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BK on 790 the zone: Salim a PG


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next year, or the year after, we'll get that true pg that'll eventually lead us to contention


First off... PGs don't grow on trees. If they did, we'd have more than Lue. Secondly... the draft won't produce PGs this calibre for some time. Even if it did, that's still at least 2 years waiting for them to become good enough to lead us to a championship.

Last.. While we're waiting... we're going to start losing our own FAs.. We're the Clipps.

You sound like your pouting. You should have known the Hawks were going to take Marvin. Again you are the person who have already called the top two picks in this draft busts.

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Ask yourself..

How long did it take Detroit to "REBUILD"... They were a championship team in 3 yrs.

How long did it take NJ to go the the Championship game twice? Overnight.

How long did it take Washington to get back in the playoffs... After Jordan they were in more disarray than we could have ever managed... It was at the last draft... They made trades to solidify their team... NOT choose to draft players and duplicate positions.

Name one championship quality team that got there by duplicating their best players...

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I don't have a problem with BK's rant against Overspecialization.

But I don't think that grabbing a whole team of 6'9 guys and saying... OK.. You're a 2. You're a 3, You're a 4, and you're a 5 is the way to go...

Because really... Smoove may be a mismatch for most 2s but he can't shoot. Smoove is a definite 3. Harrington and Williams are tweeners. Harringtond doesn't rebound or defend well enough.

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Again you are the person who have already called the top two picks in this draft busts.

My whole point is that there was a better pick for the Hawks than Bogut or Marvin.

I felt Defensively Bogut would not stop anybody. He talks a good game... but what does he do.. Milwaukee will see. I think that's why the pundits last night basically said Milwaukee has NO SHOT at even making the playoffs. IF Bogut was as good as his hype, they wouldn't have said that.


About Marvin. Again.. He's not the best fit for the Hawks. Everyone here readily admits that he's BPA.. I'm saying I don't think he's better than Paul or Deron for US. Moreover, I have my doubts that he's better than Tim Thomas. That's not to say he will be a bust, he's just not a good fit for us and We BOUGHT the hype.. But we will see.

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First off... PGs don't grow on trees.

yet, if u make a list of pgs that could lead a good team to contention, u'd get 30+ on the list


Secondly... the draft won't produce PGs this calibre for some time. Even if it did, that's still at least 2 years waiting for them to become good enough to lead us to a championship.

why won't it? first, we don't know how good these pgs will end up being in the nba...secondly, there are already a few good ones for next year and who knows about the future...and if we get that pg 2 years from now and then it takes another 2 to lead us to a championship, what's wrong with that?

i can deal with winning a championship in 2009!


Last.. While we're waiting... we're going to start losing our own FAs.. We're the Clipps.


there is no evidence that we will lose chill/smoove/marvin, our future core...until we lose them for nothing in FAcy because we won't pay, we aren't the clips

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Again you are the person who have already called the top two picks in this draft busts.

My whole point is that there was a better pick for the Hawks than Bogut or Marvin.

I felt Defensively Bogut would not stop anybody. He talks a good game... but what does he do.. Milwaukee will see. I think that's why the pundits last night basically said Milwaukee has NO SHOT at even making the playoffs. IF Bogut was as good as his hype, they wouldn't have said that.


About Marvin. Again.. He's not the best fit for the Hawks. Everyone here readily admits that he's BPA.. I'm saying I don't think he's better than Paul or Deron for US. Moreover, I have my doubts that he's better than Tim Thomas. That's not to say he will be a bust, he's just not a good fit for us and We BOUGHT the hype.. But we will see.

These sound exactly like descriptions of busts. You don't think you've described two busts?

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Marvin Williams might be perfect for a team with a real need for a Sf, a pure PG, a real C, and time to wait on his development. The only thing on that list that we really have is time to wait... That's not a good reason to take him over some of the others!

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If you're going to complain that we have too many 6'8" players, then you HAVE to answer the question as to who is out of position when Smoove, Marvin and Chillz are on the floor at the same time.

You have an arguement if you wanted to contend THIS YEAR and now you don't have a long-term spot for AL. But contending THIS YEAR was never realistic.

I think most people on this board believe that in the long run Smoove can play the four and we no that Chillz is an NBA 2, So you can't complain about us stocking too many at one position, because in the long run, Chillz, Smoove and Marvin are our 2, 4 and 3 of the future.

We can get our future 5 in FAcy this year, with Dally, but he will cost. So what, we have the money.

The PG question will be answered down the road. Rome wasn't built in a day. The 5 need is more pressing, as that lack of interior 'D' killed us last year. We can win 25 games if we sign Dally.

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last night said he would be our starting PG next year. I take that to mean that 1. they recognize we need a PG. 2. they both feel this guy has the ability to fill that role for us.

There's no reason he can't be a chauncy billups type player for us. Chauncy is more of an SG than a PG. I would say that Salim is further along at this point thant Chauncy was when he came into the league. But many now consider Chauncy to be a top 10 PG in the league.

I heard the same thing. Salim Stoudamire could very well be our "Chauncey Billups". All I heard last night from all of the analysts was how he was a steal at #31. They said he could pass, defend ,and of course shoot lights out. He's been great under pressure, hitting several game winning baskets, and he has that "attitude" that you need at the NBA level. If he could put all of those things together, I don't see why he couldn't be our starting guard next season.

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tj ford

brevin knight

damon jones

dwyane wade




dre miller







antonio daniels

baron davis

derek fisher






plus the draft picks:





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tj ford

brevin knight

damon jones

dwyane wade




dre miller







antonio daniels

baron davis

derek fisher






plus the draft picks:





All those guys are better then what the Hawks have but at least half suck and another half dozen no team would really want because of attitude, injury, age and off-the-court issues.

Arroyo, Fischer and Hudson are lucky to still be in the league at this point.

NVE, Payton, and Cassell are at most a year from retirement.

Duhon, McGinnis, Knight, Jones, Jaric and Ridnour are lucky to be starting. There certainly is no guarantee that they remain starters for the bulk of their career.

Boykins, Bobby Jackson and Daniels are not starters, period.

Too early to tell for Livingston, Telfair and Ford, though they are good prospects.

That leaves a dozen decent point guards currently in the league who could reasonably be considered as potential leaders of a championship team in 2 or 3 years, which is about when the rest of the Hawks lineup will mature.

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Arroyo, Fischer and Hudson are lucky to still be in the league at this point.

NVE, Payton, and Cassell are at most a year from retirement.

Duhon, McGinnis, Knight, Jones, Jaric and Ridnour are lucky to be starting. There certainly is no guarantee that they remain starters for the bulk of their career.

Boykins, Bobby Jackson and Daniels are not starters, period.

Too early to tell for Livingston, Telfair and Ford, though they are good prospects.

That leaves a dozen decent point guards currently in the league who could reasonably be considered as potential leaders of a championship team in 2 or 3 years, which is about when the rest of the Hawks lineup will mature.

my point is about current players...more will come in to replace in the future...

and remember, this is pgs that COULD play for a championship-caliber team...not ones that will LEAD the team...if our 2/3/4/5 is solid, we don't have to have a pg put us on their back, but just get a good enough point to take us to the final game...

fisher was pg for championship lakers

duhon started for a 2nd round bulls team

knight has one of the best a/to ratios

jaric gets lots of assists as well

ridnour started for a playoff seattle team

livingston/telfair/nelson/ford have shown more in nba and have just as much promise as paul/deron that people think we shoulda chosen

my point is that we don't have to have a deron or a paul, even if they do become star points, because if the rest of the team is ready, then there are lots of decent points that are good enough to get us to the championship game

we don't need pg to be our best or even 3rd best player

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There's no reason he can't be a chauncy billups type player for us. Chauncy is more of an SG than a PG.

Yeah.. There's nothing EXCEPT.. He's not as strong as Chauncey.

And he had more turnovers than Assists...

PG?? Yeah RIGHT!

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