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Maybe Dalembert is the answer?


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but how many options did Phoenix have without any money to spend?? At least Thomas has been a starting C for years, unlike Stromile. I certainly dont think for a second that if Phoenix had the financial ability to acquire a true starting sized C that they would have gone after Kurt instead.....although he does fit their style well and is a master at the elbow area shot which he will get a lot of with Nash.

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I would never say never. I like the SNT option. Moreover, what you just said would stop you from being Indy and taking Oneal.

I think you need people who can look beyond the stats and seeing what this player can do. A lot of times, it requires a change of scenary..

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According to Hoopshype, these are the numbers for this year. This is with the qualifying offers to their RFA's Dalembert, Korver, Green, and Bradley.

Chris Webber - $19,125,000

Allen Iverson - $16,453,125

Jamal Mashburn - $10,075,000

Todd MacCulloch - $6,353,200

Aaron McKie - $6,000,000

Marc Jackson - $4,550,000

Kevin Ollie - $2,950,200

Samuel Dalembert - $2,360,935

Andre Iguodala - $2,058,000

Greg Buckner - $1,974,074

John Salmons - $1,669,001

Michael Bradley - $819,550

Kyle Korver - $775,000

Willie Green - $775,000

This adds up to $72,027,150 according to them. Now, lets say for arguements sake that Mash and Mac n Cheese come off this year without counting towards the luxury tax. Take $16,428,200 away from $72,027,150 and that leaves them with $55,598,950. Then, as you say, they cut McKie using the new vet rule. Take away $6,000,000 from $55,598,950 and that still leaves them with $49,598,950.

Now, based on a $49,500,000 salary cap, that puts them just slightly above the cap. However, Green is sure to get in the range of $2 million, so you have to add another $1.25 mil to that and Korver will probably get $4 million or so, so add another $2.25 mil and you get $53,098,950. Oh and taking away Buckner as you noted, that $1,974,074 less, leaving them at $51,124,876. Also, take away the money to Dalembert for the qualifying offer since we are talking about his salary here which is $2,360,935, leaving them at $48,763,941, which is just slightly below the cap.

So, if they make all of those moves they will be right at the cap approximately. Then, we come in with a $20,000,000 first year offer to Dalembert to blow their socks off and if they match it, they will be $20 mil over the cap. They will also only have 10 players under contract.

Bottom line, they would be $20 mil over the cap and would at least have to sign 4 more players just to field the minimum 14 man roster. Lets just say for grins that they get all 4 of those guys for the rookie minimum (which I dont know but will guess is $500k) and that will put them at $22 mil over the cap. I am not sure where luxury tax comes into play, but I would bet that at least $10 mil of that would be luxury taxable, right? I dont see them doing that unless they are just absolutely head over heels in love with Dalembert, which I am not convinced that they are.

For us, even if we offer him $20 mil this year, that still only puts us at $40 mil when you include what Marvin will probably get. That leaves us $10 mil to spend on 6 players to fill out the 14 man roster.

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Front loading contracts in the NBA doesn't work like that..Even a front loaded contract is slotted so it will only be about a million or so more than usual.I think our max offer to a guy with Dalemberts years is about 5 years and 52 million..The Sixers max number is 6 years and about 67 million..Those are the numbers that I have seen based on the new cba.I think Philly is committed to keeping Dalembert.

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So, if they make all of those moves they will be right at the cap approximately. Then, we come in with a $20,000,000 first year offer to Dalembert to blow their socks off and if they match it, they will be $20 mil over the cap. They will also only have 10 players under contract.

You can't offer Dalembert a contract that starts at 20 million. His max is 12M - 12.5M (depending on the cap).

Frontloading might add a million or two to the first year, but it doesn't change the total value of the contract the Hawks can offer.

Philly can afford Daly, if they want.

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Why was the first thing Phoenix said about their offseason being moving Amare and Shawn back to their natural positions and getting a more traditional (at least size wise) center? Because they know that they cant win with a PF playing C. Not unless you have a 7' PF like Rasheed playing beside you.

Again it's not Amare that's the problem. The problem is Marion playing the 4. Marion is 6'7", and the Suns have him matching up with guys 6'10" to 7'0". The Suns simply want to get bigger, and that means Marion cannot play the 4.

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I think our max offer to a guy with Dalemberts years is about 5 years and 52 million..The Sixers max number is 6 years and about 67 million.

The most the Hawks can offer Dalembert (assuming a $50M cap) is 5 years, $73M. That's a $12.5M starting salary with 8.5% increases.

Philly can have 10.5% raises and add another year - six years, $95M.

He won't get that much, though.

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I'd come pretty close to the max for Chandler or Big Z but I'd offer Dalembert less than the others. I think Dalembert is solid but I don't think he will EVER be great. I don't even ever see him making an All Star team and how can you pay a guy the max who won't be an All Star?

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I've seen reports this week that we have indicated a LOT of interest in Big Z and Curry, two offensive-minded Centers, neither of whom is known for their D. I have seen other reports that SUGGEST we are interested in Chandler and Dalembert as well, but the interest implied was not as strong. Maybe BK feels that having an offensive threat at Center is more important than having a defense-minded guy?

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Let's think this thing through rationally and logically.

1. Most people on this board agree that Dalembert would be a better fit for our offense.

2. Dalembert is an athletic center who is 3 years younger than Magloire.

3. Magloire only has 2 years left on his contract, and will likely look for a max deal when his contract is up or else he's headed to Toronto. You're faced with the prospect of paying a big man max money either way. Would you rather pay Dalembert now, pay Magloire later, or do nothing and let Magloire leave in 2 years and have to fill the void later (probably by playing max money to get a big man that's decent)?

4. All the trade rumors indicate that trading Magloire would allow us to add a starter at SF and possibly depth at other positions.

We could spend all of our cap money this year on Dalembert and Swift, and then though trades of Magloire, PJ, or any other players, aquire any number of legitimate small forwards.

A team featuring Chris Paul, Jr Smith, Stromile Swift, Samuel Dalembert and a SF like Richard Jefferson, Ron Artest, Jonathan Bender, Paul Pierce, Radmonovi, Bobby Simmons, or Caron Butler that could be obtained by trading Magloire, would not only be fun to watch run, ala the Suns, but they would be in contention for a playoff spot as soon as they got used to playing together and Chris Paul adjust to the NBA.

Do it.

Do it.

I wish that N.O. would consider trading Magloire to us and going after Dalembert.

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crazy.gifShould we reward a man who quit on his team while they were in a playoff run and could have used his limited skills?

Let me go on record to say I hope we can do better than Kwame, broken character is hard to fix. Why in the dickens do you throw near max money at a player who has done nothing to warrant such a payday.....Absolutely mindboggling.

Money will not make him a person who can be depended upon.

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Well for one.. I think Washington has treated him wrong since he got there.

For 2.

He's still 7 feet with good inside moves, and a good handle. He still plays sound defense and with tutoring he could be a force.

He has a lot of things about him that can't be taught. I don't think he's the next KG but I believe that he's better than he's been.

About the playoffs? To be correct, he didn't quit on his team in the playoffs. They didn't add him to the playoff roster. He was suspected of faking an injury and that's bad...

I don't think Washington ever put him in the best position to be the best player he could be. They were always a playoff team and he was the key... That's a lot of pressure for a guy who never had pressure.

I say you bring him to Atlanta by a SNT of Diaw. Put him under the watchful eye of guys who have been there: Smoove and Al.. and let him grow with young guys. Other than Jared Jeffries (who played 3 yrs of college) what Young guy did Washington have playing beside Kwame?

I think he can get a fresh start.

i would SNT diaw and get him at 5 yrs 33 million.

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About the playoffs? To be correct, he didn't quit on his team in the playoffs. They didn't add him to the playoff roster. He was suspected of faking an injury and that's bad...

Why do you keep making stuff up? He was on the playoff roster, he played in 3 games, even getting 35 minutes in the first game. Then he quit on his team and they suspended him for the rest of the playoffs. He faked his injury to quit on his team in the playoffs. That is beyond weak. That's a coward quitting on his team when they need him.

He has gotten many a chance and failed, time after time after time.

Stop making excuses for him.

He is still young and full of potential, but he has shown character flaws and failure a number of times. He was not put in the best of conditions, but how many players are? he has folded many a time to this point.

I think Atlanta is the best possible place for him to go, and I don't mind us taking a shot on him, but I am well aware that we would be taking on a weak quitter who has never, ever stepped up to the challenge. We'd be hoping he can pull a 180. Let's not fool ourselves

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My point was that the team initiated HIM not playing. He didn't QUIT as some people say. IN fact, he "faked" the stomach flu because he was upset about not getting playing time... NOT because he was a loafer as some has suggested here.


Asked whether Brown was really sick, Grunfeld said: "He talked to our trainer and he told him he had a stomach flu."

Asked whether Brown was upset over a lack of playing time, Grunfeld said: "Everybody likes to play as much as they can. That's typical for the NBA."

Brown won't travel with the Wizards or participate in any practices for the remainder of the season.

"We're going to do things a certain way. These players are committed to that," said Grunfeld, referring to the remaining players on the roster. "And those are the type of players we want around us."

Like I said... He was Wrong...

BUT it's not like he was being Steve Francis (Not wanting to go to Vancouver).

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I think Atlanta ought to give Kwame a chance. So far he has been a bust. He looks like he has the physical tools, but since he never went to college I wonder if he has the mental capacity to do the job. He was not impressive speaking in the film I saw. - You don't have to be a rocket scientist to play NBA ball, but the better players have been pretty smart. If he has the smarts, I think Woodson can work on his maturity. But he has not shown he is worth 33M for 5yrs. I would recommend we offer 10M for 3 years, with big incentives.


(btw - Diesel, I like your new picture but somehow I thought you were younger.)

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I would not want Kwame Brown on any team I am apart of.......if Kwame was drafted by the Hawks the same people who want him here now, would be calling him a bust and trying to ship him out of town.

The grass in not always greener...hell I would rather play Al at center than Kwame Brown we can do better than that.

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My point was that the team initiated HIM not playing. He didn't QUIT as some people say. IN fact, he "faked" the stomach flu because he was upset about not getting playing time... NOT because he was a loafer as some has suggested here.

So what? He still quit. Imagine if we were in the playoffs and Boris said "I'm not getting minutes, I'm going to quit, and faked an injury to do so", what would you say? You would be hollering about what a traitor and quitter he is and that you didn't care what it took, you wanted him off the team.

Since when is it ok to quit just because you don't like your minutes?

So like I said, stop making excuses. If you want to take a chance on somebody who's a quitter and a loser at this point in his career, that's fine. But stop making excuses and acting like it's not his fault

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