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Is Marvin Williams going to be better than Walker this year?

If Not...

Expect Atlanta to be an 18 win team again...

We're the Clipps man. We're making picks every year that May be best player... But we're not moving towards a goal. We're not building a sound team. BK is saying that ALL these 6'9 guys are this and that with no respect for what that position calls for because he has no respect for the classical designation.. Well, if you build a team right, it will win.. even with a bunch of role players (ask Detroit). IF you build a team WRong, it will lose, even with Superstars.. Ask Minny.

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we are not the clips

the clips get talent and then cheapen up and don't resign it

we are simply in year 2: part of the talent procurement stage

when we get developed talent, then we will build a team around it

who cares if marvin > toine THIS YEAR?!?!?

we want marvin>toine in a few years, but if he's not THIS YEAR, then that doesn't matter

did someone forget we are rebuilding and not contending?

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In other words, you're saying that the players we have like Smoove, Al, and Chillz are not good enough to wait on their potential right??

This is basically what your argument for what the Hawks did say.

We took a guy who is virtually Potential.. We have guys already who are that playing the very same position we want him to play.

In the process we passed on other guys who are good more reliable potential at other positions (that we sorely need).

Here's how I look at it.

Call Chillz a 2.. OK...

Call Smoove a 3.. OK...

Call Al a 4... OK...

We get Marvin.. He can play 3 or 4. What we're really saying is that we don't believe in Smoove or Al enough to entrust them at that position in the future... So we bring in Marvin.

The next Argument is that Marvin is So great.

I have to wonder about that. Do you really think he will be better than Paul or Deron? Time will tell... But the fact that we can ask the question and that we don't get a uniamous yes.. says that we may have made a mistake.

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"The Pf for this year is still Al."

you are worried we dont have enough forwards?

hahaha "

I think some are concerned because he still is the

starter. What does it matter if the guys can't be

on the court 35MPG+ because they all play the same

position? doesn't make alot of sense. Lue has started

on two of the worst teams the last couple of years...

First he started for that Orlando team and now he

started for the Hawks. So unless the Hawks are trying

to tank again on purpose that's a sign he shouldn't

be a starting PG.

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marvin is good enough that everyone is saying we did well to pick him, even tho we have 234523 forwards

the rest of the country realizes that we need talent, not pg/c, and so it was smart to take marvin even tho we have chill/smoove/al...

and this is the same people who usually dog atlanta for any moves we make...so there must be something special about marvin for him to be so highly regarded that people aren't dissing the hawks...

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except we're at the end of year one of re-building whereas the clips have been drafting with no intention to win for well over 10 years. We'll start adressing needs with next year's draft.

I don't know who expected wins to come this coming season, I sure wasn't. It takes time to accumulate talent before you can find the appropriate role players to compliment your core

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Don't be fooled by Ben Wallace. Detroit has a 6'11 PF.

Hey you are the one pointing out Detroit as your example of the perfect team. The correct sized player with the perfect skill set at their position and the truth is they are anything but that.

Their shooting guard plays more like a slashing pg with a good midrange jumper and their point guard plays more like a three point shooting sg. Their center is short but plays nasty as hell inside and their power forward prefers to play outside looking in.

SF is the only position that actually is stereotypical for the whole damn team. But he also has the ugliest shot. Big Ben may not make those 15 footers but they still look good while he misses smile.gif

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Whether or not Stoudamire can be a starting PG for us is sort of beside the point for me. It would be wonderful if he could, but if not- then I can live with the player that was unanimously regarded as being the best shooter in this draft. At the worst you're looking at one hell of a 6th man, someone who can come off the bench and just start lighting it up. I like the comparisons to Vinnie Johnson, who in my opinion was one of the best 6th men ever. But I believe that Stoudamire has even more potential than Johnson did as a shooter, and how many games did Johnson win for the Pistons over the years by coming off the bench and making huge clutch shots? It is very valuable to have a player like that, and I'm really happy we have one now.

The only question in my mind is passing up on Ukic at that point, as Ukic is a true point who would likely step in and start for us straight off. But that's a judgement call, and I will trust BK's judgement on this one. In any case, Stoudamire does help fill the huge need we had for a shooter, so I'm not gonna complain one bit. We need the help, and we'll use him.

Now about a point guard...Earl Watson? Jason Williams?

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At the worst you're looking at one hell of a 6th man, someone who can come off the bench and just start lighting it up. I like the comparisons to Vinnie Johnson,"

Yeah we know... Anybody that is drafted that has scoring

ability is linked to Vinnie Johnson. Just like everybody

was doing with Dion Glover.

Ben Wallace can't belinked to anybody on the Hawks team

so it's rather pointless.

Al Harrington really needs to go now. Unless he is going

to comeback as a 6th man which if he didn't do it for an

elite east team he likely will not do it for Atlanta.

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D are you saying we should only have one decent player at every position? These guys can't play 48 minutes a night. Everyone talked about Smoove being a 2-3 year project and then he's frigging starting midway through.

Don't tell me you're already impatient with the rebuilding process. It doesn't happen in one draft or one year. Just because we have excess at one position in July doesn't mean we will have that in October. I'll be glad to be looking at the bench and have guys who can actually play rather than nbdl guys.

The draft is over and we have improved dramtically in our outside shooting. With the #2 pick you try to get a superstar because there is no other way for our team to get one right now.

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