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Why would Marvin NOT watch the NBA??


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I was impressed that Bogut knew who his teammates would be and where he fit...

Then Marvin said...

I don't watch the NBA...

That's like showing up for an interview and not knowing anything about the company!

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But on 790thezone today they played an interview iwth Herb Brown and he said that when interviewing each of the big four, they asked them basically, what was so important to them about being in the NBA. Each of them answered winning, except one. He didn't say which, but the hosts were speculating that it was Marvin. WHoever this person was, winning was 3rd on his list.

I agree with them. I don't think you can base your draft off that answer. But you haev to question that persons competitive spirit.

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(Preface: I really think Williams is his own person, and will be excited to see the Hawks select him tonight.)

I can't imagine someone saying that who was projected to be #2 in the NFL draft.

What college football player doesn't watch the NFL?

Perhaps this says more about the NBA than it does about MWill.

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I'm glad he is different ....I hate the way Bogut tries to Jason Terry his way through interviews... tries to say what he thinks the media wants to hear. He probably knows the lineups because he plays a lot of playstation .. Marvin didn't say he didn't watch the NBA, by the way....said he never have watched a playoff game...which I thought he was trying to say he hadn't watched an entire game from tip to finish.

Bogut interview where he named the starting Bucks...and included himself...reminds me of JT reeling off the lineup when we got big dog and then saying something like we are going to be unstoppable.

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the comment doesn't bother me, if it even is Marvin. I don't question his competitive spirit, because I've seen him dive for every loose ball. He's going to give it his all. I find it weird that he hastn't watched much NBA, but maybe he's just one of those guys who doesn't like watching ball, he just likes playing it. It's no big deal to me

HOWEVER, I find it very interesting that Herb Brown would leak this out today. One could take that to mean that they're already starting to give reasons of why they're going to do something crazy tonight (i.e. pass on Marvin for a PG). Very interesting.


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NBA Superstars have always been guys who were the most competitive guys who ate and slept NBA basketball...

Jordan.. Super competitive.

Big Bill Russell ... Ultra Competitive.

You don't become a winner by not wanting to have the ball in your hands at crunch time. All Winners want that pressure on them and they live and die by it.

I haven't seen it in Mwill. That's not to suggest he's not a winner, but that's to say that he's not as competitive as a #2 pick overall should be.

I think our Draft would be good if we came away with:

Paul(5), May(13), Morris(31), and Jawad Williams(59).

Nobody has convinced me that MWill is better than Tim Thomas.

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I saw Marvin on ESPN last night and they were talking about about when he was playing ball when he was around 13 or so and some kid on his team was crying because he didnt get to play and Marvin took himself out of the game so the kid could play...Marvin's team lost the game without him, but Marvin said he didn't care because at least the kid got to play and it's all about having fun.

Now...first let me say his character and niceness is off the charts, what a guy...also let me say...character doesn't win basketball games, most great players would have let that kid cry, winning is everything, even at 13 if you are a player you have to want to win...win win win win win, thats all that matters, even when marvin was at UNC he didn't complain about playing and supposedly he was better than the guy that was starting ahead of him...I'm not so sure I want a guy that doesn't NEED to be on the floor, I don't want another soft player we need somebody with a mean streak some players that want to get out there and destroy the other teams and play to WIN

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we have seen him be extremely competitive.

I personally don't know how much NBA Russel watched before he played. Same for Wilt. I doubt you know either. You have to be a competitor, and Marvin showed himself to be a fierce competitor on the court.


Nobody has convinced me that MWill is better than Tim Thomas.

That's because you're not listening.

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you can't compare his decision to be nice to a teammate when he was a kid, to what will happen when he is a professional millionaire. Are you suggesting that he will take himself out to let a scrub play? Of course not. It's just a nice story.

It's like the story of Paul missing a free throw to stay at 61 pts to honor his grandpa. That doesn't mean he'd do it in the NBA.

This is much ado about nothing.

I don't know if Marvin will be enough of a star to warrant passing on our need, but I do think that worrying about how many games he's watched or how nice he was as a kid is completely retarded given how hard he played when on the court last year.

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I have seen virtually every Bill Russell Interview ever done. I have watched a lot of those great games between Russell and Wilt. This is what I know about Russell. He didn't win 11 out of 12 by being a guy who Sat on the bench so that John Thompson could play.

Russell was the most competitive. Meanest player that ever played the game. He would chew up all these guys in this league.

Marvin Seems too Soft. Too uncompetitive. He doesn't seem to crave Winning. For any superstar, Winning is a drug. They have the cravings.... They can't sleep because of the thought of it...

Marvin doesn't have it. UNC vs. MSU.. Where was Marvin???

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You are silly...I have seen the cat play personally...he is not soft ...if you watch his game it is not soft...I have seen him punish May in the post regularly...man this is pathetic...do you not like this guy so much that u make up stuff....probably other aspects of his game that you can pick apart. His toughness or heart...U have no clue about.

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once again, you see everything in black in white and ignore the nuances.

You don't know what Russell and Wilt did when they were kids, if they were nice to a teammate. All you know is their NBA performance, as do I. Kids do things that they wouldn't do in the NBA.

As far as desire to win, I think he does have that desire. He just doesn't exhibit it off the court. Just like Duncan. If I listen to Duncan off the court, I'd think this guy doesn't give a crap if he wins or not. But I've seen his fire in games.

Marvin is competitive as hell ON THE COURT, and will be all about winning IN THE NBA. He is a nice, humble, laid back guy OFF THE COURT, and cared about a teammate's feelings WHEN HE WAS A KID.

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You're right...

I'm not at the pickup games watching May play against Williams like you... I'm sure Marvin Williams is hell on the playstation too. But the fact of the matter is.. You can't find ONE superstar of this great sport throughout all of this sports History who was casual about the game of basketball. They all were obsessed... I think you have to have the passion for basketball to be a superstar.

What do you think about Reef?

do you think Reef has the passion of say.. Allen Iverson?

Back to pick up games..

I have played Pick up games with Ace Custis and Shawn Smith and Xray Hipp. Man those guys were intense...

BUT being intense in a pick up game and being a superstar in the pros is too different things!

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It is not so much that he let those guys start ahead of him...This is Carolina basketball...that is how it is done...Roy could have easily put Jackie on the bench, moved McCants to the two and started Marvin...what Marvin did do is not whine like a little B****, he accepted it.

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Don't kid yourself otherwise. The things you do and say over the course of your life are pretty clear indicators of who you are as a person. I don't think it's a stretch at all to say that Marvin is not a bloodthirsty competitor. Just how deeply that goes is really impossible to judge at this point though. But to say that it doesn't mean anything is ridiculous. That level of competitiveness is what seperates great players from very good players.

I'm not saying we don't take him beause of that. He's certainly not questionable in the way Kwame Brown was. But it could be the difference in drafting Shareef vs. drafting Amare Stoudemire.

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I would have liked it a little more if he whined for time like a little bitch. Then at least I would have known that he was highly competitive...

Can you see KG not bitching for playing time?

Can you see AI not bitching for playing time?

Can you see Kobe not bitching for playing time?

Can you see Tmac not bitching for playing time?

Stars would!

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