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Draft over, where we stand


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Lets look at exactly what we have..

Point guard..



Lue(free agent)

Salim( Will be interesting to see how BK and Woody view him)

Shooting guard..


Delk(he will opt out)


Sf/Pf..list these together since most are tweeners




Googs(free agent)


Ekeezie(free agent)



After free agents walk..

Diaw, Ivy, Salim

Chillz, Donta

Smoove, Marvin


Collier, Drobs

Thats 10, we will have 14..Where do we go from here?

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I don't know if I agree with you about how the final roster will shape up but I do believe we should focus our FA moves on improving team D. I feel we did well with the Draft (especially with our outside shooting) with the exception of our team D. Williams and Salim do not improve our team D. I would imagine BK will be looking at big guys who play solid D like SamDalembert, Chandler and Swift. He will also look at a point to improve our outside D like Watson or McInnis. Overall, we are moving in the right direction.

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But we have lesser players.

Marvin Williams = Poor Man's Antoine Walker.

Salim Stoudamire = Poor Man's Tony Delk. With an attitude.

We moved Walker to make time for Harrington/Smoove. Then we bring in Williams?

We might as well trade Smoove now.

Maybe the Hornets will give us Chris Paul for Smoove...

They would have to love the idea of: the Smiths at the 2/3.

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With the New CBA, our money means nothing. A player is going to have to want to play in Atlanta over other places.

For instance.

We say... Let's go after Dally.

Now, Philly has the money to offer Dally to match what we can offer. We can either overpay substantially (I'm talking about more than Eric Dampiere) or we can make an offer and watch Philly Match.

The same applies to Joe Johnson, Larry Hughes, Tyson Chandler, Eddy Curry. As of right now, I see our best chance for FAcy is Swift. Another 6'9 player that we can call a PF/C. I think Memphis will keep Watson.

So tonight's draft was our time to change.

We didn't. I can't say that I totally blame BK. He was put in a bad situation.

He got MWill, the best player and like me, he was hoping that Paul made it to 5. When Paul didn't... The draft was pretty much a lock. We got to stick with Marvin.

But this year, those of us who remain fans will get to see the importance of position in basketball. Hopefully, BK will learn that lesson, otherwise, we might pick up Rudy Gay next year.

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Exactly, to call Salim a poor man's Delk is ridiculous. Delk is a streak shooter. Salim is a freak of a pure shooter. He is one of the best shooters in NCAA history. He is shorter than Delk, but apart from that Delk has nothing on Salim.

Marvin is a race horse compared to Antoine athletically. Consider this Marvin's FT% was around 85%, Antoine is 56%. I imagine that Walker is probably a better rebounder, but we will see.

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Why is Marvin compared to Toine...there is really no similarities in their games.

Because Unleaded deems it so!

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With the New CBA, our money means nothing....Now, Philly has the money to offer Dally to match what we can offer. We can either overpay substantially (I'm talking about more than Eric Dampiere) or we can make an offer and watch Philly Match.

While the new CBA makes it easier for Philly to match, that benefit cuts both ways, because whatever contract we offer Dally will be one year shorter and with smaller raises than with the old CBA. So to say we have to give him a Dampiere contract is just plain wrong, because obviously it will be shorter.

There will be a limit to what Philly can pay. They are committed to $78 million next year before they spend a dime on Dally. That's $27 mil over next year's cap, and obviously that means they pay dollar for dollar lux tax money on whatever they offer Dally.

The idea that no one wants Atlanta's money is stupid. A young atheletic center who comes here will anchor a front line with Smoove and MWill, two potential superstars. Trust me, a quality big man will want to come here.

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How on earth is Salim a POOR MAN'S Tony Delk???? Delk has never been the shooter that Salim is. Did Salim fill a major need? It's hard to say. We did need shooting, but we needed other things more than we needed a serious deep threat.

I'm not sure he was the most practical pick, but he's a serious piece for any team. I thought he was going to be really special for someone, and I'm glad it's us.

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At 31, our needs included franchise PG, franchise C, and deep threat (more often than not, it's a bench player.)

Which of those needs can honestly be filled at 31 with any reasonable chance of success? I don't think Ukic is any more guaranteed to be a good PG than Gilchrist or Will Bynum.

Salim is guaranteed to be a better deep threat than anyone else!

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