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Diesel Questions..


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If we trade Al,

I want Magloire back.

Why is Stromile Swift getting NO love in FAcy? The talk is him taking the MLE with Houston!

Why is Donyell Marshall getting No Love?

I want Travis Hansen back!

I want to see a PG rotation of Damon, Salim, Ivey, and Diaw..

Who's better, Salim or Dickau?

Are we an uptempo team or a 6'8 team?

Would Flip Murray beat out Chillz for the starting SG?

I would trade Chillz/1st (Bos) for Jason Richardson... I think Monty would do it too!

I think Kwame to LAL is just a bluff to make us cough up something for Kwame. Where does Butler play?? How do the salaries begin to match?

Is Washington done with Jarvis Hayes?

Does anybody think that we are posturing in order to wait and see which of these Big Contracts will hit the market??

Can you imagine us going after Mike Finley for less than 5 Million per??

Who is Mike Jones?

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Wow, lots of good points:

I agree / don't know / don't know / yes, I agree / great rotation / Salim, but Dickau would be a good addition / I donno - but I hope it wins and is exciting / No / keep Chillz / You're right about Kwame / I donno / No / No / SG from Maryland or Georgia Asst Coach or a pitcher for the Brewers or a really ugly rapper /

Who is John Galt?

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If we trade Al,

I want Magloire back.

Me too.

Why is Stromile Swift getting NO love in FAcy? The talk is him taking the MLE with Houston!

Probably because he is 4 years in without showing GMs what they want to see.

Why is Donyell Marshall getting No Love?

Because he is older and on the downside of his career. If I wanted a veteran though, like for a team like Chicago, I'd be on this guy

I want Travis Hansen back!Why? You've got a ton of swingmen and a better shooter in Salim

I want to see a PG rotation of Damon, Salim, Ivey, and Diaw..

I'll be unexcited but unsurprised to see this

Who's better, Salim or Dickau?

I'll bet on Salim as the better shooter and better player. For next season, though, Dickau may be better because of experience and situation if he is still starting with NO.

Are we an uptempo team or a 6'8 team?

I'm not sure having a lot of 6'8'' studs conflicts with being uptempo. Look at Phoenix.

Would Flip Murray beat out Chillz for the starting SG?

Not at his height

I would trade Chillz/1st (Bos) for Jason Richardson... I think Monty would do it too!

I think Kwame to LAL is just a bluff to make us cough up something for Kwame. Where does Butler play?? How do the salaries begin to match?

Salaries won't be close without fodder from LA. Butler could play SF with but I agree would be out of position at SG and along with a plethora of SF with Jeffries and Hayes

Is Washington done with Jarvis Hayes?

Good question.

Does anybody think that we are posturing in order to wait and see which of these Big Contracts will hit the market??

Not sure what you mean.

Can you imagine us going after Mike Finley for less than 5 Million per??

Finley wants a contender when he is getting paid his full salary by Dallas anyway, not a rebuilding situation with competition at his position.

Who is Mike Jones?

There are a number of them. Here is one.


Another played at TCU a few years ago.

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Al for Magloire: I'd do that

Swift: The reason is because everyone knows he's not that good. He's a career role player and not worth more than MLE money.

Marshall: he's a 32yo mid-talent player. Chances are he's wanting more money than he's worth. I do remember attitude complaints about him.

hansen: eh..

uptempo or 6'8: We're not an uptempo team. Being uptempo demands having a top quality PG which we do not have. If we try to play that we, we will do what we have done for years, turn the ball over 20+ times per game.

Kwame: The salaries don't have to match and where BUtler players doesn't matter. For washington it's about getting a former ROY for a guy you would cut otherwise.

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If we trade Al,

I want Magloire back. *COOL

Why is Stromile Swift getting NO love in FAcy? The talk is him taking the MLE with Houston!

*Maybe he wants to go to a team that has a good chance at winning...those are usuwally teams that can't offer a lot of money.

Why is Donyell Marshall getting No Love? *Because Stro has not signed.

I want Travis Hansen back! *Why?

I want to see a PG rotation of Damon, Salim, Ivey, and Diaw.. *****No Damon...please

Who's better, Salim or Dickau? ******Better what?

Are we an uptempo team or a 6'8 team? ****Both

Would Flip Murray beat out Chillz for the starting SG? ****NO...but Flip can play the point.

I would trade Chillz/1st (Bos) for Jason Richardson... I think Monty would do it too! *****Uhhh....NO...really not a big upgrade in the long run.

I think Kwame to LAL is just a bluff to make us cough up something for Kwame. Where does Butler play?? How do the salaries begin to match? *****I think LAL really wants Kwame.

Is Washington done with Jarvis Hayes? ****Don't know.

Does anybody think that we are posturing in order to wait and see which of these Big Contracts will hit the market?? *******I think we want Chandler or Daly but can't get them. Leaves us with Curry.

Can you imagine us going after Mike Finley for less than 5 Million per?? ******Yep...I can imagine him saying no also.

Who is Mike Jones? *****I don't know but I think he has dem hoes all on him.

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If we trade Al,

I want Magloire back.

*Me too, but I'll settle for Curry. It has to be a big

Why is Stromile Swift getting NO love in FAcy? The talk is him taking the MLE with Houston!

*Because he is not a good NBA player. He should not start on a good team

Why is Donyell Marshall getting No Love?

*He is

I want Travis Hansen back!

*He's picking NBA teams right now, we're not one of them

I want to see a PG rotation of Damon, Salim, Ivey, and Diaw..

*Damon won't take the appropriate pay cut

Who's better, Salim or Dickau?

*Salim's a better player, Dickau's a better passer

Are we an uptempo team or a 6'8 team?

*We'll have to see what FA's we get, but the goal is to be a defensive fast-break team

Would Flip Murray beat out Chillz for the starting SG?

*Not a chance. He's one dimensional

I would trade Chillz/1st (Bos) for Jason Richardson... I think Monty would do it too!

*Not sure what JR's contract is. It would be nice to have his scoring, but I look forward to 2 1st rounders the same year we try to REALLY get FA's here

I think Kwame to LAL is just a bluff to make us cough up something for Kwame. Where does Butler play?? How do the salaries begin to match?

*I don't think BK will pay Kwame what he costs, and he definitely won't trade for him

Is Washington done with Jarvis Hayes?

*Who cares?

Does anybody think that we are posturing in order to wait and see which of these Big Contracts will hit the market??


Can you imagine us going after Mike Finley for less than 5 Million per??

*I would prefer Brian Grant for cheap. Either way we won't get either because there's no outbidding going on, they'll pick a winner

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