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If we get stuck with a Lazy Eddy Curry and an overpriced JJ, I will be disappointed with BK.

Nazr was 10 times better than Eddy Curry.

It seems like FAs are just passing us by.

What chance do we have at getting Kwame. I think LAL will cool on the Kwame deal because Kwame wants 3 yrs.

Alright new plan:

Sign Zsa Zsa.

Sign Damon.

Put a bid up for Kwame and see if Washington is willing to match?

I keep hearing SNT for Kwame SNT for Kwame... But knowing what Kwame wants and that other teams aren't readily willing to give it in a SNT, I say we offer 4 years 30 million with the last year T.O, and see if Washington will match!

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a) what does Nazr have to do with any of this?

b) Nazr is not better than curry. They are about the same. Nazr is worthless on offense, Curry is worthless on D. I have more faith in Curry being able to improve his D than I do in Nazr suddenly developping an offense.

Nazr's trade was the only bad move BK's made, but that's neither here nor there.

We don't know who BK's been talking to, so I wouldn't act like he's just been sitting here twiddling his thumbs. The only guy who's gone that we might have had a chance at so far is Gadzuric. And for all we know BK tried, and Gadz turned us down.

And I only want Kwame if we can't get Curry. And even then I won't be happy about it.

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If we strike out on Curry and JJ(which seems likely) why don't we offer Kwame a huge one year deal..Give him a chance to prove himself. We could offer him a 1 year 10 million dollar deal..It doesn't hurt us at all and gives him a chance to come here, be very well paid for a year, and get 35 minutes a night..Seems like a win win. I can't see Washington matching that.

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If we strike out on Curry and JJ(which seems likely) why don't we offer Kwame a huge one year deal..Give him a chance to prove himself. We could offer him a 1 year 10 million dollar deal..It doesn't hurt us at all and gives him a chance to come here, be very well paid for a year, and get 35 minutes a night..Seems like a win win. I can't see Washington matching that.

The Hawks have to offer at least a three-year contract for a restricted FA like Kwame. And, IIRC, all three years have to be guaranteed, which makes me wonder about these Kwame to L.A. rumors...

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To answer your question...

What I like about Damon is that he's a veteran PG who is good and who won't cost us an arm and a leg. He would be a good transitional PG for this squad.

More specifically.

1. He can run the offense.

2. He can shoot the three.

3. He can play uptempo.

I also like Jaric, but I suppose Jaric might cost a little more and Jaric doesn't have the experience that we can get from Damon.

What I believe is that we can get Damon with a 3 yr 11 million dollar deal...

I believe that in Next years draft, we can get a guy like Rondo and Damon could be his mentor.

Do I see Damon as the future of the Hawks...

No sir. I think we have a lot of young guys...

But I do see him as being a guy who can come in here, be a "REAL" PG and help Glue these guys together while they grow.

BK has always said that if a guy can play the position... size don't matter... even though he doesn't draft that way.

I just think we need Competent help at the PG position.

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I'm all about the 4 yrs 30 million with the team option after the third year.

Let's face it. He has a great skill set and fits our personnell. He's big, athletic, and can be defensive...

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I like Nazr but he's proven to be a solid backup and that's it. When has anyone ever uttered the phrase 'we'll match any offer for Nazr'?

We should pray for JJ and Curry. If we don't get them then we get zilch again in the FA market and that's not good. I don't see anyway we get JJ though.

I agree about Kwame. Just offer him a contract for 3 years and make them match. We have to gamble at some point because Shaq and Duncan are not going to demand a trade to the Hawks anytime soon. I'd love to see what Kwame can really do on a team like ours where we should be pounding the ball inside a lot.

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Good point on Nazr...

With that. I don't think Chicago will match any offer on Curry. I thnk Chicago just wants a SNT for Curry. Honestly Curry has sucked. Chicago has to get something in return for Curry so they won't let him walk for free.

Washington on the other hand, I just don't see them matching a deal for Kwame. I hope Kwame holds out til the 22nd. I believe BK will probably show up at his door with flowers and a contract.

I think that's the point about this whole free agency deal that's a mess but is not mentioned.

BK and the Agents are playing a really good game on some of these other GMs...

Teams like us with lots of money to spend and nothing to trade and no reputation amoung FAs have to wait until July 22nd... Until that point, we have to convince FAs to choose Atlanta and it's especially hard on the rFAs..

While we wait, we're still active. I think we have been dealing with Kwame's agent because he also represent Curry, JJ, and a few other guys we have been rumored to like. I think BK is pimping us out in order to get a good deal.

Everybody knows that JJ is signing with Phoenix, the question is how much. I thnk BK is helping to drive up the price.

For that favor, maybe Kwame is being slow about agreeing to a deal.

For that favor, I think BK is driving up Curry's price.

For that favor, i think Dalembert will give Atlanta a real look!

We could possibly come out of this FAcy with Dalembert, Kwame, and a PG...

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Nazr's trade was the only bad move BK's made, but that's neither here nor there.

I don't agree with your quote. Here's why:

Trading a 2nd rounder for Drobnjak.

Signing Collier instead of Przybilla.-No one is sure why this took place, but chances are a career benchwarmer, Przybilla, could have been signed with a good enough offer.

Drafting Diaw.

Signing Kenny Anderson.

Drafting Chillz over Iguodala.

Drafting Ivey over Duhon.

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I don't agree with your quote. Here's why:

Trading a 2nd rounder for Drobnjak.

Signing Collier instead of Przybilla.-No one is sure why this took place, but chances are a career benchwarmer, Przybilla, could have been signed with a good enough offer.

Drafting Diaw.

Signing Kenny Anderson.

Drafting Chillz over Iguodala.

Drafting Ivey over Duhon.

To be fair, the jury is still out on Chillz vs Iggy, Diaw, and Ivey vs Duhon (in descending order of jury uncertainty.)

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exactly, not to mention that we don't know if Pryz refused to play here. As for Drobnjak and Anderson, they're both worthless but that's just how bad we needed a PG and a C. We had to get someone in here.

Diaw wasn't so bad a pick, the problem is that he was drafted for one thing only: to complement JT. If BK had been given the green light to scrap the team sooner, my guess is we'd have taken Howard.

In my mind Ivey vs. Duhon is the only one I kind of agree on in retrospect.

So as I said, Nazr is the only move that I didn't get at all at the time, and wish had never happenned.

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I give Ivey one more year in the league, but he might not even make the team. Duhon is clearly the better prospect.

Diaw is getting his last chance, but he might be out of the NBA after this year.

This is opinion at this point, but Iguodala was great last year. I'm certain Philadelphia would not trade him for Chillz.

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Diaw wasn't so bad a pick, the problem is that he was drafted for one thing only: to complement JT. If BK had been given the green light to scrap the team sooner, my guess is we'd have taken Howard.

Can we stop mentioning that unprofessional, worthless ex-Hawk that we tried unsuccessfully to build backcourts around?

I vote we just refer to him by "He Who Shall Not Be Named."

Has a certain Lovecraftian appeal, and He Who Shall Not Be Named always had sort of a amphibian quality to his appearance (I'd heard his head and neck area once described as being reminiscent of an "elderly turtle!")

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