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Which post of josh_smith_fan_1 is the worst?


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After reading that last stupid post, it got me to thinking, which of his "enlightening" posts is the worst of the worst.

And now, the nominees:

If anyone has the balls...


call up this number


This is the number of the Hawks corporate offices in Centennial Towers.

Demand to speak to Belkin, BK, Nique, Gearon, Seydel, some damn body, and ask them what is going on.

This is their fax


give your hate mail, your comments, suggestions, whatever

I really want to, but something tells me they are in the middle of something important right now.

Like trying to talk BK out of pulling the trigger. I don't know something.

Just an opinion.

If you're really crazy here is their adress

Centennial Tower

101 Marietta St. NW

Suite 1900

Atlanta, GA 30303

Walk in the building and start just f ucking screaming and yelling. Break some windows, throw some chairs, and tell Belkin he better sign that damn paper if he knows whats good for him.

oh yeah, I think this is Belkin's e-mail


I sent 2 already, and I haven't gotten the error message yet.

If anyone actually does do this, don't be a b*tch about it and tell the police I influenced you.

I don't think anyone would even send an e-mail anyway.

The Players Better Start Making Some Noise!!!!!!!!


This is the biggest catastrophe, I've seen in a very long time.

We after a decade of misery in FACY, finally get a big name free agent to agree to coming to the Hawks and our owner stands in the way of letting this happen.

If I was a Hawks player and we were about to get rid of one of the biggest under-acheivers we've ever seen, and gain poor man's magic johnson, but with a better shot, and the owner wouldn't sign it.

Man I would tell him I ain't reporting to $hit until you do.

All the players have to do it though, or else it loses some of its force.

What we can do is send hate mail to this guy for the rest of the year even if it does go through, and if it doesn't not attend a Hawks game for the rest of the year.

It seems the only way we can hurt Belkin is through his wallet.

BK is the dumbest fukc I've ever seen.


With the likes of Andray Blatche, Roko-Leni-Ukic, CJ Miles, Martynas, and Chris Taft, Amir Johnson who all make matchup problems, he decides to take the sg, who has a bad attitude, and is 6 fukcing foot 1.

He preaches all year about versatility, and matchup problems, and when it is finally time to show what you are made of you pick the hot head whose coach asked him to transfer.

Then when you have the likes of John Gilchrist, Lucas Tischer, Randolph Morris, Dwayne Jones, and Kennedy Winston, you take the pg whose name is harder to pronounce than Martynas.

God please let us get Morris, Gilchrist, and Luckett on our summer league. This $hit right here is the worst drafting I've seen in the 2nd round in a very long time.

I was the one who kept saying man we should really be working out more people, but no one took me seriously. Look at the biggest names we've worked out who were probable 2nd rounders.

David Lee

B.J. Elder

Will Bynum

Sharrod Ford

Lucas Tischer

Aaron Miles

Dwayne Jones

Now how the fukc are we going to be able to select anyone decent if the best player we worked out is David Lee. Let's remember who was the last guy we drafted that we didn't work out? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

It was Diaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BK needs to be fired because he sat on his fat @ss and didn't do $hit to workout more than 3 decent 2nd rounders. We didn't get a big man, we didn't get our pg(salim is a short tony delk with a better shot, not even on luther head's level as a pg), we didn't get anything but Marvin Williams who no matter what BK's sorry @ss has to say about being a basketball player. Everyone is telling him we could use a pg and a big man, yet we decide not to listen. He is so confident in his drafting abilities he doesn't listen to anyone else's opinion.

Give Nique the job, at least he can attract free agents.

Marty A. or Yi Jinlian for #1


After reading up on hoopshype.com I am fully sure that we will draft Martynas or Yi. Let's look at what will happen, not what we want to happen. Let's be real we all know we wanted Deng. This year we all know we want Bougut. Billy is looking to play tall ball. That is the main reason he drafted Diaw, since once again, we all wanted Josh Howard. He wants us to have more power at every position. Not only power but size, and his personal favorite, athletic ability. Yi is already being posted as the next Jermaine Oneal at 7-1, and Marty is becoming a "euro shaq." We can whine and give all the best reasons why we should draft Bogut or Paul, but in the end we all know BK doesn't go through the paved road. He takes the back woods. Sure it is a painful trip, but you end up getting where you need to go faster then if taking the paved road. BK drafts potential, not talent. Hopefully all of this potential will add up to something one day.

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I mean I have to go down in hawksquawk's history, as the most remembered.

I mean how could you forget me?

I would have to thank my fan club of Lascar and Dolfan, because without yall this wouldn't be possible.

Especially Dolfan, he always seems to find the time out of his day to congratulate me on how much of an influence I have on his daily activities.

I am going to come up with more crazy sh*t for you the fans.

Right after I find out Belkin's adress.

Who's up for egging?



What am I asking yall for, it takes a real man to get the job done.

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Hahaha. They're all pretty out there, but I'd have to say post #1 is the winner as far as sheer nuttiness goes.


and tell Belkin he better sign that damn paper if he knows whats good for him.

You actually have to be really careful saying stuff like that in the post 9/11 world. That could be deemed as making a terroristic threat over the internet, and that's a federal offense with a long, long jail term underneath the Patriot Act. It's happened before where people have been charged for making threats or attempting to incite terror over the Net, whether they were serious about it or not. It's just not something you wanna mess around with IMO.

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Wow, those are really bad..lol, I'll vote for #4 for sure though. I usually just notice who started or followed up on a thread before I decide to read it unless I'm just bored and looking for anything to read so I had missed a few of those. I thought the one about Atlanta having the best offense next year would have been in there but after reading those I can see why it's not. I just hope Josh Smith never comes here or he may ask the dude to quit using his name..lol. Not that I'm trying to discourage free speech, keep them coming JSF1!!!

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