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Bobby Simmons (and Stotts) to the Bucks.....


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Forward won most improved honors with Clippers

By Chad Ford

ESPN Insider

Former Clippers swingman Bobby Simmons agreed to a five year, $47 million deal with the Bucks on Friday, his agent Mark Bartelstein said.

"Bobby intends to sign with the Bucks when the moratorium ends," Bartelstein told ESPN.com. "He was very appreciative of the opportunity that the Clippers gave him but felt like this was the best opportunity for him."

The move is the clearest signal yet that the Bucks are serious about competiting for a championship this year. In the past week, they signed the No. 1 pick in the draft, Andrew Bogut, agreed to a six-year, $90 million dollar deal with Michael Redd and began the on the court rehab for point guard T.J. Ford.

The Bucks have two more significant free agents, Dan Gadzuric and Zaza Pachulia, that they are also trying to re-sign.

Simmons will join Desmond Mason, Jiri Welsch and Redd to form a pretty potent combination at the shooting guard and small forward positions. Mo Williams and hopefully Ford will take care of the point. Their only area of weakness now is at the four where Joe Smith is the only big guy holding down the fort.

The loss of Simmons, coming on the heels of the rejection by free agent Ray Allen, is yet another blow to the Clippers. Simmons had a breakout year for them and was a key to their success this season. However, head coach Mike Dunleavy was uncomfortable paying Simmons, who has played well for just one season, that type of money.

The Clippers could also lose free agent Marko Jaric this summer, putting into serious question their hopes of making the playoffs next season.

Simmons won 2004-05 NBA most improved player honors in his second year with the Los Angeles Clippers.

The Bucks also hired Terry Stotts as their new head coach Friday.

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i'd agree. not sure with desmond mason and redd where simmons plays.

either way, i can't wait til we get more news about the Johnson signing. maybe with johnson, we'll have the momentum we need to make another free agent signing for a center.

then we need a PG and backup PF and we'll be set...


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Guest Walter


I don't get this one at all..You need a 1 and a 4 and you spend big bucks on a 2/3, where you just spent 90 million?


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Why would Simmons leave a starting role in LA, to go play on the bench in Milwaukee.

I don't get it, the clippers have a very good shot of making the playoffs especially if livingston can stay healthy.

Milwaukee is going to be a very good team, with the additions of Ford and Bogut. I think they won't be letting us have alley-oops of the backboard this time around.

I guess Simmons wasn't too happy about the addition of Korolev, when they could have gotten May, or even Warrick would have been a better fit. Along with the addition of Illyasova, when they could have gotten ronny turiaf or chris taft.

He is going to regret this decision.

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"Why would Simmons leave a starting role in LA, to go play on the bench in Milwaukee."

Well money seems to always be an issue for the Clips... God only knows how much they lowballed him. Plus given his time here in Portland alienating virtually every player on the team Dunleavy is probably working his magic down there.

Plus, he probably figures that he can beat out Desmond Mason... Mason is a nice player but Simmons really came on last year.

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Why would Simmons leave a starting role in LA, to go play on the bench in Milwaukee.

I don't get it, the clippers have a very good shot of making the playoffs especially if livingston can stay healthy.

Milwaukee is going to be a very good team, with the additions of Ford and Bogut. I think they won't be letting us have alley-oops of the backboard this time around.

I guess Simmons wasn't too happy about the addition of Korolev, when they could have gotten May, or even Warrick would have been a better fit. Along with the addition of Illyasova, when they could have gotten ronny turiaf or chris taft.

He is going to regret this decision.

He gets 9 million reasons every year to sign with the


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I think Milwaukee have overspent and haven't covered their needs. I say we put a bid out for Gadzuric. I would give him a little more than the MLE.... I don't think that Milwaukee will match. I think their thinking is to try Bogut out as a PF.

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They both can give us what we need. They both have size. They both have the ability to be good rebounders.

In our need, I say, let's not waste money giving Curry a near max deal, let's just get a guy like Gadzuric who we can try out for a few years while we wait on a better big man.

I'm still for the trio:

Gadz, Madsens, and Kwame.

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I'll pay Curry the max any day before I pay Kwame 7 mil per season. Kwame has yet to show that he is a starter in this league. Curry has shown that when motivated he is a top center in the conference, maybe even the league. I'm willing to gamble on him.

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I read someone that somebody in the Hawks org recently said that they had talked to several young big man free agents whether restricted or otherwise and they knew what it would take to get them in ATL...and they intend to do just that....I expect Gads has let Milwaukee know he is not coming back...I also think he will be in ATL because for one he fits..and the other reason is that he really has not been mentioned much as a possiblity for us in the media....just how BK likes it.

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Why would Simmons leave a starting role in LA, to go play on the bench in Milwaukee

you dont pay a bench player that much money. i think he's starting. Mason will most likely be the 6th man backing up both Redd + Simmons.

Im extremely happy for Simmons. Hes one of those guys u root for. One of those guys who plays hard every day. Im glad he finally got a contract so that he doesnt have to worry about being cut living off of 1 yr contracts.

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You don't pay an unmotivated guy the max... Nor do you pay him anything close to the max.


Curry has shown that
when motivated
he is a top center in the conference

How often is this?? Is Curry even getting more than 5 rpg?? Curry is worse than Damp last year. At least Damp had enough heart to work his ass off in his contract year. Curry put up a half hearted effort and wants a near max deal?? Based on what?? I say let's not give this Derrick Coleman nothing... He doesn't deserve it. I would rather pay Diop or Gadzuric than to go out and sign this guy to a deal that would handcuff us worst than Hendu.

And then to say that you want to trade Al for Curry?? Give me a break.. That's a big HELL NO... Paxson would be LHAO If we did something that stupid.


Based on what we've seen of Curry the last four years, we know the answer, don't we?

This isn't to suggest Curry is a bum or anything like that. Consistent low-post scorers are almost as hard to find as a blizzard in Haiti, and Curry is one of the better ones around. I guarantee, no sooner will Curry be out the door than the Bulls and their fans will ask themselves, "Where do we find a big man who can score in the paint?"

But for every reason Curry should be kept, there are a couple of reasons to let him go.

Pure and simple, Curry lacks the energy and instincts to become anything more than an average defender, and for a team that is built on D, that's not a good thing. As head coach Scott Skiles has reminded us time and again, Curry doesn't rebound well, either. Curry is most effective in the first quarter, when the game plan is to establish him inside. One of the reasons is, Curry lacks stamina to the point that he often plays the second half as though he has a Wurlitzer on his back. Then again, physical condition has been a problem for Curry from the moment he entered the league. If Curry signs a rich, long-term deal, who's to say he won't be back at drive-through window late every night again?

Then there's the relationship between Curry and his head coach.

When guard Chris Duhon recently told the Daily Southtown that Skiles rubbed some players the wrong way, he didn't have to mention Curry was one of them. Just as Skiles doesn't much care for players who lack intensity and motivation, Curry doesn't buy the tough-love approach. While the two have tried hard to bite their tongues, it remains to be seen whether the two coexist in a positive manner. Remember, now that Skiles has signed a three-year contract extension, he figures to be around for a while.

In other words, now is the time for the Bulls to realize fair market value for Curry while they can still do it.

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beav, do you live in portland. are you a true hawks fan? i just moved to portland. pretty cool...


Hey Flava, welcome to Puddletown! Yes, I moved to Portland from Atlanta years ago. I grew up a Hawks fan, and now like the Hawks and Blazers. What part of town do you live in?

I live in the Hawthorne area. I can give you an idea of good sports bars to see Hawks games (as long as you don't live way out in the burbs, then you've on your own!)

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I am sort of an ambassador from the Bucks. I think you guys are readin into our moves totally wrong.

Larry Harris didn't feel we had a need at the PG. TJ Ford is looking like he will be ready to start from day one. Mo Williams proved that he is more than capable at playing in the league. Jiri Welsch is said to be able to fill in in a pinch. We are also looking to sign Charlie Bell from the ACB Spanish League.

I agree that we need a 4, but the free agent market just isn't there. SAR and Swift are likely to get overpaid.

We needed to add some real size at 3. Simmons measures in at 6-7'', and we had been playing 6-5'' Desmond Mason there. By adding this one last player, we made our 2-3 rotation one of the best in the league.

If you guys want to grab Gadz, I would wait until after the Bucks re-sign Zaza. We have bird rights to Zaza, and we don't with Dan. If you offer just over the MLE to Gadzuric, we will still match. Kohl has proven that he wants to win this season. He is getting a lot of backing from the NBA since we are bringing in an Austrailian fan base.

I have also heard rumors that the Bucks are looking to package someone with Desmond Mason and trade him for Elton Brand. Just a rumor I heard...

Enough about the Bucks... how about them Hawks?

I think that signing JJ to a max deal is a good move, but after that they really need to find a starter quality PG. Salim Stoudamire and Tyronn Lue could come off of the bench, but the Hawks would be better served to sign up a guy like... well the PG well is pretty shallow this year, but a guy like Earl Watson or Marko Jaric could come in and be an instant boon to the team. I personally thought the team should pick up Paul or Deron in the draft.

Secondly, the team needs to find a center. I don't understand everyone's obcession with Tyson Chandler... he, much like Gadzuric, is a liability at the offensive side of the court. To be a true force, you have to have someone that can score from down low. The Hawks should look unto Zydrunus Ilgauskus (I know they have been interested) and Eddy Curry. Even after that, Jerome James would be an upgrade.

With that in mind, I think that the Bucks and the Hawks are both teams that could be way better this year.

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Guest Walter


If you guys want to grab Gadz, I would wait until after the Bucks re-sign Zaza. We have bird rights to Zaza, and we don't with Dan. If you offer just over the MLE to Gadzuric, we will still match.

How can you match if you don't have bird rights? I'm not sure what you mean here.


I have also heard rumors that the Bucks are looking to package someone with Desmond Mason and trade him for Elton Brand. Just a rumor I heard...

Sign Simmons out from under LAC, then trade Mason for their best player. This is not realistic. Why would they deal with you now, much less for that deal ever?

I appreciate your interest in the Hawks. I'm enamored with Chandler mostly because he can rebound and defend. In the same breath, I will never understand why we let Pryz walk without even mention of an offer.


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"Secondly, the team needs to find a center. I don't understand everyone's obcession with Tyson Chandler... he, much like Gadzuric, is a liability at the offensive side of the court."

I agree about Chandler. Regardless of rumors of his newly developed baby hook shot, he is a huge liability on offense. Sure he's a great shotblocker, good defender and solid rebounder. But beyond the offense limits I would never throw long-term/big money at a buy with back problems.

I'll admit that I never saw Gadzuric play much, but liked him at UCLA and wondered why he dropped as far as he did for the Bucks to nab him. He also really seemed to come on a bit last year.

So if my choice was throwing 10 mil a year at Chandler or 4 mil for Gadz, gimme Gadz.

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