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nobody here know what the hell is going on.. given that you can either:

1. Be patient and optimistic and accept that in business, especially million dollar business, snags come up all the time that have zero effect on the deal as a whole.

2. you can be impatient and pessimistic and assume that because the deal did not happen according to YOUR predetermined schedule, that it is a precursor to doom and that our management are idiots and they've embarassed the franchise.

We've read one sentence that mentions owners being in favor of the deal. But it never says "belkin is not in favor of the deal". NEVER. you can speculate and assume what was meant by the original sentence, but it is vague and there is no certainty to what it means.

So again, you can take #1 or #2 from above.

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2. you can be impatient and pessimistic and assume that because the deal did not happen according to YOUR predetermined schedule, that it is a precursor to doom and that our management are idiots and they've embarassed the franchise.

I'll take number 2, Alex. The Hawks interest in Joe Johnson didn't just happen Monday. Hawks Mgmt/Ownership has had plenty of time to discuss the different scenerios they might face in the acquisition of Johnson. This is unacceptable, and I do believe our Ownership (well one of them) is a bunch of bumbling idiots.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, my name's Diesel and I'm a dwarf calling a midget short.

what about the lead post on this thread when you asked 'were worth' a top two pick...then eagerly jumped to point out that that Pippen, Vince, Nique, etc. weren't picked top 2...but that wasn't what you asked in the first place...

thread went *crickets* for awhile...until you had a post you could 'properly' respond to.

If you're going to call it that way (on Lascar, which is fully your right) then be decent enough to say at least, 'ok, i mis-worded my question, here's what I meant to say...but you wont even grant that courtesy?

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What I'm saying is that there is nobody else held to the standard that I'm being held to.

When does everybody else get to be under the magnifying glass...

Or is it..

That nobody else has the balls to stand behind what they say?

So they gutlessly say things like cowards and when they are called on it... They hide like women?

The other day, we put a poll out... Men vs. Woman. I think it was 47 to 1.

Unfortunately, i think the only one man enough to be a man on this board is ME!

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I don't think I was wrong on my main point. Obviously what Diesel was guessing turned out to be exactly right (and I credited him for it at the time), but my only point when news first broke was that we didn't know yet and should wait for the facts. The fact that your guess was 100% correct doesn't make me wrong for saying to wait for the facts. Look at what I was saying:


From reports, this was always heavy talks expected to go through, not a done deal. If one of the owners is questioning whether we can get a better deal, it's fine. If it's a guy who just wants a couple more days to think it over, it's fine.
If it's everyone but him saying "Let's DO IT!!" and him saying "OVER MY DEAD BODY", that's a huge problem. We don't know, so just relax.
My money says JJ is a hawk by Friday

My guess that it would go through in a week was dead wrong, but my point that we didn't know enough yet wasn't.

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The other day, we put a poll out... Men vs. Woman. I think it was 47 to 1.

Unfortunately, i think the only one man enough to be a man on this board is ME!

Oh please. Most people on this board (myself included) will freely admit when they are wrong and move on. You get proven 100% wrong on a regular basis and completely refuse to acknowledge it by either going in circular arguments, trying to change the subject, resorting to personal attacks, or flat out ignoring it. That is not being a man. Being a man is also not having to pat yourself on the back 24/7 and practically begging others to do the same.

I acknowledged that you guessed right on this in another thread right after the truth came out. I have no problem with admitting that I'm wrong when I am.

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even if your 'I'm not held to the same standard' rant, you still failed to acknowledge that you 'made a mistake' or that your original post (on this thread) was 'shown' to have a hole in it (as you said worthy of a top two pick, not was a top two pick).

even now...you do exactly what you cite others as doing...changing to subject, sliding by the original issue, or waiting till someone posts something you can refute to resume the thread.

that's not a magnifying glass, that's calling a spade a spade. you call it regularly but rarely do you say, well, you're right, I made a mistake there.

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