew by two kids just in that 30 sec clip.

I am not sitting here pretending I know who will be a better player for the Hawks...but I don't make up non sense just to prove a point.

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