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insidehoops has a series of draft interviews.


I'll post the Marvin one first because it's the most relevant:



Q: Did you get the feeling that the Hawks were more impressed by you during the workout?

Williams: I would hope so. I went in there and I felt that I had a good workout, definitely. My shot fell. I handled the ball pretty well. So I felt like my workout went pretty well. So I hope they were.

Q: What’s your attitude about possibly getting picked No. 1?

Williams: Well it’s nice to be No. 1, definitely. But I’m more concerned about what team I’m going to go to and how I will fit in with that team. I think that’s the most important thing. That’s my main concern.

Q: Where would you fit in and when?

Williams: Atlanta’s young, they’re really young so I would definitely be a good fit there. They like to run and I also like to run so I think I would fit their playing style.

Q: What’s the uncertainty like, being on the eve of such a big day and not having control over where you’re going?

Williams: I think that’s the scary part to be honest with you. You have no input on where you’re going to go. It could be the fun part too. But it does make you a little bit nervous, I’m sure everybody is a little bit nervous now but we’ll know where we are going after tomorrow.

Q: Have the Hawks pretty much told you that you’re the guy they’re going to pick?

Williams: No. They never told me that at all. People have been saying that ‘yes, it’s you,’ but [the Hawks] haven’t been telling me that at all.

Q: What do you think about the Hawks right now in terms of their talent?

Williams: They’re okay. They’re really young so I’ll definitely fit in there. They’re still trying to learn the NBA game of basketball. So I would fit it.

Q: Physically, what’s most NBA-ready about your game?

Williams: I feel like I can do a lot of things because of my size. Create some matchup problems, definitely I’m going to try to do that. I’m going to handle the ball a little bit and I can shoot it.

Q: When did you realize that you were ready for the NBA?

Williams: Probably after the championship game, about a week after when I really knew. I had the opportunity coming out of high school and I turned it down. One year of college helped me. I felt like I was ready after this year.

Q: You just turned 19, what are your thoughts on the NBA’s new age limit?

Williams: It’s interesting to me. Eighteen, 19, I don’t really see a big difference in there. But one year of college will definitely help a lot of players if they decide to come out after their first year. It will make the league a lot better because guys will come in more experienced and the league will be a lot better.

Q: What was it about North Caroline that you feel prepared you better for the NBA?

Williams: I just feel like I grew up a little bit. I matured definitely as a person and as a basketball player. Playing for coach Williams, he’s such a great man to play for and such a great coach so I just learned so much from playing for him. And I just felt like I was ready after that one year.



Q. How does it feel to potentially be the number one pick?

Bogut: It has been like that for the past couple of months now, the speculation. It’s just one day closer. Once it is over it will be a good day just to get it out of the way, but it’s definitely exciting. It’s probably going to be the biggest day of my life and something I’ll remember forever.

Q. Are you nervous?

Bogut: A little bit. There is a lot of press here, a lot of media, a lot of people, a lot of functions I have to attend to so it gets pretty fast paced. Sometimes it gets pretty nerve-racking, but I have good people working around so it has been pretty easy so far.

Q: Will the tougher challenges be on or off the court?

Bogut: Off the court I’m fine; all I need is a nice car and a nice house. I played in the Olympics and played all those prestige international tournaments so I’ll have no problems there. On the court, I have to adjust the NBA way of officiating, the NBA way of physicality, everything.

Q. Tomorrow you will be a multi-millionaire -- how does that feel?

Bogut: I don’t really care about the money; I’m playing basketball for the love of the game. The money is obviously going to help my lifestyle, and it is going to help my family. I could have been making millions of dollars two or three years ago in Europe and I opted not to. I opted to stay in college. It’s just one of those things. Money is not that important to me, but it will definitely help my life.

Q. What are your thoughts about possibly going to Milwaukee?

Bogut: I definitely want to go number one. Milwaukee is a great city; it’s a city that I’d settle into pretty easily. It is a little bit bigger than Salt Lake, and something that I like. I don’t like the big cities, the crazy top cities. It would definitely be a plus off the court.

Q. What about playing with the team [Milwaukee] on the court, playing with guys like Michael Redd.

Bogut: Playing with Michael Redd would be awesome. He’s an All-Star, and my goal would be to make him an All-Star again in 2006. Just hopefully make the Playoffs, and on paper I think they were the best team that was in the Lottery.


RAYMOND FELTON, North Carolina

Q. All these point guards coming out this year, who is the best?

Felton: All of us.

Q. The Bobcats brought your name up Friday night; you wouldn’t mind going there would you?

Felton: I wouldn’t mind it at all; I wouldn’t mind anything right about now.

Q. Who else has spoken to you?

Felton: A lot of teams are interested. You’ve got Charlotte, you’ve got Utah, you’ve got Toronto, got the Lakers. It is a lot of teams that are interested, just about all the teams in the lottery are interested, but everybody can’t take me. New Orleans is interested.

Q. If you guys don’t win the National Championship, are you going back to UNC or still coming to the NBA?

Felton: I don’t know; we made it so far. I’m not saying that just because we won it that is the reason why I came out. But it made a big difference, because I came to school to try to win a National Championship so when I won it, it was almost to the point – what is the point of coming back? What else is there to do, other than to try win another one.

Q. Did potentially four UNC Lottery picks have anything to do with your decision?

Felton: We all talked about coming in together and leaving together. Me, Sean and Rashad sat down and we talked and said, “Are we really going to do this?” and made that decision.

Q. Obviously three years of college helped you, what do you think of the new rule that requires players to be 19?

Felton: In my opinion, I think it is good. Some players are ready to come right out of high school, and play in the NBA and be able to handle things. But it is the exception of many. You have guys like LeBron [James], who was able to do that and make that transition, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett. But some kids are not going to be able to handle that, but I’m big on going to school and getting that college experience, because it is a wonderful experience.



Q: Do you know Richard Jefferson at all?

Frye: Yeah. I was out with him last night; him, Luke Walton and Jason Gardner. Those are like my brothers. They took care of me [at Arizona]. I’ve known Richard since before I even went to high school.

Q: How are you feeling one day before the Draft?

Frye: I’m just enjoying the moment. I feel like I’m in a blessed situation. I don’t want to ruin any of it by being too excited about tomorrow. I feel like I’ve worked for where I am at right now. I want to stay humble and enjoy this moment.

Q: Are you nervous at all about joining the NBA?

Frye: I’m really kind of hungry to get back in the gym, to be honest. I haven’t shot a ball for a couple of days. But, I’m just excited about the chance to get in to the NBA. But there are some things I can’t control. I’ve put it in God’s hands and, like I said, I’m just enjoying the moment, enjoying the fact that I can actually see some of my family members that I don’t get a chance to see. And, I’m just enjoying the city. It’s New York, c’mon now.

Q: Reports are that the Knicks are interested in you. Your thoughts?

Frye: It’s definitely a huge blessing to have a team such as the Knicks say they want somebody, and I actually have a chance to get there. But I have no control over that. I would love to play for the Knicks, but if I play for any other team that would be fine, too. Whoever picks me is going to get a great player and a great person.

Q: Do you have roots in New York?

Frye: Yeah, I have a lot of roots in New York. I think I have upwards of 75 people coming to the Draft from my family. They all live in Brooklyn. It’s good to see them. I really don’t get a chance to see them being on the West Coast and always moving around. Whenever we play at Madison Square garden, they always come out in big herds. So, it’s going to be a lot of fun; I’m really excited about that.


GERALD GREEN, Gulf Shores Academy (Houston)

Q: You’re part of the last draft class that will go directly from high school to the NBA. What is your feeling on that and do you think it’s a good idea?

Green: I think it’s a pretty good idea. A lot of high schoolers that came out before this class, they thought that they weren’t really mature and I think that whatever the NBA decided to do, the decision that they made, I think it was a good decision.

Q: Do you feel fortunate that you had the opportunity to go right now?

Green: Yes, of course, I feel fortunate to have this opportunity, just to be in the situation that I’m in right now. There are a lot of players that don’t get this opportunity and I feel very blessed and very fortunate.

Q: If the rule had been in place, you wouldn’t be sitting here today, would you have felt differently if the rule would have applied to you and you were forced to go to school?

Green: No. I wouldn’t feel differently at all. I would have gone to school. And I think I would have come back and hopefully been in the same place I am right now.

Q: The Lakers are one of the teams that have expressed interest in you. Have you thought about possibly going to L.A. and playing with Kobe Bryant and Phil Jackson?

Green: I thought about it, but I can’t really think about those things. I still have a lot of other workouts to do and I have to stay positive and work hard at all the other workouts. There are a lot of good players out there. There are a lot of good players out there in the draft that are a lot better than me so I can’t really think about those things. I have to go out there and do my best.

Q: With the age limit, people will be entering the draft older. Is that pressure or does it make it easier being in the situation that you’re in?

Green: It’s not pressure. A lot of guys say that they’re ready for the NBA right now. It’s really no pressure. Not on me, I don’t think not on a lot of these guys. They say that they’re ready and they say they want to fulfill their dream like me so I think it’s a good idea for them.

Q: Why do you feel like you’re ready for the NBA, especially because you’re coming out of high school?

Green: Right now I’m really not too sure about ready or not. I just think, possibly if I get drafted, that the coaches will stick with me. I learn a lot from the veterans. I have a lot to learn and I think they could teach me a lot. And I know for sure that when the season starts I should be ready.



Q: Did you have these aspirations when you were first starting out in college at Bradley?

Granger: I did, but I didn’t think it was a reality. Not many people go to the NBA. It’s really hard to the NBA, but a couple of years down the line, it started to become more of a reality.

Q: What’s this experience been like so far?

Granger: It’s pretty busy. They have our schedules all mapped out. We go to this photo shoot, to this interview, to go visit with kids. It’s a good thing. I’m enjoying the experience.

Q: Have the New Orleans Hornets showed any interest in you?

Granger: I think they’re interested. I think my agent would probably know more than I do at this point. He talks frequently with the teams. But, I do know they are interested.

Q: Is this a difficult process to go through?

Granger: Not really. This is a great opportunity. Not everyone gets to do this. Not everyone has the chance to play basketball for a living. I think this a great opportunity. I’m learning a lot from going through the process and I see it as a positive thing.

Q: What would you tell somebody from New York to bring with them to New Mexico?

Granger: Bring a lot of water, because you’ll get dehydrated, because we’re so high up.

Q: Is it a fun place?

Granger: It’s a very fun town. Very fun, a lot of things to do. A lot of people don’t know abut Albuquerque, but it’s a great place to play basketball. Great sports fans, great people in general.

Q: What’s the anxiety like?

Granger: It’s the anticipation. If anyone has every played basketball, they always have the NBA in the back of their mind. Now that this moment is right before me, it’s kind of breathtaking. I’m so close.

Q: How have you risen from a potential first round pick to a likely top 10 selection?

Granger: I think I just got some attention. We didn’t play on ESPN every night like North Carolina and Duke. As more people got to see me, the more they saw I could do out there.



Q: Do you think you’ll be able to play right away or do you think you’ll probably be a practice player next year and take a little time to develop?

Korolev: I will do my best to step in and play, but we’ll see. It will be up to the coach and also what kind of talent the team already has. But, I will do my best.

Q: Why are more and more international players having a greater impact these days?

Korolev: The game in Europe is not as athletic. It’s more about playing with your head. So, I think the coaches in the NBA like that. Also, you have guys like (Manu) Ginobili. He was an NBA champion this year. Players in Europe see that and start to think they can play in America. They can make it here. And they’re doing their best to eventually make it here. So, they have more motivation, because they see how a lot of European players come over and play and become champions.

Q: Are you on a weight-lifting regime right now?

Korolev: I never miss the weight lifting. I like it.

Q: When you were practicing with the CSKA senior team, how much did you learn from that experience?

Korolev: I learned a lot. I learned to play more physical. I learned to play a little faster. I think there is a lot of talent in Russia.

Q: Is there a chance you’ll stay in Russia another season?

Korolev: There’s a lot of talk, and there will be a lot of decisions that need to be made. There is still more discussion that will take place.


SEAN MAY, North Carolina

Q. Describe your feelings right now?

May: Every thought is going through my head; there are 10 different cities where I could end up in. Little anxious, little nervous, nervous, I have never really felt nervous ever, at anything. But not knowing where I am going, and living a dream right now. Walking on that stage tomorrow and shaking David Stern’s hand is something I have always dreamt about and hopefully it will be within the first 15 picks so they do not make ratings off of me sitting there for 12 picks while I’m stuck. I’m excited, a little nervous, but anxious at the same time and hopefully it will all work out for the best.

Q. How do you think you will feel when your name is called?

May: Just joy, extreme excitement, just seeing the look on my father’s face is what I will look forward to the most. Him being there with me, going through it, him being drafted in the first round and hopefully I’ll be drafted in the first round too. It will be a lot of fun for my family and my friends to be here that I have flown up, I have flown up some teammates of mine to enjoy this experience with me.

Q. Your name has been mentioned in gaining interest from the Knicks, what would that mean to you?

May: The Knicks would be a great fit for me, I think they have a lot of four men right now, but they are trying to remap their team and move some people around I think. For me any team I go to is going to be a team that wants me and they think that they need me, so to be here with the Knicks would be a privilege. My family knows Isiah’s [Thomas] family really well and it would just be a huge honor to play for a franchise with so much history.

Q. Where do you see yourself landing?

May: The teams that I have talked to, they don’t see me getting past 13, but a lot of teams say anywhere from 9-15. I would like to go somewhere in the Lottery, in the top 15, but for me I just want to go to a situation that is good where I can help and that a team wants me. And whatever team gets me is going to get a player who is willing to work and is going to come in and do what he is asked and bring good character to the team and that franchise.


RASHAD MCCANTS, North Carolina

Q: Do you have a sense of which teams may be interested more than others at this point?

McCants: Looks good with the L.A. Clippers, Denver and Minnesota.

Q: How do you think you would fit in with the Clippers?

McCants: I think it would be a good fit for me. They’re in need of a two-guard and decent shooter. Just a guy that’s going to go out there and play team ball and win, and I think I could be that guy for them.

Q: This year’s class, including yourself, Sean May and Raymond Felton, seem to be dispelling the notion that you should leave school early and strike while the iron is hot as opposed to staying in school for a few years. Your thoughts on that?

McCants: I think of guys like Tim Duncan, who stayed in school four years, and turned into a mega star. When you see things like that, it’s gratifying that you know you can stay in school and not get criticized for staying too long.

Q: What have these last few days been like, knowing you’re so close to the dream?

McCants: It’s a little bit of everything, especially not knowing where you are going to go; what teams like you; what teams don’t like you; and so on and so forth. I just take it as a new experience, a new challenge, and try to learn from anything.

Q: Your stock is anywhere from the lottery to the early second round. What are your thoughts about that?

McCants: To me, it really doesn’t matter. As long as I get a chance to play and prove all the doubters wrong. I’m in a position where I have to please everybody to earn a good enough draft position, but given the situation, any team that takes a chance on me won’t regret it at all.


CHRIS PAUL, Wake Forrest

Q: Last week you said you wouldn’t mind getting selected by Charlotte. Is that still the way you feel?

Paul: Oh, yeah. I couldn’t complain. I’ve been in North Carolina my whole life. I’m just excited to be in the situation I’m in. I couldn’t complain with any team that I go to. This is a great, if you want say, problem of not knowing what team you’re going to.

Q: You’ve been working out in Washington. With whom? And were there any other players.

Paul: A guy named Idan Ravin. I was actually [working out] by myself. Every day … day in, day out. Occasionally, another guy would come work out with me. Gilbert Arenas came and worked out with me one time, and Steve Blake and Roger Mason.

Q: How was working out?

Paul: It was very strenuous. Every day – 8:15 to 10 on the court, and I worked out with the strength and conditioning coach from 12 to 3. It was really tough, but it’s the price you have to pay in order to put yourself in the position to get drafted as high as possible. It was really tough, but looking back on it, I really appreciate it.

Q: Talk about the quality of point guard in this Draft.

Paul: There are so many different guards in the Draft this year. All of us have our own different style. It really depends on what each team is looking for when it chooses a point guard. They can’t go wrong with whoever they pick.

Q: How does it make you feel to be considered the top point guard?

Paul: It makes me feel really, really good. But after tomorrow, it doesn’t make a difference. Once you get drafted it’s what you do after. No matter if you’re the second pick or the 60th pick, it really doesn’t matter. It’s all about how you perform.


FRAN VAZQUEZ, Unicaja Malaga (Spain)

Interview was conducted with the help of two interpreters

Q: Do you feel that other countries have caught up with America in basketball?

Vazquez: Basketball around the world is getting stronger and better. I still feel the NBA is the strongest league in the world. And that is the goal of most players, to get to the NBA, where the level of play is the highest and most challenging.

Q: Are you nervous about making the jump to the NBA?

Vazquez: I was a bit nervous at the beginning. Now, I have set some expectations for myself, and I’m more relaxed. I appreciate the help of people at the NBA. I’m sure I’ll be nervous again tomorrow night, but I’m looking forward to it.

Q: How excited are you and do you have a particular team you like more than any other?

Vazquez: I think it’s every player’s dream to play in the NBA and I would be very proud to have my name called by whichever team takes me.

Q: What has your approach been during this process?

Vazquez: I just try to take it one day at a time. I don’t want to go in with too high expectations. I’ll just have to see what happens.

Q: What is changing about the international player that’s allowing them to come to the NBA and perform at a high level?

Vazquez: The younger international players are following in the footsteps of the guys who have paved the way. In Spain, it’s Pau Gasol. In France, it’s Tony Parker and so on. The success of these players has changed the mindset of the young international players coming up through the ranks.

Q: What will be your biggest challenge adjusting to the NBA?

Vazquez: First and foremost, the language. I’m studying English and trying to increase my understanding of the language and my ability to speak the language. It’s a different pace game here. It’s more physical. I’ve watched the NBA for many years, and I know what I have to do with my game to handle the different type of play.



Q: Why do you have to offer an NBA team interested in drafting you?

Villanueva: I bring a lot of versatility to a team. I create a lot of mismatches for opponents. I just have a winning mentality. I come from a winning program at UCONN, and I’m going to work hard.

Q: Did you talk to your former high school teammate, Luol Deng, about the Draft?

Villanueva: I did. He just said to be mentally tough. He said the NBA season is 82 games in the year, more if you go to the playoffs. It’s going to be draining. He said you have to take care of your body and stay mentally tough as well.

Q: What will you getting drafted mean to your mother?

Villanueva: My mom has never asked me for a thing. I remember the day I saw her lying in bed sick, and it brought tears to my eyes. It just motivated me even more to get myself into this situation.

Q: How is your mother’s arm? Does she have use of it?

Villanueva: She has very little use of it, but she’s getting surgery for the second time on it really soon. She’s getting better, though. She’s a fighter.

Q: With how you were brought up, what has your relationship with your mom meant to your success?

Villanueva: My mother and I have the best relationship ever. She’s my best friend. Since day one, she’s been by my side. Not just me, my whole family. She’s a very strong woman, and I’m just fortunate to be in this position so I can help her out financially.

Q: Have you thought about what it’s going to be like when your name is called?

Villanueva: I haven’t really put much thought into that. It still hasn’t hit me yet. But I do know that hearing my name called on draft day will be a dream come true. I’m excited. Whatever team drafts me, I’ve just got to go in there and wok hard.

Q: How did your workouts go?

Villanueva: I did pretty well. I put in a good effort. I know there are some teams interested in me, but my agent has a better idea where. I told him not to tell me. I’m only going to experience this once, so I want to take it all in.

Q: How are you a different player now than you were when you initially declared coming out of high school?

Villanueva: When I declared, people had their doubts about me. I was one of those guys who people said needed an extra year, or I’d be picked late in the first round. But I’ve been working hard and have put myself in the position of being in the green room. There are no guarantees, but that’s a good first step.



Q: This whole process can be very exhausting. How are you feeling?

Warrick: Today, I’ve had a whole new burst of energy. I’m getting really excited for tomorrow. Tonight is going to be a long night. I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep. I can’t wait to hear my name tomorrow.

Q: Tell me about the workouts.

Warrick: They were tiring. It was kind of tough. I can’t wait to shake hands with the Commissioner, or whoever, and know that it’s all over. It’s up to the teams. It’s in their hands now. Hopefully, everyone liked what they saw, and I’ll be a professional tomorrow.

Q: Any idea where you might get drafted?

Warrick: I’m looking between numbers six through 10. I’ve heard anywhere from six to 36, but hopefully, I can fall somewhere within that six through 10 range.

Q: Any particular teams indicate that they liked you a lot?

Warrick: No teams are really going to let you in on exactly what they’re thinking. They all said they liked my workout, but they don’t want to be too forward with it.

Q: How important was it for you to play the full four years at Syracuse?

Warrick: It was really important. It’s also important for me to come in and play right away. I’m really thankful to have been able to experience the full four years playing at a high level of Division I basketball.

Q: Would you recommend staying four years in college to younger players.

Warrick: It depends on the player. You got guys like Carmelo, LeBron – guys that are ready to come in and play right away. But the guys who come into the league and sit for four or five years before they really play, I think it would be better for them to go to college.

Q: Do you think that some NBA guys place a stigma on players who stay in college, as if they maybe weren’t good enough to get drafted out of high school?

Warrick: That was something I looked into last year. I wanted to show that you can be a fourth-year senior, graduate and still go in the Draft as a lottery pick, and still produce in the NBA.


MARTELL WEBSTER, Seattle Prep High School (Wash.)

Q: You could possibly end up in New York. Your thoughts?

Webster: It’s overwhelming. New York is known for its excitement. It would be an honor to play here. There is a lot of history here. Madison Square Garden. I would love to be a part of that some day.

Q: Are you ready to make the jump and why?

Webster: I definitely think I am ready for this. I thought about this for three or four months before putting my name into the Draft. You have to go into something like this knowing you can do it. You have to be confident. Right now, I’m confident. And I’m going to stay that way.

Q: You’ve accomplished a lot. Nothing can compare to this, though?

Webster: Besides family, no, nothing compares to this. This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing and I’m happy I took advantage of it. I’m happy with the decision I made.

Q: Do you think you are mentally and physically prepared for this?

Webster: Yes I do. When I come in, I’m not looking to play right away. I’m looking to have a role model on whatever team I go to teach me some of the ropes.

Q: Do you think this is a risk?

Webster: Not at all. I feel it’s a blessing.

Q: If college helps your game and makes you more mature, why take this chance?

Webster: That’s a great question. With life’s decisions come risks and that was a risk I was willing to take. Nothing against college, though. Right after my Seattle Prep High School season, before the All-Star game, I was going to University of Washington and playing for Lorenzo Romar. But it was a risk I willing to take.



Q: Did you work out for the Lakers?

Williams: No I didn’t. They had wanted me to, but I had already been on the road for a week and a half and it was a last minute thing and I didn’t know if I would have been prepared enough and I needed to go home for Houston for a day. I couldn’t fly straight to New York because I had to get my suit and different things like that.

Q: If they do make a deal and get you somewhere up at the top, what are your thoughts on playing with Phil Jackson and the triangle and Kobe Bryant?

Williams: It would be great. Phil Jackson is arguably one of the greatest coaches ever. Kobe Bryant is arguably one of the greatest players in the game right now. So I would definitely be honored to play for the Lakers. And there are a lot of great things that could happen with that.

Q: There has been a lot of talk that Utah might try to move up. Did you workout for Utah?

Williams: Yes I did. I worked out for two through six and Orlando. I’ve heard a lot of talks of trades so you don’t know what to expect right now. This draft is so wide open right now, so there’s no telling where you might end up.

Q: Could you talk about the possibility of playing in Utah?

Williams: It would be another great situation I think. I know they’re not used to losing in Utah, Coach (Jerry) Sloan is not used to losing. They had an off year last year but they had to battle some injuries and things like that. I think definitely they would have a chance to get back in the playoffs this year and do some special things.

Q: Everyone has you going early on in the draft, how does that feel?

Williams: It feels great. It’s a blessing right now to be here. If you told me I would be considered one of the top five pick when I came out of high school, I probably wouldn’t have agreed with it. But I’ve worked hard to get here, put in three long years at Illinois and I’m here now and it feels good.

Q: What do you bring to the table?

Williams: I’m a winner. I’ve won at every level. I make my teammates better and I’m best when I’m out there making plays for people and getting people the ball. That’s what I do best. And I bring a defensive intensity to a ball team.

Q: Will it be a relief tomorrow to know where you’re going and start planning for that?

Williams: It will definitely be a relief. I’m nervous right now. Like I said the draft is so wide open right now. You don’t know where you’re going to be, what team, what city, so I'll definitely be able to rest easy after the draft.



Q: Are there any teams whose draft plans you think you fit into?

Wright: I don’t really know. Right now, I’m just excited about tomorrow, and anxious to see what happens.

Q: The New Jersey Nets are a team that is supposed to have a lot of interest in you. How do you feel about them?

Wright: That surprises me a little, because I didn’t work out for them. But I’ve been having good workouts, so, I guess word has been spreading. New Jersey is a great team.

Q: Perhaps the Nets’ greatest need is a shooter. Is shooting one of your strengths?

Wright: Definitely. If I end up there, hopefully, I’ll be able to help them. And playing alongside Jason Kidd would definitely not be a bad thing.

Q: How did you prepare for your workouts?

Wright: I just wanted to show what I can do. Once you get in the workouts, it’s too late to show people anything new about you. You just try to stick to what you do best.

Q: Numbers-wise, where do you see yourself getting selected?

Wright: I think everybody’s goal is to get out of that Draft room as soon as possible. I’m amongst everyone else in feeling that way.

Q: Did any of your workouts go particularly well?

Wright: I had a great workout with Toronto. I had a good workout with the Knicks, but you never know if a good workout is enough to make a team decide they’re ready to draft you. I’m just looking forward to seeing what happens.

Q: What is it about you that should make teams want to draft you?

Wright: I’m an exciting player that’s seasoned already. I’m ready to go to a team right now and compete for a spot. A lot of younger players are not ready to do that. I have enough experience to come in and contribute right away.

Q: Would it excite you to get drafted by one of the Texas teams so you could stay in your home state?

Wright: It would definitely be fun to have that A&M following down in Texas, but what we’ll see what happens

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Good to know that he doesnt have a problem being honest about our situation. Actually after last year calling us "okay" is probably a little nice. It would have been nice to hear him talk about our team a little bit more, to get the feeling that he has actually put some thought into playing for us and who his teammates would be.

I am still praying that the Bucks take Bogut or that the #3 pick is Webster or Green......but it wouldnt kill me if we ended up with Marvin so long as we got Ukic or Jack later on in the 1st.

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I agree. I know that because I want Bogut to be our guy so bad that the Bucks will definitely take him, but I am still holding out hope.

The good news is that I dont see how we can not get a star from this draft as long as we stay in the top 4.

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