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Three Way Deal...


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There is a reported three team deal in the works with Us, Washington and Phoenix???

The only deal that makes any sense for all teams involved is this:

ATL Trades AL and Chillz

Wiz Trades Kwame

Phoenix Trades JJ

ATL Recieves a Signed JJ and a signed Kwame

Wiz Recieves AL

Phoenix Recieves Chillz

I'm sure there will be other players involved for salary cap purposes. But, these are the the major names involved in the deal.

I'd hate to see Chillz go. I really like his game and his leadership qualities. Not to mention I think he'd be great for the community of Atlanta and a great representation of a professional athlete and role model.

However, I think JJ has a much higher ceiling and is a potential go to guy and def. a BK kinda guy. I think it would be a strong trade in that reguard.

As far as Kwame goes, if he can't get it together back home on a team where he has no pressure and no expectations to live up too??? I don't think he'd ever get it together. My only concern is that we don't invest too much money into him up front. Maybe we could back load the contract with team option years at a higher number if he proves worthy???

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Bob Rathbun said it on 790 this afternoon...I think we can get more then Kwame and JJ for Al and Chillz as well. But, IF this rumor is true that there's a three way deal being discussed between these three teams...it's the only trade that makes any sense for all teams involved

Phoenix is cutting payroll so they can sign Amare to a max deal soon.

Wiz want to get something for Kwame and I'm sure they'd be more then happy to get Al as a replacement. They would probably have to put someone else into the deal to make it work...Jarvis Hayes maybe?

And we get one sure peace to our young puzzle in JJ and a potentially huge peace in Kwame...if he gets himself together that is. and possibly another young bench player that we could develop. I sure would like the outside shooting of Hayes on this team...not to mention he played his college ball at GA

Remember...there's a reason why Ekeize and Thomas were released so soon...Something is Brewin'...I can feel it.

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Bob Rathbun said it on 790 this afternoon...I think we can get more then Kwame and JJ for Al and Chillz as well. But, IF this rumor is true that there's a three way deal being discussed between these three teams...it's the only trade that makes any sense for all teams involved

Phoenix is cutting payroll so they can sign Amare to a max deal soon.

Wiz want to get something for Kwame and I'm sure they'd be more then happy to get Al as a replacement. They would probably have to put someone else into the deal to make it work...Jarvis Hayes maybe?

And we get one sure peace to our young puzzle in JJ and a potentially huge peace in Kwame...if he gets himself together that is. and possibly another young bench player that we could develop. I sure would like the outside shooting of Hayes on this team...not to mention he played his college ball at GA

Remember...there's a reason why Ekeize and Thomas were released so soon...Something is Brewin'...I can feel it.

They got released because Jon Koncak has decided to

come out of retirement....

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i agree. why is everyone trying to trade Childress? Why is everyone so gungho about bringing Joe Johnson in as if he's michael jordan? i mean IF Joe can play point, then fine.

But people Childress has been in the league for ONE YEAR and was a top rookie. He's cheaper than some big name free agents.

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Chillz hasn't impressed me anywhere near as much as he has you. I like his atheltisicm, but not his J, and I'm concerned about what position he'll develop into.

Also, JJ and Kwame are both restricted, so it's not a guarantee that we could sign either of them straight up.

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I don't think that's how it works with RFA Max players. With Max players if their current team isn't going to pay them the Max then what'll do is agree to a sign and trade. Kinda like what happend to K-Mart last year. That's part of the reason why they extend the qualifying offers to RFA. Teams want to protect their investment. So as to avoid a Larry Huges situation.

Also, it gets the player another year and about 20 million by doing a SNT because of the "Bird Rights" rule.

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There is a reported three team deal in the works with Us, Washington and Phoenix???

The only deal that makes any sense for all teams involved is this:

ATL Trades AL and Chillz

Wiz Trades Kwame

Phoenix Trades JJ

ATL Recieves a Signed JJ and a signed Kwame

Wiz Recieves AL

Phoenix Recieves Chillz

Why is that the only trade that makes sense?? It's not even a 3 way! It's us trading Al for Kwame, and us trading Chill for JJ. Two separate trades. I'd have to believe that the 3way would be

ATL: trades Al, gets JJ

WIZ: trades Kwame, gets Al

PHX: trades JJ, gets Kwame

That's the one that would make sense, isn't it?

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Phoenix doesn't want or need AL they would be looking for a replacement for JJ.

Like I said there will be more players involved for different reasons. IMO these players: Chillz to Phoe...AL to Wiz Kwame and JJ here...makes sense to me.

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during draft night along with Smoove. This is a very strong indication of BK's faith in these two as cornerstones of the team. He is not going to trade JChill unless a very very sweet deal is offered. A deal involving Kwame "the Quitter" Brown does not qualify as a sweet deal.

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If JJ has agreed to take the max from us then Phoenix has decided not to match therefore wanting to trade to get something in return....so we don't have to agree to a trade....if we agree to a trade we really don't have to let them STEAL Chillz away...we can offer Al &/or Diaw....it is basically the ball is in our court if JJ wants to leave and Phoenix does not want to pay.

The notion that Chillz is involved is really silly...since I am pretty sure JJ would play the point here.

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Once you sign a RFA to an offer sheet you can't do a SNT. so there would have to be communication between the two teams and understand the need to work something out. It's like this: Phoenix wouldn't want to match but would if we didn't agree to a SNT. Therby protecting their initial investment and not just letting JJ walk.

If they couldn't get together on a trade then they would make us wait a week and tie the money up and the match the deal. THINK about it!

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