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Solid Realistic Plan.. for Development....


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  • Premium Member

We know our needs. PG/C.

I have 3 plans.

The first:

Sign Damon Stoudamire 3 yr/13.2 million.

Sign Kwame 5 yr 44 million (team option after year 2; Player Option after year 4).

Sign Randolph Morris.

Sign Skita 3 yr/13.2 million.

The team we would have are:






Plan 2

trade Delk to Memphis for J-Will

Sign Kwame

Sign Skita

Sign Randolph






Plan 3

Trade Atlantas 1st 2006/Delk for Darko.

Sign Randolph.

Sign Kwame

Sign Watson 3 yr 9.2 million.

Sign Gadzuric 5 yr 33 million






I really like Plan 3. I think we get size and speed.

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I would love plan 3 if Gadzuric wasn't part of it, I think Darko is going to be a really good player, If Larry Brown stays with Detroit he may be available since Larry doesn't seem to like him. I would give them Delk and next years first, even if that first wasn't lottery protected, i don't think anyone in next years draft is going to be as good as Darko. Plus his name is Darko and I think thats pretty cool.

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What does everyone see in this Skita character? Has he ever even played? And secondly, I think almost 9M per season is a little much for Kwame. You'll have no problem getting him for that. And I'd also say no to J-Will and Darko. I'd definitely consider Watson and Gadzuric for the right price.

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I like Plan 2 the best.


I like the way you have done the Kwame contract because we would have the option to opt of the deal after 2 years if it goes sour. Your spot on with Brown's salary though. It will take at least that much for Washington not to match. If anyone thinks he can be had for cheaper than that, then they're not familiar with how NBA salaries work. I think Damon will be decent. We're nuts if we give Skita that much. He's done nothing but warm NBA benches since he's been in the league. No way would I give him 4 mil a year.


Basically the same as #1 except for the point guard swap. I think Memphis would do the deal for Delk, I'm not sure BK will pull the trigger. I like it, and I would love to see white chocolate pull out his showtime passes with Smoove & Marvin. If nothing else, it would be fun to watch.


I dislike plan 3 as we will likely have a top 5 pick next year. If we switched that first rounder to the Boston/LA pick instead of ours, I'd be for it. However, I don't think either side would make that deal. I'm not sold on Darko either. I think Gadz is worth closer to 4 mil a year, but your probably right about his salary seeing as teams usually overpay for bigs.

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The first:

Sign Damon Stoudamire 3 yr/13.2 million.

Sign Kwame 5 yr 44 million (team option after year 2; Player Option after year 4).

Sign Randolph Morris.

Sign Skita 3 yr/13.2 million.

Plan 2

trade Delk to Memphis for J-Will

Sign Kwame

Sign Skita

Sign Randolph

Plan 3

Trade Atlantas 1st 2006/Delk for Darko.

Sign Randolph.

Sign Kwame

Sign Watson 3 yr 9.2 million.

Sign Gadzuric 5 yr 33 million

You have Skita making the same amount as Stoudamire, so that wont even be a realtiy. Stoundamire can get around 7 million a year, and he would be well worth the price.

I wouldn't even consider Kwame for that amount of money, because the kid has to prove anything, and just isn't worthy of that price.

Like Memphis would bit at that deal. They can get alot more for Jason Williams, and we wouldn't be dealing with Pete Babcock....the name would be Jerry West.

Watson could get 3 million a year just to make foul shots for a team. Better fork out more money, because he wont leave the Nuggets, if price is offered.

I'll pass on Darko, because I'd perfer to keep our lottery pick.

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Well, simply put...

Kwame's QO starts at 7 million already. The deal I suggest starts at 8. What we get is a 6'11 PF/C who can rebound, dribble, and play defense.

With Skita what we get is a long 7 footer with offensive skills.

I think Darko has skills and will be a good big man. Did you see him play us in the last Det- Atl game??

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for now anyway...

Dalembert 5yr 52 mil He's the perfect fit for what we're trying to do. Espn has stated we've already contacted him. I feel we need to go after him early though. That way if the 76ers do match, we'll have plenty of time to pursue other centers.

David Anderson 4 yr 18.2, team opt 4th yr We've had him in our back pocket for a few years now. He appears to really be coming into his own. He's a big and we need some size. I've read he's only wanting only around 3 mil a year which I believe is very reasonable.

Randolph Morris A project, but if Woody can motivate him, he could end up being a solid center. From what I read, talent is not the question with him, it's all about attitude.

Jeff McInnis 3yr 11 mil I don't think we've found our point guard of the future in Salim. I think we'll probably draft Gibson next year. McInnis has experience and a nice shot. I think he'll be a nice & cheap transition guy to sign as we move forward.






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I think we'll probably draft Gibson next year.

If we're in a position to get Gibson next year, you better believe that we'll take Rudy Gay.

My problem with BK is that he don't have a care about position. He has shown us for years now that getting a floor general is not so important to him. But the PG is what determines what the rest of the team will do. It's the most important position on the floor.

For that reason, I have to shake my head at McInnis. I notice the attraction to his size, but you also got to focus on his game. I don't think he's enough of a play maker to help develop our guys. For what McInnis does, we'd be better just sticking with Delk.

I like the idea of getting Dalembert. BUT i have to worry about those rFA. Because if we sign him and Philly matches, we lose him forever.

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I think Ownership and maybe even BK would be fore Williams for Delk. Think about it. BK traded Bibby for Williams in the first place. BK knows that Williams has a good game. He has good size for a PG. Good speed. He's flashy enough to bring the crowd out. Outside of his hotdogging and flash, I like the way that Williams can settle down and control the offense.

Think about it...

In 27 mpg, he put up 10.1 ppg, 5.6 apg...

He's easily an 8 apg PG in a 30 min game and with finishers like the Joshes and Al and Marvin... maybe higher than that!

His game was made for this team.

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The only way I would think about signing him is if we can get Dalembert in the middle...I think him at center and Smoove could erase penetration caused by Williams' lack of D.

Remember how JT would constantly allow penetration....might as well ben a lay up line.

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If it looks we're going to take Rudy Gay next year, I'm seeking him out before the draft and I'm going to hyper-extend his elbow.


I really like JWil's game. I think it all depends on which direction we want to go. If we bring in JWil, he would not like it at all if we actually did draft Gibson next year. He would probably think that it's Memphis all over again. But if BK thinks that JWil is going to be here a while and can lead this team, then bring him on.

As for Daly. I think someones going to make an offer on him. I'd be shocked if it didn't happen. I feel we should go ahead and try it early. If Philly matches, it's not the end of the world. There are other bigs out there. We may land Josh Boone next year.

A trade I've been kicking around in my head is Harrington/Diaw for Curry/Duhon. I'm really scared of Curry's medical condition which is what drives me to say no to this, but we would land help at the 2 spots we need the most help at. Your Thoughts???

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Dalembert is not worth 10million a year. We might need a center badly but I would rather sign Steven Hunter for 3million a year than give it to Dalemberet who isn't head and shoulders above Hunter. I also wouldn't pay David Anderson that much per year. I am all for him coming over but he hasn't proven anything in the NBA. I say give him no more than 2million per year over 3years.

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