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I am hopeful, but even in the event that the JJ deal goes through (man, I hope it does) - there is NO excuse for Belkin's absence, or for this apparent lack of communication.

Surely, he knew this was happening well in advance - he can't take a moment to sign the paperwork for this landmark deal?

If he doesn't approve of the deal, shouldn't that have nbeen discussed BEFORE we submitted the paperwork.

This is already just embarrassing and pathetic - if the JJ deal does fall apart, it is indeed a travesty.

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what's embarassing is people blowing this way way out of proportion.

Belkin is no different than any business man who has a variety of interests. Deals are always being made and they don't just sit around, life suspended, waiting for any one deal to be completed.

it's absurd that some people think that he should have just been sitting in a locked room waiting for somethign to sign that had no specific deadline or timeframe attached to it.

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Agreed. I am very edgy.

I would like to believe that this will all blow over, but I am extremely nervous when something looks like it could go wrong with a frachise for which just about everything has.

I will sleep easy when JJ is officially on the roster. Until then, my stomach will be tied in knots.

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There's nothing wrong with being edgy. But freaking out to the point that we have 40 differnet posts with people speculating why it's all going wrong and nobody is willing to believe that it's likely just not a big deal. It's business and business people don't usually sit around waiting for any one deal to happen. There are FAR MORE logical, normal reasons why it didn't get signed yesterday than there are negative ones speculating why it wont get signed at all.

It's like chicken little all over again. THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING! No, it's just rain. RAIN? PFFT. THE SKY IS FALLING!

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what's embarassing is people blowing this way way out of proportion.

Exactly. This is day 2 of the FA signing period. We don't know what's going on. From reports, this was always heavy talks expected to go through, not a done deal. If one of the owners is questioning whether we can get a better deal, it's fine. If it's a guy who just wants a couple more days to think it over, it's fine. If it's everyone but him saying "Let's DO IT!!" and him saying "OVER MY DEAD BODY", that's a huge problem. We don't know, so just relax. My money says JJ is a hawk by Friday

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At the least, this is probably the one of the most embarrassing moments in franchise History..

What are we saying as an organization?

We are saying that we don't have our stuff together.

Contrast the Hawks' changeover to the Falcons' changeover. The Falcons came in with Arthur Blank, he put some organization into the organization. He put McKey in place and Nobody remember the Smiths or the heartache that the Falcons had to endure. In fact, FAs want to play for the Falcons because they see Organization with a plan...

For whatever reason... ON the BIGGEST Day in NBA Calendar next to Draft Night... Belkin wants to put on a show and show everybody that he can piss the farthest...


Not only do we need to win as a team...

We also need to succeed as an organization. We have to show people that we are different than before..

However, with this mess today, I see no difference in our current structure and what we had with AOL/TW... At least with AOL/TW.. they didn't know what to do but they would do something. With our group, we know what to do, but we get 8 out of 9 owners saying yes and one guy holding his nuts saying I've got the biggest wallet and I will prove it!

It lacks CLASS...

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If the man had said, "I'm busy until friday morning.

Come friday, I'll be available to take care of this.

No. Didn't happen. Just doesn't bother to show up.

Doesn't tell anyone anything.

Like having a date with a pretty girl. You show up.

She's not there. She doesn't call. No one knows

where she is. You worry. You fret. What happened?

She's just "Not available at this time" leaves you

wondering where you stand.


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At the least, this is probably the one of the most embarrassing moments in franchise History..


If I was drinking milk when I read this it would have come shooting out of my nose. Taking a couple of days to finalize a deal in which we get one of the top 2 Free Agents in the league this summer is one of the most embarassing moments in a franchise that drafted John Koncak, won 13 games last year, failed on a money back guarantee in the playoffs, saw the JR Rider fiasco unfold etc etc etc...

And hitting a procedural snag while completing our best free agent signing in years and years is one of the most embarassing moments in franchise history? You are so far off it's retarded

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Contrast the Hawks' changeover to the Falcons' changeover. The Falcons came in with Arthur Blank, he put some organization into the organization. He put McKey in place and Nobody remember the Smiths or the heartache that the Falcons had to endure. In fact, FAs want to play for the Falcons because they see Organization with a plan.."

The Falcons should have kept Pearless Price out of the


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What are you... BK's butt parner?

You have actually bought into the procedural snag??

Let me ask you Buttman... How long have we been after JJ as a FA?? Us here on this board has known about it for almost a month... Are you saying we know more than the majority owner??

Secondly Buttman... If you were the owner of the team and it was FA signing day and you had the biggest deal in Franchise History (not just while you've been owner but in the History of the franchise) and you've known about our want for JJ for about a Month and you've known about the deal for maybe 4 days... WHY IN HELL Would there be a SNAG???

Hey I got some Beach front realty for you on Fair Street.. It's a beautiful location.. Right on the corner of MLK.. Are you interested?? Maybe I need BK to come and sell you on the deal??

This is embarrassing. It says we have a dysfunctional organization and a powerless GM!

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Like having a date with a pretty girl. You show up.

She's not there. She doesn't call. No one knows

where she is. You worry. You fret. What happened?

She's just "Not available at this time" leaves you

wondering where you stand.

Very true. It's the lack of information more than anything that's so frustrating and/or worrisome to some. What's going on? What's the holdup?

This lack of any hard info quite naturally leads to speculation and questions, and for the more pessimistic set it feeds into their fears and pessimism even more.

I'm not all that worried, but if we're gonna do it I'd just as soon stop farting around and get 'er done.

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a) This has nothing to do with BK, so I don't see how my saying this is no big deal yet has anything to do with my opinion of BK. I know you see the world in black and white with no in betweens, but BK and Belkin are in fact different people. This already was a success for BK, if this falls through, it is a failure of the ownership, not the GM.

b) You can keep coming with your 5 year old insults, they only make you look like the loud-mouthed ignoramus that you are, and bring down the overall quality of this board. As do many of your fantasy trades not even NBA Live would allow, and many of your other posts too. I would also suggest investing in a thesaurus or something, because insults like "buttman" don't cut it for grown men. Well mature ones at least. And if you want to handle this like grown men, I'll be at Philips for every home game, come find me.

c) Many deals get agreed upon, then take a little while to go through, or get tweaked before they make it through. Big Z isn't signed yet. Ray Allen isn't signed yet. It's early in day 2 of free agency. This could be a major problem, or it could be nothing. To throw a hissy fit like a little girl who has to finish her dinner before she can play with her new doll only makes you look foolish. In my opinion Belkin just doesn't want to give up 2 picks, will probably see if there's any way to get that done, and in the end will just give up and sign off. I think this is happenning because Phx said they couldn't keep JJ if he wanted to be here. Belkin is not going back on his word, there never was an agreement in principle. The whole time, this has been heavy talks that are expected to yield a deal. And that's still what I expect. Within days, JJ will be a hawk. I think Belkin should just get this done ASAP, but I am not the one handing over millions out of my pocket.

d) To suggest that hitting a snag during negotiations for getting a great player is even in the top 10 most embarassing moments of hawks franchise is completely absurd. If the deal falls through, then this might enter the discussion. But the fact that this huge deal was not done on day 1 is not in the 10 most embarassing moments of our last decade, much less franchise history. But I know you'll flip flop as soon as the deal get done and pretend this never happenned, so why bother arguing further.

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Our Ownership structure is a laughing stock and we are seeing the results of bad structure... IF this bad structure on display is not embarrassing to you, then you are either too dumb or too infatuated with BK's Mojo.. to understand the ramifications of this event...

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there are reports that:

-belkin won't sign off

-procedural snag

-JJ has cold feet

-JJ failed physical

I'm curious who your source is for knowing which one is in fact occuring while the rest of us know that it will take a while for the truth to come out

Also, I'll say it again and slowly,


One can like BK and hate our ownership. Too bad you got it twisted huh? As usual, your attempt to recover was mediocre at best

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b) You can keep coming with your 5 year old insults, they only make you look like the loud-mouthed ignoramus that you are, and bring down the overall quality of this board.

I'd add "homophobe" to the litany of sins. I'll admit to being a misofrancist (think misogynist, but with 'franco' as a root), but this is the 21st century. No room for the lame 'butt buddy' stuff.

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I look at it as being embarrassing in a more professional way...

We have had some down right silly stupid franchise moves..

But this one would be embarrassing because with NEW ownership... and with the biggest contract our franchise has ever drawn up.. we lose the biggest FA that we had ever persued because we get cold feet and ownership Cannot agree.

Playoff bound was a big risk and we got a lot of egg on our face for it..

However, this move would signal lots of things to FAs about our organization...

1. We are not about winning.

2. Our GM has no power.

3. Our Ownership has no organization.

We were supposed to come out as a united front, get the deal done, get our man, and make a strong statement to the NBA about our seriousness to win.

IN turn what have done is we have BLINK at this crucial moment in our franchise History.. and if it were just a small problem, it would have been fixed by Noon today... I smell a few days and more speculation...

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