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If we trade for Marbury....


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  • Premium Member

Then we also need to try to sign:

Walker and I would trade for Foyle...

Maybe a trade of Donta/1st for Foyle.

Our starting 5 could be:


We cannot bring in Marbury with NO PF, NO C, and NO Shooters.

And if we did this or any other plan we have with Marbury, we might as well scratch the building plan that we have started and just go back to Babcock Basketball.

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Yep ...same situation we got from under with Babcock....Marbury & Walker...our young people who never touch the ball. If we can't get Dalembert...try to sign

Gadzuric/James/Madsen...Jaric ...play ball.

We don't have to try to hit grand slams here ....because the majority of our team is not yet ready to compete at playoff level.

We need to sign youth and value.

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I am not in favor of trading for Marbury, but why would acquiring a veteran mean we are scraping our rebuilding?..I have NEVER heard of a team with 5 starters they drafted in a period of 3 or 4 years..Not one..All teams that have won are a combination of drafted players and signed or traded for players..If we add a starter that is over 25 it doesn't mean we are scraping the plan..I keep hearing that we shouldn't worry about free agency this year, sign a couple of 2nd tier guys, wait till next year , because we have 2 more 1st round picks next year..Big Deal..Are we going to have a whole team with no players with more than 2 years experience?..We really will turn into the clippers with that mentality..Diesel, this is not directed at you post above, just the general tone of the board..Any name that is mentioned,whether its Marbury, Dalembert, Curry, Hughs, Allen, Ilgaskus, Swift or any other name guy there are people coming out of the woodworks saying we shouldn't spend any money on them..What was the point of accumulating all this caproom if we didnt want to spend it?

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When the core of your team is not ready to compete at a playoff level...why go sign a vet who dominates the ball and makes a ton of money.

A....this will hender the development and confidence of the young guys.

B....You essentially waste your money because usually the big money guys you buy are on the slide downward when your youngins are ready to compete and/or you have a potential star in one of the young guys who u need to pay to keep.

I am not saying we should not spend money..but we can't spend Shaq, Duncan Garnett money and get Marbury Swift Redd type players...we need value.

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  • Premium Member


am not in favor of trading for Marbury, but why would acquiring a veteran mean we are scraping our rebuilding?.

I agree that at some point you have to gamble on a Vet. However, you have to consider the vet. When you look at the situation, you don't trade a good Forward for a 20/21 million dollar PG unless you are ready to compete. I understand that Marbury is only what 16=17 million now but by the time we are ready to compete he will be 20 21 million. That will affect our competitiveness because we will not be able to sign all of our free agents and sign needed pieces.. PLUS Luxury tax will effect us moreso than Big market teams. We are not a team that makes a profit so we will need to win if we spend.. That's why the others had to go.

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